Shipment Management

Shipment Stops Manager

The Shipment Stops page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Stops.

This page lets you review shipment stop information and record debriefs for an entire stop or individual debriefs for each ship unit on a stop. A debrief represents what was actually collected at each stop and can be different than what was planned.

You can also quickly record appointment times using this manager.

Stop Details

The top section of this page displays the standard stop information that appears in the Shipment Manager.

The External Sequence Number is assigned to the shipment stop by the external system. It is usually populated via integration. Sometimes an external system artificially inserts stops numbers, in which case , they are stored here. This does not appear on the Shipment Manager.

If the stop you are defining is a stop for which the driver will not be paid, select the Driver Non-payable option.

You can edit most of this data. The changes will be reflected in the Shipment Manager.

Planned Ship Units

The Planned section lists each ship unit and corresponding data such as the original order, specific counts, and packaging information. The number of ship units that appear in this list depends on the number of items within each ship unit. For example, if one ship unit has 5 items, then five ship unit records appear in this list. When you create a debrief for each ship unit, an item appears that you can either accept and record other debrief details or change the item and continue.


The Debriefs section lists any debrief created for a ship unit with similar data as the Planned section.

You can create a debrief for any ship unit that appears by clicking the corresponding Confirm this Ship Unit button. Alternatively, you can create a debrief for entire stop using the Add Confirmation for Non-Planned Ship Unit button. In either case, the debrief will be listed in the Debriefs (actuals) section of the page.

Debrief data can be sent to external systems via the Shipment XML interface which includes all shipment data or you can send just debrief data using the ShipStop interface.

Debrief Workspace

This workspace provides an additional page to record debrief details such as fuel used, odometer readings, driver name, and so on.

Note: This workspace is not included on any menu by default but you can add it to any menu using the Menu Manager.

Drive Pickup Sheet

A sample Drive Pickup Sheet report is provided to capture planned load information as well as actuals load information from the debriefs.

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