
Reject or Unreject Invoice

This action is accessed from the Invoice Manager page (accessed via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice).

The Reject Invoice and Unreject Invoice actions remove a payment invoice from the settlement process or return the invoice to it. These actions are particularly useful in handling invoices that have been added via integration from an external system since such invoices cannot be deleted via the user interface.

When you reject an invoice, the voucher associated with that invoice is unapproved and deleted (invoice status = APPROVAL_APPROVED_REJECTED). The invoice itself is not deleted, but it is not available for settlement until it is unrejected. When you unreject an invoice, the invoice can once again be approved for payment.

Note: You cannot reject or unreject an invoice after its voucher has been issued (voucher status = ISSUED_ISSUED).

You can manually reject or unreject only one invoice at a time, but when you reject a parent invoice, all its child invoices are also rejected.

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