
Add New VAT Line

This page is accessed via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Line Items tab. Then click the New Line Item or Edit buttons. This page is only available if the Invoice Line Item VAT section is displayed on the line item tab of the invoice/bill and you click New Line Item VAT. It is not available if the Quick Invoice Line VAT Code field is displayed. This page enables you to add additional VAT lines.

Adding Additional VAT to Line Item

  1. Enter a Sequence. The Sequence field is used when more than one VAT is applicable to the line item. This field tells Oracle Transportation Management what order to charge the taxes in.
  2. Enter a VAT Code ID. The VAT code ID is the tax that is being applied to the line item.
  3. Enter a Country Code. The country code indicates the country to which the VAT is being applied.
  4. If the tax is applicable to provincial tax, enter the Province Code. It identifies the actual province to which the VAT applies.
  5. Use the VAT override amount to override that VAT calculated amount value and charge a different amount. The VAT Amount field is a dollar amount that is to be added to the line item. The VAT Calculated Amount is the tax amount that is calculated by adding the VAT rate associated with the VAT Code ID you entered and the value in the VAT Amount field.
  6. If the Cumulative field is selected, then the VAT is calculated based on the line item as well as any previously added VAT amounts. If it is not selected then any previously added VAT amounts are ignored and the VAT is based on the line item alone.


Use this section if there are different VATs applicable to each order release line item.

  1. Select the Order Release Line ID.
  2. Enter the VAT Amount.
  3. Enter the VAT Basis Amount.
  4. Click Save for each line you enter.

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