Operational Planning

Container Optimization

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  • Ask Oracle > Container Optimization
  • Operational Planning > Ask Oracle > Container Optimization

The Container Optimization query helps you determine the optimal equipment group for bulk and packaged shipments based upon weight and volume. The same logic is used as in bulk planning.

There are logic configuration container optimization parameters that determine how Oracle Transportation Management optimizes containers.

Ask Oracle About Container Optimization

  1. Select Bulk.

    Select Packaged.
  2. Select a Parameter Set ID or accept the default to get the related container optimization configuration and the load configuration related parameters.
  3. From the drop-down list, choose an Equipment Group Profile.
  4. Select the Ignore Equipment Cost check box. If selected, you can enter equipment cost in the input details screen.
  5. Select the Ignore Equipment Availability check box. If selected, you can enter equipment availability in the input details screen.
  6. Click Next. The corresponding details page opens for Bulk or Packaged details.

Double Sorting

It is possible to perform container optimization using a 2-way approach. Such an approach enables you to first sort by raw priority (instead of priority range) and then by one of the dimensions used for 3D load building.

In order to trigger this type of sorting, the PRIORITY IN USE and USE PRIORITY IN CONOPT SORTING must both be set to True. When this condition exists, the container optimization logic will first sort by priority and then by what is specified by the ITEM SORT CRITERIA parameter.

Container Optimization using XML File

This provides a convenient way to test container optimization and load configuration through XML files to help with bulk plan diagnostics. By turning on diagnostics and a log, you can capture an XML file that can be used to simulate the container optimization run without having to go through a replication process. You can upload XML files (.xml). The <?xml> header line preferred but nor required.

Capturing XML Files

  1. Turn on Tracking Diagnostics. An easy way to do this is via the Settings and Actions page in the top right of any OTM page.
  2. Turn on PackingSolverDataLog.
  3. Run bulk plan.
  4. In the bulk plan results page, click the Diagnostics button. In the Container Optimization section, there will be a link to an XML which you can download by clicking the link.

Running XML Files

The XML file captured from the Capturing XML Files step above, can be used to run through Ask Oracle.

  1. Click on the 'container optimization using xml file' link.
  2. Enter the XML file.
  3. Click Optimize.

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