Operational Planning

Voyage Schedules (Internal/External)

This page is accessed via:

  • Ask Oracle > Voyage Schedules
  • Operational Planning > Ask Oracle > Voyage Schedules

This query can find both internal and external voyage schedules based on the defined Parameter Set.  You need to define the Rate Service Type as VOYAGESHEDULE for the internal voyages or EXTERNALVOYAGESCHEDULE for the external voyages and then configure the Parameter Set of the group Voyage Schedule to fetch the internal or external voyage schedule.

Note: External Voyage Schedule is used to select a voyage from an external voyage API and populate the voyage schedule.

For fetching the voyages from Ocean insights P44, you need to define the ports to be considered within OTM as locations and the location ID should match UN/LOCODE of these locations. For example, New York port should have the location id as USNYC, Los Angeles should have the location id as USLAX. The service provider should be linked with SCAC codes.

The Voyage Schedules query provides voyage schedules from and to ports around the world. The information provided includes:

  • Departure and arrival dates
  • Voyage number
  • Service
  • Vessel name

Creating an External System

Note: At present, OTM supports only the Ocean insights P44 external system.

To get the voyage schedule from the Ocean insights P44, you have to create an external system in the External System screen. To create an external system and connect to the Ocean insights P44,  define an external system with the following details:

  1. Content Type: Provide the content type as "application/vnd.oracle.resource+json; type=otm"
  2. URL: In the For HTTP/HTTPS section, provide the URL as "https://capi2.ocean-insights.com/sailingschedules/v2/"
  3. HTTP Header Profile ID: You need to define the Parameter Name as "Authorization" (don't use the double quotes) and Parameter Value as "Token <token value>" (don't use the double quotes). Replace the <token value> with the token received from the external system.
  4. HTTP Method: Provide the HTTP method as Post.
  5. Click Finished.

Asking Oracle about Voyage Schedules:

  1. Enter a Service Provider ID. You can also leave the field empty to find schedules for all available service providers.
  2. Select To Depart After or To Arrive By, and then enter an Arrival/Departure Date.
  3. Enter the Port Departing From and Port Arriving At or enter the city/country for the port.

    Note: Oracle Transportation Management provides a library of public data representing most of the world's ports. If you still need to add a new port, you can do so in the Location Manager. For the Ocean insights P44, make sure the location id is as per the UN/LOCODE of the port.

  4. Enter a city or country to narrow the search for internal voyage schedules.

    Note: The system hides the City and Country fields when you configure the rate service type for the external voyages and displays the fields when the rate service is configured for the internal voyages.

  5. Click Find schedules.
  6. The Results page lists schedules and summaries of the voyage schedules.
    • You can filter the schedules based on the service provider, Direct, and Transshipments.

      Note: For the Ocean insights P44, the SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) code must be defined to filter the data based on the service provider. Oracle Transportation Management provides a library of public data representing most of the service providers. If you still need to add a new service provider, you can do so in the Service Provider Manager. Make sure to associate the service provider with a valid SCAC.

    • You can use the up and down arrow buttons to the right of the header's Start Time, End Time, and Transit Time to sort the result in ascending or descending order.
    • Use the Expand icon (expand icon) in the Origin column to expand the result and view the detailed information about the schedule like in between stops from origin to destination, voyage number, Voyage service code, voyage service name, start time, end time, etc.
    • To refine a query, click Refine Query.
    • To begin a new query, click New Query.
    • When you search for a schedule of ports from source to destination, and the ports are not frequently searched, then all the schedules are not fetched at a time. To fetch all the schedules, click Refresh Schedules.

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