Shipment Management

Creating Debriefs

The Shipment Stops page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Stops. On this page, scroll to the Planned section and click Confirm This Ship Unit. Also, on the Shipment Stops page, you may click Add Confirmation for Non-planned Shipment in order to access this page.

Use the Debriefs (Actual) section of this page to record the debrief details for a ship unit or stop, depending on the access link you clicked on the previous page. In either case, the top section of the page shows summary data for the ship unit. If you are creating a stop debrief, no data appears. However, you need to record the activity for the stop if you are adding confirmation for a non-planned shipment.

Use the next set of fields to record the details of what has been collected by entering the appropriate counts and packaging information. You can also identify an item and choose a nonconformance reason code.

The Match Type field is for information only. You may want to use this field in conjunction with workflows.

Confirm all Ship Units on a Stop

You can also use the Confirm all Ship Units on a Stop action to automatically create a separate debrief for every ship unit using the planned values.

Related Topics

Shipment Stops Manager