
Invoice Line Item Manager

This page is accessed via any of the following:

  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Line Items tab. Then click New Line Item or Edit.
  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice Line Item.
  • Financials > Billing Management > Bill Line Item.
  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing > Line Items tab. Then click New Line Item or Edit.

You can enter and save data pertaining to each line item on an invoice, such as line item freight charges, accessorials, discounts, stop-off charges, and declared values. This data is provided on most invoices and bills.

Line Item

Enter the data for each line item.

  1. Type the Line Item Sequence number to specify the order of items on the invoice or bill.
  2. Enter the Freight Charge. The freight charge is the Billed As Quantity multiplied by the Freight Rate Value.
  3. If all or part of the item's freight charge has been paid, also type a Prepaid Amount. Line item freight charges are the values used when vouchered (that is, actual) transportation costs are allocated on an line item basis.
  4. Select a cost type from the Cost Type drop-down list. Available choices are as follows:
    • Accessorial
    • Base Cost
    • Circuitry
    • Delta
    • Discount
    • Stop-off
    • Other
  5. The Description for the item can be up to 120 characters. Note, however, that the description for an invoice can be meaningful if you enter a 1 character code in the description field. The system uses invoice line item cost type designations to match the invoice lines to shipment costs during the approval process. If the cost type is left blank, the system looks as the line item description field instead. The following codes can be entered. See Cost Summary and Calculations for details on these.
    • B = Base Cost
    • D = Discount
    • A = Accessorials
    • S = Stop-off
    • C = Circuity
    • L = Delta
    • O = Other
  6. Enter a Unit Count and a Ship Unit Spec ID (for example, BULK or STANDARD PALLET) for the Transport Handling Unit of each line item.
  7. You can select a Payment Method Code ID. The options include CHECK, PP (Prepaid), COD (Cash on Delivery), and COLLECT. Payment Method Codes are managed in Power Data.
  8. The Preprocess Status indicates the match status value for the invoice line item. Invoices line items are assigned with the following Status Types:
    • UNMATCHED: Indicates if the invoice line item has not been matched to any shipment cost.
    • MATCHED: Indicates if the invoice line item has been matched to one or more shipment costs.
    • MATCHED_IN_TOLERANCE: Indicates if the invoice line item has been matched to one or more shipment costs and passed the line level tolerance check.
    • MATCHED_OUT_OF_TOLERANCE: Indicates if the invoice line item has been matched to one or more shipment costs and failed the line level tolerance check.
    • UNMATCHED_IN_TOLERANCE: Indicates if the invoice line item has not been matched to one or more shipment costs and it is within the tolerance limit.
    • UNMATCHED_OUT_OF_TOLERANCE: Indicates if the invoice line item has not been matched to one or more shipment costs and failed the line level tolerance check.
  1. You can enter a numeric value for the item Weight, in the selected Weight UOM (unit of measure).
  2. Enter a Volume value and unit of measure.
  3. Select the Process As Flow Through check box to allow an invoice line item to be automatically vouchered, as a new voucher, when the Auto Approved Adjusted Costs action is executed.
  4. If an accessorial is associated with this line item, enter an Accessorial Code ID and an optional Accessorial Description.
  5. Select an Adjustment Reason from the drop-down box if you want to specify why an adjustment was made to the line.
  6. You can enter Marks that appear on the item's packaging (for example, import/export marks, customer SKUs or part numbers).
  7. Type a Marks Qualifier to identify the type or source of the mark (for example, SM for Shipper Assigned or W for Pallet Number).
  8. To specify a declared value for an item, enter a Declared Value Qualifier, and then type a monetary amount in Declared Value.
  9. Enter a Freight Weight Value and select a currency.
  10. The Freight Rate Value can be up to 10 digits, with two decimals.
  11. The Freight Rate Qualifier specifies how to interpret the rate value. In the U.S., two-letter EDI codes (for example, FL for Flat Rate or PS for Per Shipment) typically are used.
  12. The Flexible Commodity Qualifier and Flexible Commodity Code specify the type of commodity for the item. The qualifier designates the commodity coding system to be used (for example, N for National Motor Freight Classification). Flex commodities are user-defined classes of commodities.
  13. In Billed As Quantity and Billed As Qualifier, enter the number and type of shipped units to be used as the multiplier for the required Freight Rate Value number.
  14. If the line item was shipped in a multiple compartment vehicle, you can type its Compartment ID.
  15. Enter a General Ledger Code.

