
Summary Detail

This page is accessed via Financials > Billing Management > Billing. Then select the Summary Detail tab. You can also access the summary details for an invoice via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice. Then select the Summary Detail tab.

The Summary Details page lets you view and specify the line item sequence, unit count, and other details of an invoice or bill. If summary details have been saved, summary data will be listed including line item sequence, unit count, and weight.

You can view and enter freight charges, accessorials, and declared values pertaining to the line items of steamship invoices or bills. This step applies to steamship shipments only. If you are not creating a steamship-related invoice, ignore this step.

Enter a number for the Line Item Sequence (for example, 1 for first) and a Unit Count of the items. If this item (for example, documentation) has a Weight and Volume, you can enter the values in the selected units of measure (UOM), as well as the Billed as Qualifier and Billed as Quantity.

You must enter a Freight Weight Qualifier, a Freight Weight Quantity, a freight Charge for the item. This charge is not the total freight charge in Step 6: Summary, but the freight charge for this particular item (for example, a fuel surcharge of $500). Enter a Prepaid Amount, if any, for this item.

You must also select a Payment Method Code for each item or charge. The options include CHECK, PP (Prepaid), COD (Cash on Delivery), and COLLECT. Payment Method Codes can be managed in Power Data.

To specify the type of packaging for the item, specify a Packaging Unit, which can be managed in Power Data.

If accessorials apply to the item or charge, enter an Accessorial Code ID in the Accessorial Code field, and then enter an Accessorial Description. If the item has a value to declare, enter or find a Declared Value ID in the Declared Value Qualifier field, and then enter a Declared Value.

After entering the summary details for an item or charge, click Save. Then enter and save summary details for other items or charges, if any.

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