
Copy Bid

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid > Actions > Copy Bid.

You can copy an existing bid, modify it if necessary, and assign it to another bid round.

Copying a Bid

  1. When you select the Copy Bid action, the Bid manager opens.
  2. In the Bid ID field, enter an ID for the new bid or let Oracle Transportation Sourcing generate a new bid ID automatically.
  3. Select a Bid Round ID to which you want to assign the copied bid.

    By default, the bid round ID of the bid you are copying is entered into the Bid Round ID field. Change this only if you want this new bid to be part of a different bid round.
  4. Click Lane Detail to open the Lane Details tab.

    Note: You can have two bids on the same lane if you vary either the minimum count of loads, maximum count of loads, bid package ID, service provider ID, or equipment group ID.

    Note: If yes is selected for the Restrict to Prior Bid Round Service Providers option on the project and if the selected service provider only bid on some lanes in the prior bid round, then you will only see those lanes if you click f or l.

  5. Click Bid Detail to open the Bid Detail tab.
  6. Make any necessary changes in the fields that can be edited. The majority of the information on this tab is automatically populated based on the bid round ID specified previously. However, you must enter the following:
  7. Click Finished.

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