Import/Export Licenses

Use these fields for line items in international invoices or bills.

  1. If the line is an export item, enter a single-digit Export License Control (such as 1, 2, 3, or 4) to indicate the type of code applicable to the export license.
  2. Enter the Country Code.
  3. Enter the Export License Expiration Date.
  4. Enter an Export License Number.
  5. Enter an Import License Issue Date.
  6. Enter an Import License Expiration Date.
  7. Enter an Import Licence Number.

Reference Numbers

Line Item Reference Numbers can be used to uniquely identify the line items in an invoice.

  1. For each line item, enter a reference number and reference number qualifier.
  2. Click Save for each reference number you enter.


You can enter and save remarks about line items.

Commercial Data

The Commercial Data fields are for use with materials-only invoices or bills, not transportation-based ones. This data is often used for export purposes.

  1. Enter a number to indicate the Commercial Sequence.
  2. Enter a Unit Price and a two-character Unit Price Qualifier (for example, PT for Price Per Ton).
  3. Enter the Total Commercial Value of the line item.

    Note: The commercial value of an item is not the value of the freight, but of the item itself.

  4. Enter a Unit Count.
  5. Select a Packaging Unit from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Save for each commercial data sequence you define.


The Tariff fields are used to reference the applicable rate authority that is being cited as the source for the freight rate. This rate authority can be a tariff, a contract, a circular, a quote, or any other instrument.

  1. Enter up to four characters for the Tariff Agency Code ( ICC, NTA, or other agency codes can be used).
  2. Enter two-characters for the Tariff Section code.
  3. Enter the Tariff Reference Number.
  4. Enter the Tariff Refnum Qualifier (CT, PR, or TS).
  5. Enter the Tariff Refnum Suffix.
  6. Enter the Tariff Item Number for the applicable tariff.
  7. Enter the Tariff Item Number Suffix.
  8. Enter the Tariff Item Part.
  9. Enter the Tariff Supplement ID is a supplement, amendment number, or revision number from the price authority.
  10. Enter a Tariff Registration Agency Code.
  11. Enter a Tariff Publication Authority. The normal value for the tariff publication authority field is TP. Use OP only if primary price authority does not apply to the line item.
  12. Enter a Tariff Issuing Carrier ID. The tariff issuing carrier ID is normally used to help identify the primary price authority.
  13. Enter a Tariff Freight Class Code.
  14. Select the Tariff Effective Date.

Invoice Line Item Cost References

You can use this section to associate an Invoice Line item with specific Order release line items and shipment costs for allocation and invoice approval by line purposes.

  1. Select the Qualifier ID from the dropdown list. Allowed values are the Order Release Line and Shipment Cost.
  2. Select the Cost Reference ID from the dropdown list. The list of shipment cost references appears based on the selected shipment cost qualifier.
  3. Click Save for each qualifier you specify.

Note: If the Invoice Line Item Cost Reference section is updated manually, the preprocess status will be updated as follows:
- If at least one record is present with the Shipment_cost Qualifier Id, the preprocess status will be updated to Matched.
- If all the records with Shipment_cost Qualifier Id are deleted, the preprocess status will be updated to null.


The VAT section is used when there are line items on bills or invoices that have a VAT (value added tax) applied to them. This is common in Europe in the form of VAT, as well as in Canada and Australia in the form of a Provincial VAT.

This section either displays the Quick Invoice Line VAT Code or the Invoice Line Item VAT depending on the setting of the following property: glog.webserver.invoice.useQuickVATCodeWhenNoVAT. The Invoice Line Item VAT section only displays if one of the following condition is met:

  • records for this invoice line item exist
  • this property is set to True: glog.webserver.invoice.useQuickVATCodeWhenNoVAT

The fields in this section are automatically populated when the Calculate VAT or the Calculate Provincial Tax actions are run. You can alternatively enter the appropriate information in these fields.

  • If you are editing a line, you can add a new VAT line by clicking the New Line Item VAT button.

Out-of-Tolerance Details

This section contains data related to the Invoice-Auto Approve agent action.

If the invoice approval amount is out of tolerance, the amount out-of-tolerance will be listed, how much it deviates from what is defined as acceptable, and a reason code will be included to indicate the type of deviation. Reason codes include

  • Above Allowable Amount
  • Below Allowable Amount
  • Above Allowable Percentage
  • Below Allowable Percentage

Note: Deviation amounts/percentages are defined on the Invoice Approve Rule Manager.

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