Shipment Management

Shipment Stop Details

The Stops tab on the Shipment Manager page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. On the Stops tab, select New Stop.

The stops are the locations where transportation related activity occurs. Define the location, what type of activity occurs there, and when it happens. In addition, you can define the ship units and line items being carried on the shipment, which are associated with the stop.

Note: A shipment must have at least one pickup and one delivery location.

Adding Shipment Stop Information

Use the Shipment Stop Information section to define a location's role and arrival and departure times. The shipment stops can be associated with the particular line items or ship units being picked up and delivered.

  1. Enter the number for the stop in the Stop Number field. The stop number defines the order in which stops occur.
  2. Select a Location ID to define the geographic location where the shipment activity occurs.
  3. Select a Location Role ID that defines the type of activity that occurs at the location.

    Note: There are three sets of times for each shipment stop: Planned, Estimated and Actual arrival/departure time. From the moment a shipment is created, until a tender response is received, the Planned and Estimated times should be the same and re-driving a shipment as a result of a date change updates both. After a tender response is received, the Planned times are fixed and incoming status events and/or shipment updates do not update the planned times. When a shipment is created, Oracle Transportation Management automatically assigns Planned and Estimated shipment stop arrival/departure times and determines the stop sequence if the shipment is created from an order during planning. If the shipment is created as a (manual) Shipment as Work, these arrival/departure times must be entered manually.

  4. If desired, enter a Rate Service ID to indicate how transit times are calculated by Oracle Transportation Management.
  5. If desired, enter a Rate Distance ID to calculate distance from current shipment stop to next stop.
  6. Enter a Rail Route Code ID.
  7. Select the Arbitrary Type from the drop-down list to manually specify the arbitrary type for SAWs (Shipment as Work) and manually entered shipments.
  8. Select a Stop Type.
  9. You can enter a Voyage ID if relevant.
  10. The Planned Arrival/Departure Times (also referred to as the scheduled time) represents the date/time agreed upon by the planner and the service provider. This time is the basis for comparison to the actual arrival times as data for the scorecard report. The planned time is fixed at the time a tender response is received for a shipment and can only be changed by a planner or dispatch manager.
  11. The Estimated Arrival/Departure Time represents the up-to-the-minute time and takes into account estimated updates of arrival and departure. This time can be changed by the carrier or load planner and should incorporate any known delays. It represents when a shipment stop is expected to arrive and depart from a location. This time is automatically populated when the Planned Arrival/Departure Time is entered or calculated during shipment planning.
  12. The Fixed Arrival/Departure check box can be used to force Oracle Transportation Management to maintain the Planned and Estimated arrival/departure time for a stop. If you enter an Arrival or Departure time and select this check box, Oracle Transportation Management does not change these times that could result from re-drive calculations or other workflow or planning actions. This check box acts as a constraint to enforce the time that you enter. For example, if the normal transit time from stop one to stop two is two hours and the driver leaves stop 1 at 8:00 a.m., the calculated arrival time to stop two is 10:00 a.m. However, if you mark the Fixed Arrival check box and set arrival time to 9:00 a.m. at stop 2, Oracle Transportation Management respects this constraint and sets arrival time at stop 2 to 9:00 a.m., even though the calculated time is 10:00 a.m.
  13. The Actual Arrival/Departure Time is the time that the shipment actually arrives/departs the location and is used in reporting to compare actual times to planned times as a "scorecard" of service provider performance.

    Note: The Planned, Estimated, and Actual Arrival/Departure times should only be changed by recording shipment events and/ or tracking event agent actions. This will re-drive a shipment depending on shipment status. Adding a shipment event will update both the Actual Departure Time and the Actual Arrival Time.

  14. Appointment Pickup/Delivery dates/times represent the appointment date/time that a service provider arranges for pickup and delivery as opposed to the Oracle Transportation Management-planned pickup and delivery dates/times. Appointments can be entered manually on a shipment (by editing a shipment stop), applied via XML integration, entered on the order base or release that was used to create this shipment, or supplied through shipment events provided by the service provider.

    Note: When an Appointment Pickup/Delivery is populated, this will be used as the arrival time at that stop, and therefore, could impact the estimated departure time for the stop as well as all the estimated times on downstream stops and shipments.

