
Geo Hierarchy Profile

Oracle Transportation Sourcing shipments can cover a wide variety of lanes which can be grouped into geography hierarchies. For a particular sourcing project, you typically standardize the demand into a preferred geo-hierarchy. You create a Geo Hierarchy Profile to rank those Geographic Hierarchies.

The Geo Hierarchy Profile ID is used to specify how lanes are populated as part of the bidding process. The geo hierarchy profile ID can be specified on the Shipment Set Criteria. The Build Shipment Set action then uses the geo hierarchy profile ID to determine which lane to assign to a shipment.

Creating a Geo Hierarchy Profile

  1. At Sourcing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria, select the Shipment Set to which you wish to add a new Geo Hierarchy Profile and then click Edit.
  2. On the Shipment Set Criteria window, click New beside the Desired Geo Hierarchy Profile ID field to open the Geo Hierarchy Profile page.
  3. Enter a name for the new profile in the Geo Hierarchy Profile ID window.
  4. Enter source and destination geo hierarchy ID's in the Source/Destination GEO Hierarchy ID fields.
  5. Enter rank information in the Rank field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. You can add as many Source/Destination GEO Hierarchy IDs as you require. Be sure to click Save after each pair is entered.
  8. Click Finished to save the new geo hierarchy profile.

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