
Bid Manager: Bid Detail

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid. Then, click Bid Details.

The majority of the information on this tab is read-only and is populated based on the bid round and lane IDs entered on the Bid Header and Lane Details tabs.

The Bid Detail tab is divided into the following sections:

Lane Information

Shows the information for the lane being bid on. This includes source description and destination description. This is the description of the lane specified on the Lane Detail tab. You cannot enter any information in this section.

Shipment Statistics

Shipment statistics help service providers (carriers) understand what they are bidding on. The statistics displayed vary depending on the shipment type. These statistics are automatically pulled from the lane summary in which the lane ID specified on the Lane Details tab is included. You cannot enter any information in this section.

TL Shipments

For TL shipments, you can see the following information:

  • Total
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Average
  • Median
  • Standard Deviation

LTL Shipments

For LTL shipments, there is a separate row for each NMFC code. You can see the following for each NMFC class ID:

  • NMFC Class ID and Rated NMFC
  • Average Weight and Total Weight based on the time period
  • Percentage of Shipment Count
  • You can also see Total Shipments, Minimum Shipments, Maximum Shipments and Average Shipments. Shipments may be very consistent month to month, so minimum, maximum and average would be similar or the same. However, if shipments fluctuate, maybe summer and Christmas are high volume, winter is slow, the minimum and maximum may be very different.

Ocean Shipments

For ocean shipments, there is a separate row for each equipment group ID. You can see the following for each row:

  • Source arbitrary information which includes:
    • Source Arbitrary Location Group ID
    • Source Arbitrary Lane ID
    • Source Arbitrary Source Region ID
    • Source Arbitrary Destination Region ID
  • Destination Arbitrary information which includes:
    • Destination Arbitrary Location Group ID
    • Destination Arbitrary Lane ID
    • Destination Arbitrary Source Region ID
    • Destination Arbitrary Destination Region ID
  • Miscellaneous fields:
    • Total
    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • Average
    • Median
    • Standard Deviation

Bid Information

The information displayed in this section varies depending on the shipment type of the lane summary included in the project to which this bid is associated. The project is specified on the bid round that you selected on the Bid Header tab.

  1. Select an Equipment Group ID. This drop-down list only appears for TL and Ocean shipments.
  2. Enter a Transport Mode ID. This field only appears for TL and Ocean shipments.
  3. Enter the Transit Time for the bid. This field is available for all transport modes supported by Oracle Transportation Sourcing.
  4. Enter the Number of Pickup Days per Week. This field is available for all transport modes supported by Oracle Transportation Sourcing.

    This allows you to see how often a service provider performs pickups or how often they sail. One service provider may have one sailing a week and another may have five. The one with five sailings may be a little more expensive, but you may prefer that one rather than possibly losing several days waiting for the next sailing. If sailings are once every other week, every 14 days, you would enter .5.
  5. Enter the Bid Package ID. This field is available for all transport modes supported by Oracle Transportation Sourcing.
  6. Specify the Minimum and Maximum Count of Loads. These fields only appear for TL and Ocean shipments.

    Note: These field labels vary depending on the Define Carrier Capacity option selected on the Project Details page. If you selected, Shipment Count you see the labels shown above. If you selected Shipment Percentage, these fields are renamed Minimum and Maximum Percentage of Loads.

  7. Computed Cost is automatically determined by Oracle Transportation Sourcing using a query to the Oracle Transportation Management rating engine. The computed cost is the cost for one shipment using the amounts specified on the bid and it is available for all transport modes supported by Oracle Transportation Sourcing. The computed cost is used by the solver in coming up with the optimal bid based on the rules specified in the rule set.

    Note: Computed Cost for LTL is the total cost for all shipments included on the lane summary for this bid.

A computed cost is required for the Commit and Commit Bids in Bid Round actions. Bids with a blank (null) computed cost cannot be committed and hence not awarded. Here are some reasons that the computed cost might be blank:

    • Oracle Transportation Management rating engine returned no cost.
    • Compute cost process for that bid is still in-progress.
    • Compute cost is blank because the updated computed cost is higher than the computed cost on the previous bid and parameter ALLOW HIGHER BID is set to 0 (for no).
  1. The Awarded Rate Record ID is displayed once the Build Rates action is complete. This is the rate record created by the Build Rates action.

Arbitrary Details

This section only displays if the shipment type of the lane summary included in the project to which this bid is associated is Ocean.

Use this section to define arbitrary details.

  1. Select a lane from the Source Arbitrary Lane ID drop-down list.
  2. Select an ID from the Source Arbitrary Source Region ID drop-down list.
  3. Select an ID from the Source Arbitrary Destination Region ID drop-down list.
  4. Select a lane from the Destination Arbitrary Lane ID drop-down list.
  5. Select an ID from the Destination Arbitrary Source Region ID drop-down list.
  6. Select an ID from the Destination Arbitrary Destination Region ID drop-down list.

Non Biddable Rate Attributes

This section lists all of the rate attributes which are visible to the carrier, but on which they cannot bid.

Any attributes listed in this section cannot be changed. The attributes listed in this section are automatically populated by Oracle Transportation Sourcing based on the CRT configuration associated with the bid round ID specified on the Bid Header tab.

Non biddable rate attributes are any costs configured on the CRT configuration which have the Selected check box selected and the Biddable check box deselected.

For each non biddable rate attribute with a Display Name listed, you see the following:

  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Unit
  • UOM
  • Discount

Biddable Rate Attributes

Biddable rate attributes are any costs specified in the CRT configuration for which the carrier can submit bids. Biddable rate attributes are any costs configured on the CRT configuration which have both the Selected and the Biddable check boxes selected. The attributes listed in this section are automatically populated by Oracle Transportation Sourcing based on the CRT configuration and the rate record template associated with this bid round.

Adding a Cost for a Biddable Rate Attribute

  1. Click edit (pencil) to the far right of the grid for an attribute.
  2. Enter one or more of the following:
    • Amount
    • Currency
    • Unit
    • UOM
    • Discount

Note: You can only enter data in the fields that are applicable for the selected attribute. For attributes such as base cost and accessorials, you can enter an amount and currency. But, for the attribute of discount you can only enter data into the discount field.

  1. Click Save to the far right of grid.
  2. Repeat steps 1-3 for each biddable rate attribute listed in the grid.


  1. Select a qualifier ID from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list
  2. Enter any desired text in the Remarks Text field.
  3. Click Save. Repeat steps 1-3 as necessary to add additional remarks.
  4. Click Finished.

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