  15. The Appointment Window Start/End fields allow you to specify appointment window times not just stop times. These fields can be used for passing information from a third party system. They do not pertain to dock scheduling.
  16. Appointment Stop Duration field refers to the activity time at the stop. This is only populated when partial appointments are scheduled. This time is calculated based on duration from the earliest start time of all partial appointments and the latest end of all the partial appointment by adding to the total fixed time at the stop. This will override any other activity time that would normally be calculated for the stop.
  17. The Wait Time field defines the amount of time a shipment must remain at a stop without shipment activity occurring. Wait time is determined based on the rate service for the shipment. Appointments can also influence wait time as can the "Weekend Restriction" parameter if using HERE external distance engine. Note if using HERE, the wait time may occur prior to arriving at the stop.
  18. The Rest Time field includes any rest that occurred since leaving the last stop. Rest time is determined based on the rate service. If using the "Rest Times "parameter with HERE external distance engine, this may be updated.
  19. The Transit Time field defines the amount of time it takes to travel to the current stop. The transit time is determined based on the rate service. It does not include rest time when the rest time is from OTM HOS rules. However, if using HERE for rest times or wait times, then the transit time will include the rest time and/or wait time.
  20. The Accessorial Time field defines the amount of time spent performing work on items in the shipment at this stop. For example, in the automotive industry, it is common for work to be done at certain stops. This field defines the amount of time to do that work.
  21. The Activity Time field defines the amount of time spent performing shipment related activity at the current stop, such as, loading or unloading freight. Activity time is determined based on the rate service.
  22. The Distance from Previous Stop field defines the distance from the last shipment stop to the current one. Distance is determined based on the rate service or the itinerary lane. You can edit this field if you select the Fixed Distance check box. The value you enter overrides the value calculated during rating and planning. Distance values manually entered on the Stop tab are superceded by values manually entered in the Total Distance field on the Identification tab. You should only manually override the distance if the shipment has been completed and you are recording the actual mileage for the shipment.
  23. Select the Fixed Distance check box if you want to edit the Distance from Previous Stop field.
  24. Enter time for Rush Hour Delay. This indicates the total delay incurred as a result of rush hour from previous stop to this stop.
  25. The Permanent check box can be used to identify the stops that you do not want deleted when shipment updates are sent into Oracle Transportation Management via integration. If you mark a stop as permanent and a shipment update occurs via the Planned Shipment interface (INS) with a Transaction Code of RC (Replace Children), any stop marked as permanent will be left as is. If you use the IU transaction code on the INS interface, all stops are updated regardless of the Permanent setting.
  26. The Depot check box indicates that this is a depot stop with no activity.
  27. If this shipment was built using a Dynamic or Static Ground Schedule, the Stop Requirement Type displays whether this stop is mandatory or optional.
  28. The Repetition Schedule Stop Number is view only. It is used if there is a ground schedule with a schedule type of static or dynamic.
  29. The Mother Vessel check box indicates if the details of this stop can be consider as mother vessel. The “Mother Vessel” name and identification is populated on the shipment header and used on documentation. This is only used by the Tracking Location Route Template.
  30. If the stop you are defining is a stop for which the driver will not be paid, select the Driver Non-Payable option.
  31. The Distance Type is the method that the systems uses to lookup the distance: Lookup, Lookup Else Estimate, or Estimate.
  32. The Slack Variance (Minutes) field compares estimated stop time to the latest possible stop time to determine "slack". Slack is if the driver running early or late. Slack variance can be positive meaning tracking early; i.e. has 60 minutes of slack. Slack can also be negative meaning the driver is tracking late. This field is read-only and is populated by running the Recalculate Shipment Stop Times agent action.

Running Information

This section shows the calculated values that are passed to the EDE. The Truck Type must be defined in the Equipment Group for these values to be calculated.

Equipment Tare Weight is considered only if the pick up stop number is available on the Equipment tab. If the stop number is null in the Equipment tab also the tare weight will considered at the pick up stop.

The following information is available:

  • The Running Weight, Running Length, Running Width and Running Height fields show the total weight, length, width and height  respectively from the current stop to the next stop.
  • The Out of Gauge (Left), (Right), (Forward) and (Rear) fields show the left width wise out of gauge, right width wise out of gauge, forward width wise out of gauge and rear width wise out of gauge details.


Use this section to enter remarks for the stop.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to enter any reference numbers associated with this stop.

Involved Parties

Use this section to assign involved parties to the stop.


This section is populated by the Perform Prediction action.

Ship Unit Detail

Each ship unit on the stop is listed in this section of the page with various details such as the Ship Unit ID, commodity information, activity code, count, weight, volume, and Dwell Time. You can edit or remove any ship unit that appears. The Activity Time is based on the variable time to pickup or drop off this shipment ship unit. 

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