OTM Shipment to IoT Fleet Monitoring: Fleet and Trip Monitoring Flow

This flow summarizes the following:
  • Supports tracking and monitoring of Trip and Driver for Private Fleet or tracking and monitoring Trip for 3rd party carrier. This transaction is indicated by the dotted lines.
  • A driver is assigned or a load is tendered and accepted for a Shipment and is sent to IoT FM for the trip to be tracked and monitored from its start, through its delivery stops, to its final destination. Trip status progress is reported back to OTM. This transaction is indicated by the solid lines.
  • Optionally, shipments can be sent to WMS Cloud for outbound loads to be tracked and monitored through IoT FM. See the WMS Integration Guide for more details about the WMS part of this flow.

This flow summarizes the following:Supports tracking and monitoring of Trip and Driver for Private Fleet or tracking and monitoring Trip for 3rd party carrier. This transaction is indicated by the dotted lines. A driver is assigned or a load is tendered and accepted for a Shipment and is sent to IoT FM for the trip to be tracked and monitored from its start, through its delivery stops, to its final destination. Trip status progress is reported back to OTM. This transaction is indicated by the solid lines. Optionally, shipments can be sent to WMS Cloud for outbound loads to be tracked and monitored through IoT FM. See the WMS Integration Guide for more details about the WMS part of this flow.

This functional flow tracks information moving between an order management ERP, OTM, and IoT FM. The flows facilitates the monitoring of private fleets, the tracking of trips via 3rd party carriers, and the monitoring of trips.

  1. An order management ERP system sends sales orders to OTM.
  2. Based on the orders received, shipments are created and planned in OTM. This can happen in the following ways:
    • For private fleets, a shipment is planned, and a driver is assigned to the shipment.
    • For 3rd party carriers, a shipment is planned, sent to a carrier, and is accepted and tendered.
  3. Upon committing a shipment, OTM changes the shipment status to "Secure Resources – Accepted".
  4. When a shipment’s status changes to "Secure Resources - Accepted" or "Secure Resources - Pickup Notification", OTM triggers an Agent to send the shipment information to IoT FM. A pre-seeded agent IOT SEND SHIPMENT will:
    1. Send the shipment to the IoT FM instance as configured in an External System. As part of this step, OTM will automatically push a SOAP XML message with the shipment information to IOT FM’s REST API.
    2. Set the external status of the shipment to IOT_FM_SENT.
    3. Add a Reference Number to the shipment with a reference number qualifier IOT_FM_ID.
  5. The shipment sent from OTM automatically shows up as a trip in IoT FM.
  6. A link is created in IoT FM, to associate the IoT FM trip and the corresponding OTM shipment.
  7. Once the trip starts, event data, in the form of transmission codes, are reported back and updated within IoT FM.
  8. Based on the transmission codes received, such as arrival event codes, departure event codes, en-route position event codes, IoT FM will send back to OTM in real time, details of the fleet, and event information using OTM’s tracking events.
  9. As tracking events are received, OTM will update the status of the corresponding shipment.
    • In order for the tracking event to get processed in OTM, a matching agent along with a corresponding workflow agent is needed. This can be the LEGACY SHIPMENT MATCHING agent along with the PUBLIC agent SHIPMENT EVENT TRACKER or the MATCH SHIPMENT agent action, and a tracking event based agent for workflow processing.

The IOT SEND SHIPMENT Agent creates the initial link between an OTM shipment and an IoT FM trip. Any subsequent changes to the OTM shipment can be propagated to IoT FM via a second agent IOT SEND SHIPMENT UPDATE.

The complete list of Shipment Reference Number Qualifiers that are seeded in OTM to support the fleet monitoring flows can be found in the Seeded Data chapter.