OTM Configuration

IoT Connectivity Configuration

An external system IOT_FM is staged, that can be used to integrate with IoT FM. The external system needs to be configured with the appropriate credentials and a URL to connect to a specific IoT FM Cloud Service instance. See Connect to an Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service Instance for detailed information on how to configure the external system.

  • When specifying the user name and password in the external system, use the credentials associated with that IoT FM instance’s Integrator or Administrator role.
  • When specifying the URL to the IoT FM Cloud Service instance, the URL should be formatted as
    • https://<IOT_instance>/iotapps/serviceapi/v1/transportation?defaultNS=true

Staged Data

Data is staged in the FA (Fusion Applications) domain in OTM. This is the sample data and agents that are used by the integration flows with the Fusion Applications. In the FA domain, reference number qualifiers, remark qualifiers, equipment attributes, agents, saved queries, external systems and external status types are staged.

Reference number qualifiers can be copied to the PUBLIC domain prior to using IoT flows if you want to use them without a domain preference. This data content can also be copied into the customer domains and extended as needed.

A complete list of staged data is documented in the Seeded Data chapter.