
Calculate Manual VAT

This page is accessed via:

  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Actions > Financials > Taxes > Calculate Manual VAT
  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing > Actions > Financials > Taxes > Calculate Manual VAT

This action enables you to calculate tax for manually entered invoices. This is based on input you enter instead of running the VAT calculation.

To manually calculate VAT, the following information must exist:

  • Invoice Header:
    • New Amount Due (may be fixed or calculated from line items)
    • VAT Analysis information including:
      • VAT Code - required
      • Basis - required; amount that will be taxed at the given VAT Code's rate
      • Rate - optional; tax rate if Null, Oracle Transportation Management will look up the country of the Customer VAT registration on the given VAT Code
      • VAT Amount - required; amount of tax
  • Invoice Line Item:
    • Quick Invoice Line VAT Code - a field to enter a VAT Code to apply to the entire invoice line; required for manual VAT. This field is only visible if the Webserver Property glog.webserver.invoice.useQuickVATCodeWhenNoVAT is set to True
    • Order Release Line's - optional; select the order release lines that apply, may be left blank in which case, VAT is allocated among all order lines

Refer to the properties:


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