5 Add and Manage Users

Access to Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service functionality is determined by roles. To let users access specific functionality, assign the user to a role that allows access to this functionality. For example, a user cannot create device models unless they are assigned an Administrator role.

There are certain common roles applicable for all the apps of Oracle Iot Intelligent applications and a few roles specific for access to Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service functionality. The Administrator role is automatically assigned to the user who creates the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service instance. The Driver role is assigned to drivers after the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service instance is created and provides the user with driver privileges. The Shipper role is assigned to users after the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service instance is created and provides the user limited access to application functionality. The Integrator role is assigned to users after the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service instance is created and lets the user integrate Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service with other applications. The Logistics Operator role when assigned, lets the user perform all tasks available in the operation center that includes viewing the details of the entities associated with the views.

This table lists the tasks that the roles under the Common category can perform and the roles are applicable across all the apps.

Role Name Description


A 'super-user' role that can access and manage all the apps of Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications that includes creating organizations, creating users, and managing user roles and groups. view, edit, and delete operations.


Users in this role can create and manage entities of an organization, that includes creating and deleting entity instances, configuring connections to devices, troubleshooting issues, resolving incidents, accessing the digital twins and entity inventory.


This role allows users to view all the entities of an organization giving users a read-only access to them. Users in this role can access the Operation Center options to view the dashboards, digital twins, and the notifications.

A non-admin user should have a Viewer role in order to access the Oracle IoT management console (/ui)


Users in this role are responsible for managing the integration of an IoT application with another application such as Oracle Transportation Management or an external application. Users use the Basic authentication mechanism to grant access to these systems. The user credentials are configured in these integrated applications.

This table lists the tasks that the roles under the Fleet Monitoring category can perform and the roles are applicable only for the functionality of the IoT Fleet Monitoring Application.

Role Name Description

Logistics Operator

This role allows users to monitor the logistics of ongoing business operations and track any exception situations that may occur. Users are typically restricted to access Operation Center views.


Users in this role have access to the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Mobile application to start and stop trips or shipments, change vehicles assigned to them or create trips. The driver role allows the user to provide in-transit visibility such as delivery related comments, incidents, or delivery completion note.


Users in this role are responsible for setting up an end-to-end shipment management operations on the Design Center and for monitoring the shipments in the Operations Center.

Create a New User

Create a new user to let a user access Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service functionality and complete assigned tasks.

Before you assign a role to a new user, review the Roles and Responsibilities topic.
  1. Click Menu Menu icon and then click Settings.
  2. Click the User Management Users icon tile.
  3. On the User Management page, click Create User Create User icon.
  4. Select one or more of these roles in the ROLES area under the Common category and the Fleet Monitoring category. Before you assign a role to a new user, review the Roles and Responsibilities topic.
    • Administrator: Select this role to assign the user administrator privileges across all the apps of Oracle IoT Intelligent applications.
    • Technician: Select this role to assign the user the privileges of managing entities of an organization, resolving incidents, and managing digital twins of entities.
    • Viewer: Select this role to assign the user viewing privileges of the Operation Center options.
    • Integrator: Select this role to assign the user integrator privileges.
    • Driver: Select this role to assign the user driver privileges.
    • Shipper: Select this role to assign the user shipper privileges.
    • Logistics Operator: Select this role to assign the user operation manager privileges.
  5. Complete these fields in the NAME area:
    • First Name: Enter the first name of the user.
    • Last Name: Enter the last name of the user.
    • Username: Enter a user name for the user account.
  6. Complete these fields in the EMAIL area:

    Primary Email: Select one option that'll contain your primary email address. This email address is used to help the user regain access to their account if they forget their password or are locked out. Any password reset notification emails are sent to the primary email address.

    The default value for the Primary Email field is Work. Depending on the option you choose, the corresponding field is made mandatory. For example, if you select Home as the primary email, then the Home field is mandatory and the Work and Other fields are optional.

    • Work: Enter the work email address for the user.
    • Home: Enter the home email address for the user.
    • Other: Enter an additional email address for the user.


    If you do not have access to the previously specified primary email, then you can change the primary email to OTHER, and update it with the email ID that you have access to for resetting the password.
  7. (Optional) Complete these fields in the TELEPHONE area:
    • Work: Enter the work phone number for the user.
    • Home: Enter the home phone number for the user.
    • Recovery: Enter the recovery phone number for the user. This phone number is used to help the user regain access to their account if they forget their password or are locked out.
    • Other: Enter an additional phone number for the user.
    • Mobile: Enter the mobile phone number for the user.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Exit to return to the Users list.
    Note that after creating a user you need to add the user to one or more organizations. See Assign Users to an Organization.

