Involved Parties for Invoices, Bills, and Bill of Lading Backs

This page can be reaching via:

  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice. Select the Involved Parties tab.
  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing. Select the Involved Parties tab.
  • Brokerage and Forwarding> Booking > BOL Back. Select the Involved Parties tab.

An involved party identifies a contact that has some interest in what happens to a business object (for example, an order) as it moves through the transportation life cycle. A contact can be defined as a person or a location; however, only a location with a primary contact can be assigned as an involved party. You can enter all the parties, other than the service provider, involved with this shipment. At a minimum, identify the shipper and the consignee.

The Involved Party Qualifier identify each involved party. The Communication Method specifies how to contact or notify the involved party.

Reference Number

You can save one or more reference numbers that apply to this invoice, bill, or BOL Back.

  1. Enter a Reference Number.
  2. Select a Reference Number Qualifier from the drop-down box.
  3. The Issue Date specifies when the reference number was or is being issued.

Involved Party Contact

  1. Select an Involved Party Contact.
  2. Select a Communication Method.
  3. Select an Involved Party Qualifier.
  4. Click Save for the contact.

Involved Party Location

  1. Select an Involved Party Location.
  2. Select a Communication Method.
  3. Select an Involved Party Qualifier.
  4. Click Save for the location.

Transactional Events

Use this section to configure contact interest in transactional events.

  1. Select a Contact.
  2. Select an Event from the list box.
  3. Select a Communication Method from the list box.
  4. Select a Style Sheet from the list box.
  5. Select the Distribution from the list box.
  6. Click Save for the event.

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