Operational Planning

Air Schedule

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Air.

Use this page to edit an existing air schedule or create a new schedule. The fields that appear are based on the data format for Official Airline Guide (OAG) air schedules.

The Effective Date controls when this schedule is active and the Expiration Date acts as an end date for the schedule. Use these dates together to control when this schedule is on and off.

The following calculated fields are based on the interim flights that you record for a flight schedule:

  • Source & Destination Location based on the respective locations defined on the first and last interim flight in the list (if there are multiple interim flights defined).
  • Source & Destination IATA Codes for the Source and Destination locations (mentioned above) if these locations have an IATA (International Air Transport Association) code defined as reference numbers with a qualifier of IA.
  • Departure & Arrival Time is the departure time for the source location of the first interim flight and the arrival time at the destination for the last interim flight in the list.
  • Elapsed Time is the difference between the source departure time and the destination arrival time.
  • Day Adjustment keeps track of flights that span more than one day based on Departure and Arrival time.
  • Select the Air Cargo check box to identify the flight as a cargo flight. If not selected, the flight is designated as a Passenger flight. Air Cargo designates flights that are cargo-only, as opposed to mixed flights/more restricted flights that carry passengers and cargo.
  • Major Record Type maps to the Group field in OAG's control section schema; examples include: 9B - Certified Direct Flights and 9M - Certified Connections.
  • Traffic Restriction (OAG-specific field, not used by the system)
  • Flight Category (OAG-specific field, not used by the system)
  • Use the check boxes to identify the days of the week on which the flight occurs.

Interim Flight

Use this section to review, add, or edit interim flights. You must define at least one interim flight for each flight schedule. Multiple interim flights represent connection flights.

The parameter Interline Flights Allowed controls the use of code sharing for interim airline flights.

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