Stop Details

This page can be accessed via:

  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Booking > BOL Back. Click New Stop from the Header tab.
  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice. Click New Stop from the Header tab.
  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing. Click New Stop from the Header tab.

You can enter and save data pertaining to the stops on an invoice, bill, or BOL back.

You do not need to enter data for single-stop shipments. For those shipments, specifying the shipper and consignee as the involved parties in Step 1 is often sufficient. However, for multi-stop shipments you should normally enter and save data for each stop.

Stop Header

  1. For each stop, enter a Stop Sequence Number.
  2. Enter a Stop Reason ID.
  3. Enter the Location ID of the stop.
  4. To specify a reference number for the location, select a Location Refnum Qual ID for the Location Ref Number Qualifier.
  5. Enter a Location Reference Number. The qualifier designates the type of reference number you are using.
  6. Enter an Equipment Prefix.
  7. Enter an Equipment Number.
  8. Enter the Start Date, the date of arrival at the stop.
  9. Enter the End Date, the date of departure from the stop.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers.

  1. Enter a Reference Number.
  2. Select a Reference Number Qualifier.
  3. Click Save to save each reference number.


  1. Enter the Seal Sequence to specify the number and sequence of the sealed units.
  2. Enter a Seal Number to uniquely identify each sealed unit.
  3. After entering each sequence and number, click Save.

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