Configuration and Administration

glog.agent Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




The order date can be configured by setting the value of this property. The order date options are:

  • SYSTEM - Current Time

The default is EARLY_PICKUP_DATE.

glog.agent.action.publishWait.doNotInterrupt.<OMD agent action class name>


This property allows a user to wait for the completion of all back-end processes when submitting user interface (UI) changes made to multiple business objects. In addition, the back-end processes run in a single thread.

For example, if there is an OMD agent listening for order release changes events from UI and a user submits changes to 2 releases in a single edit session, the agent run triggered by changes to the second order release does not begin until the agent run for the first release is complete. In addition, the user will not see the result page until the two agent runs are complete.

This is applicable only to the OMD feature in which changes to order bases or order releases are handled by an OMD agent.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. This must be added manually.



If set to true (the default), agents are automatically corrected when loaded. The exception log will show the problematic actions and they are automatically deleted out of the agent.



Set to false to see every duplicate record error when copying reference numbers.

Default: true.



The default logging for agents that do not explicitly set their logging in AGENT.LOG_LEVEL.

    NONE = no agent logging is performed.

    AGENT = agent activity is logged.

    ACTIONS = agent and agent action activity is logged.

See Configuring Agent Logging and Statistics for more information on using this.



The default statistics collection for agents that do not explicitly set their statistics collection in AGENT.STATS_LEVEL.

   NONE = no agent statistics are collected.

   AGENT = agent statistics are collected.

   ACTIONS = agent and agent action statistics are collected.

See Configuring Agent Logging and Statistics for more information on using this.



Controls Data Type Association lock behavior. It defaults to true.

Works in conjunction with glog.objectLock.locks.activity.FOR. If glog.objectLock.locks.activity.FOR and glog.agent.dta.lockParent are both set to false, the parent locks are suppressed.



This property controls whether the order base "Edit Shipment" agent action (primarily utilized in OMD - Order Release) updates the shipments using the mediator. Using the mediator ensures that the same shipment is not being edited simultaneously by different instances of the action. The default is true.

Note: This should not be changed unless directed by development or support.

See also glog.agent.order.mediateOMDPropagateChanges.



When this property is true, related order movements and shipments will be locked using mediator before invoking Order Release - Mod - Propagate Changes. The default is false.

There is also locking of related order movements in addition to related shipments in Order Release - Mod - Edit Shipment when the property glog.server.order.mediateEditShipment is 'True'.



This property controls whether the order base "Edit Shipment" agent action (primarily utilized in OMD - Order Base) updates the shipments using the mediator. Using the mediator ensures that the same shipment is not being edited simultaneously by different instances of the action. The default is true.

Note: This should not be changed unless directed by development or support.



True will turn the mediator on. If the property is not set, the default is true. When the property is true, if another process is using the OB related OrderRelease, and ReRelease is triggered too, ReRelease will wait for the first process to finish and then continue to run.



This property controls how the is_shippable flag is set for an order base ship unit/line item, when importing orders via integration. The flag determines whether a particular ship unit/line item gets released. This property affects the following order base agent actions:

  • Full Impact
  • Re-release
  • Future Processing
  • Edit Shipment

Valid values for the property are:

  • PreviouslyReleased - this will re-release previously released order base ship unit/line items as a whole
  • All - this will re-release all order base ship unit/line items under this order base
  • None - nothing is released
  • ReReleaseInstruction - this will re-release only the previous release instructions

Here is a summary of how the flag is_shippable on ship unit/line is set.

When an order base is received via integration, the flag is_shippable is set using value of the IsShippable field in the XML file. If it is not specified in the XML file, the value defaults to 'N', i.e. not shippable.

The value can be modified when the order base is processed by one of the four agent actions mentioned above:

  1. Action Future Processing always sets the flag to 'N', not shippable, for all the lines or ship units. This prevents any of the lines or ship unit from being accidentally released from the UI.
  2. Actions Full Impact, Re-release and Edit Shipment modify the flag using one the following rules. Only one rule, chosen in the listed order, is used.
    1. if a line or ship unit is on a protected release, i.e. a release not removed by the agent action, set the flag to 'N', not shippable.
    2. if a line or ship unit is previously released and the old release is removed by the agent action, set the flag to 'Y', shippable, if the value of glog.agent.orderbase.shippableFlagResetOption is "PreviouslyReleased".
    3. if the value of glog.agent.orderbase.shippableFlagResetOption is "All", set all lines or ship units to 'Y', shippable.

Since rule a has precedence over rule c, lines or ship units on protected release always have the flag set to 'N'. If none of the rules a, b or c applies to a line or ship unit, the original value provided in the XML file remains.



A special group of threads in Oracle Transportation Management serves the agents triggered by pre-persistence events generated from the UI. Typically the agents perform planning actions in response to UI changes to order bases or order releases. The property sets the number of threads in the thread group.

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