Shipment Management

View Shipment Stop Infeasible Orders

Use this SmartLink to display if the shipment stops fit the order's time window. This is available from Sell Shipments SmartLinks.

Choosing this SmartLink opens a window which includes the following:

  • The shipment stops of the selected shipments.
  • Each stop that has one or more ship units that are infeasible will be marked with a broken hourglass.
    • Each ship unit on a stop that is infeasible will be designated with a broken hourglass. The infeasibility of a ship unit is determined by comparing each order's time window against the stop's time window as follows:
      • If the activity is a Pickup, the system confirms that the stop's planned arrival time is within the order's early/late pickup window.
      • If the activity is a Drop Off, the system confirms that the stop's planned departure time is within the order's early/late delivery window.
  • For each order release the system displays the early/late pickup/ dropoff times.
  • If an order release has an order movement for this ship unit and shipment, then the system displays the order movement and early/late pickup/drop-off times for the order movement.

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