Shipment Management

View Related Shipments

Related shipments contain the same order base, order release, or are part of the same continuous move. The related shipments are listed in a results table based on arrival and departure times from the earliest shipment to the last. Information that identifies each shipment displays. Select a shipment to view additional details or to perform actions on the shipment. For example, view the details of a shipment to check the shipment status and determine whether it is delayed.

You can act on related shipments from the Buy Shipments Results page and Sell Shipments Results page via Actions > Shipment Management > View > Related Shipments.

Order Release

You can view shipments together that are carrying the same order release. An order release is carried on more than one shipment because it must use multiple modes of transport to go from its source to its destination, or because it is being planned with other order releases.

Also, you can view order releases that are planned from the same order base.

Continuous Move

Continuous moves link two or more shipments that are travelling in a related geographic area using the same service provider. View the shipments from the same continuous move together to help correct problems that may occur during a continuous move tour. For example, if a shipment is running late, you can unassign it from the continuous move.

Viewing Related Shipments:

  1. Search for the shipment you want based on the Order Release ID.
  2. In the results table, select the shipments you want.
  3. Select View Related Shipments from the Go actions drop-down list.
  4. Select Continuous Move to view a continuous move.
  5. Select Freight to view shipments related by an order release.
  6. Click Go.

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