
CRT Configuration: Header

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Setup > CRT Configuration.

The CRT configuration defines how sourcing costs are presented to the carriers in the carrier response template or CRT.

The first step in creating a CRT is to create the CRT configuration. Prior to creating a CRT configuration, you should have created a rate record template. Once a rate record template is specified on a CRT configuration, the rate record template cannot be edited.

The CRT configuration allows you to specify how you want both the rate attributes and the bid attributes to appear in the bid document that is sent to the carriers. A CRT configuration ID is necessary for the generation of the carrier response template.

Note: You cannot make changes to the CRT configuration once it is assigned to a bid round.

Note: Once bids are uploaded for a bid round, you cannot remove the specified CRT Configuration ID from the bid round.

Adding a CRT Configuration

  1. Enter a CRT Configuration ID.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description.
  3. Enter a Rate Record Template ID. This is the rate record template that you created to capture all cost components to be bid on in the carrier response template. When you view the CRT Configuration Details page, the Lane Attributes and Rate Attributes sections are populated based on information pulled from this rate record template.

Note: A single rate record template may be associated to more than one CRT configuration which could potentially cause a mismatch between the rate record template and one of the CRT configurations. As a result, when you click Finished to save the CRT configuration, you will no longer be able to make any changes to the assigned rate record template.

Note: The rate record template specified on this CRT configuration ID must match the rate record template specified on the project Oracle Transportation Sourcing performs a check when the bid round is saved.

  1. Select the domain for this CRT configuration from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  2. Click CRT Configuration Details to view the rate and lane attributes.

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