Shipment Management

View Related Capacity Commitments

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > SmartLinks > View Related Capacity Commitments.

Use this SmartLink to find all commitment counts or allocations associated with the lane of the shipment. It must match the following criteria:

  • The x-lane of SHIPMENT-centric commitments should cover the source and destination of the shipment.
  • The x-lane of ORDER-centric commitments should cover the source and destination of the first order on the shipment.
  • Shipment start times must fall within the effective date and expiration date of commitment.
  • Allocation group ID must also match.
  • The below filters are added with the existing filters in order to display the relevant commitment allocation records.
    Those are: 1) Equipment Reference Unit Gid, 2) Equipment Group Gid, 3) Shipment Weight Range, and 4) Ship Unit Count. 
    If the value of any above filter is null, then the filter will not be added.

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