Content Links Embedded by Email

When sending out large emails, typically from a large report attachment, it's possible to exceed the maximum mail size on the SMTP server. Oracle Transportation Management has the following options for handling these emails:

  • For large reports, the normal security level of 2 (send report via attachment) can be replaced with a security level of 1 or 3. In each of these cases, Oracle Transportation Management writes the report to a temporary file on the application server. The email recipient receives a link to a page to retrieve the report contents via HTTP. With a security level of 1, the recipient must have a valid login to view the report. Security level 3 is deprecated.
  • For other large emails, Oracle Transportation Management checks the email size against a maximum, if the email is too large, Oracle Transportation Management creates a temporary file on the server and provides a link to the file in the email. When a user receives the e-mail, they are redirected to a page that retrieves the file from the server. This page requires a valid user login.