Edit a User Account

Edit a user account to change a user’s role, name, email, or telephone information.

  1. Click Menu Menu icon and then click Settings
  2. Click the User Management Users icon tab.
  3. Select a user in the Users list and then click Edit Edit icon.
  4. (Optional) Select one or more of these roles in the ROLES area:
    • Administrator: Select this role to assign the user administrator privileges across all the apps of Oracle IoT Intelligent applications.
    • Technician: Select this role to assign the user the privelages of managing entites of an organization, resolving incidents, and managing digital twins of entities.
    • Viewer: Select this role to assign the user viewing privalages of the Operation Center options.
    • Integrator: Select this role to assign the user integrator privileges.
    • Driver: Select this role to assign the user driver privileges.
    • Shipper: Select this role to assign the user shipper privileges.
    • Logistics Operator: Select this role to assign the user operation manager privileges.
  5. (Optional) Edit these fields in the NAME area:
    • First Name: Enter the first name of the user.
    • Last Name: Enter the last name of the user.
    • Username: Enter a user name for the user account.
  6. (Optional) Edit these fields in the EMAIL area:

    Primary Email: Select one option that'll contain your primary email address. This email address is used to help the user regain access to their account if they forget their password or are locked out. Any password reset notification emails are sent to the primary email address.

    The default value for the Primary Email field is Work. Depending on the option you choose, the corresponding field is made mandatory. For example, if you select Home as the primary email, then the Home field is mandatory and the Work and Other fields are optional.

    • Work: Enter the work email address for the user.
    • Home: Enter the home email address for the user.
    • Other: Enter an additional email address for the user.
  7. (Optional) Edit these fields in the TELEPHONE area:
    • Work: Enter the work phone number for the user.
    • Home: Enter the home phone number for the user.
    • Recovery: Enter the recovery phone number for the user. This phone number is used to help the user regain access to their account if they forget their password or are locked out.
    • Other: Enter an additional phone number for the user.
    • Mobile: Enter the mobile phone number for the user.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Exit to return to the Users list.

Reset a User Password

Reset a user password when a user forgets their password or you think their account has been compromised.

  1. Click Menu Menu iconand Settings.
  2. Click the User Management Users icontile.
  3. Select a user in the Users list and click Reset Password Reset Password icon.
  4. In the Reset Password dialog, click Continue to confirm that you want to reset password for the selected user.
    A success message is displayed. In addition, an email containing the link to reset the password is sent to the primary email address associated with the user account.

Search for a User Account

Use the search function to locate a specific user account or user accounts matching specific search criteria.

  1. Click Menu Menu icon and click Settings.
  2. Click the User Management Users icon tile.
  3. Click Filter List Filter List icon.
  4. From the Filters drop down, select Show Users and from the Values drop down select Assigned to IoT Apps or All Users.
  5. (Optional) Click Add Add icon to add additional search criteria.
  6. Select one of these options in the Filter list:
    • First Name: Select this option to search for a user account by the user’s first name.
    • Last Name: Select this option to search for a user account by the user’s last name.
    • Username: Select this option to search for a user account by user name.
    • Email: Select this option to search for a user account by email address.
    • Roles: Select this option to search for a user account by role(s).
  7. Select one of these options in the following list:
    • contains: Select this option to search for user records containing the search term exactly or partially anywhere in the words in the field and in the same sequence. For example, consider a user table with usernames Johndoe101, Johndoe1010, and Johndoe102. Using the search terms "john", "doe", or "10" returns all the 3 records Johndoe101, Johndoe1010, and Johndoe102.
    • matches: Select this option to search for user records containing the exact search terms in the same sequence. For the sample usernames listed earlier, using the search term "johndoe101" returns the record for Johndoe101.
    • does not contain: Select this option to search for user records containing the search term exactly or partially anywhere in the words in the field and in the same sequence but filtered out from the result set. For the sample usernames listed earlier, using the search term "jane" returns all the 3 records for Johndoe101, Johndoe1010, and Johndoe102. However, using the search term "doe" returns no records.
  8. Enter your search criteria in the Values field and then press Enter.
  9. (Optional) Click Add Add icon to add additional search criteria.
  10. (Optional) Click Remove Remove iconto remove additional search criteria.
  11. (Optional) Click Clear All to clear your search criteria.
  12. To obtain the search results matching your search criteria, click Apply.
    The list of users matching your search criterion are listed.

Delete a User Account

Delete a user account when it is no longer needed.

  1. Click Menu Menu iconand Settings.
  2. Click the User Managemwnt Users icon tile.
  3. Select a user in the Users list and click Delete Delete icon.
  4. On the Confirm Delete dialog box, click Delete.