Configuration and Administration

glog.explanation Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

Explanation is a feature that builds a hierarchical tree of activities for a given process. It is more granular than Bulk Plan Milestones in that it tracks lower-level planning tasks and workflows; less granular the Process Diagnostics; similar in scope to the Diagnostic Log used to debug planning tasks. To some extent, these other features supplanted the need for explanation tracking in later releases, though the feature is still available.

Explanations can be used to:

  • view an activity tree for an ongoing planning process
  • aid in root cause analysis after an exception occurs

As explanations reside only in memory, they can use up significant resources. They are turned off by default and can be enabled for certain users or on an ad-hoc basis.

When activating explanations, the granularity of collected information can be specified via the explanation level and mode. The level reflects the criticality of the activity (i.e. NONE, INCOMPLETE, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, ALL). The mode reflects the type of activity (i.e. NONE, ACTION, AGENT, PROCESS, ALL).

The following properties control various aspects of explanation use.


New in Version




This property is reserved for use by OTM support and development.



Indicates the default level of activity to collect for all users. The default is for the Tracking Level in Settings and Actions. Defaults to NONE.



This property limits the total number of nodes stored for any single explanation in order to limit memory use since the explanation feature stores activities as nodes on an in-memory process tree, significant memory can be used to track explanations.



Indicates the default mode of activity to collect for all users. The default is for the Tracking Mode in Settings and Actions. Defaults to NONE.

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