Contract and Rate Management

Rate Service Details

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Service. Then select the Rate Service Details tab.

After you have defined the generic rate service options, you can define additional attributes based on the rate service types you selected on the Rate Service Header tab.

Note: The fields displayed on this page vary depending on the rate service type you selected on the Header tab.

The property can allow a redrive attempt even when it is known that a feasible redrive will not be found.

See Rate Service Types and assumptions.

Air Schedule (AIRSCHEDULE)

Air schedules determine departure and arrival dates as well as transit times for a shipment. You must load and update air schedules into Oracle Transportation Management for this to work.

Air Schedule

  • Inter Air Connect Time is the minimum amount of connection time required to change flights using any airline. For example, if the connection time between two flights is 3 hours and you have Inter Air Connect Time set to 4 hours, then the flight is not valid.
  • Intra Air Connect Time is the minimum amount of connection time required to change flights to another flight on the same airline. For example, if the connection time between two flights is 3 hours, and you have Intra Air Connect Time set to 4 hours, then the flight is not valid.

Day Duration (DAYDURATION)

This is typically used for two stop parcel shipments. Day duration allows a number of transit days to be associated with a lane. It can be used along with a calendar with PICKUP and/or DROPOFF activities to indicate the times of day when the pickup and dropoff can occur.  With a calendar, only the days present in the calendar are counted when determining the pickup and dropoff days. This means that if the service provider only counts Monday thru Friday as work days (PICKUP and RECEIVE), and does not include Saturday and Sunday as work days, adding a calendar to the rate service indicating which days of the week are considered work/transit days (Monday-Friday).

See Rate Service Types and assumptions including compatibilities. For example, dayduration is not compatible with multi-stop shipments.

  • Enter data for Lanes and Service Times or Rate Zones and Service Times. You can also enter data for both.
  • LOOKUP does essentially the same thing as DAYDURATION, but DAYDURATION allows specificity only by day while LOOKUP allows specificity down to day, hour and minute.
  • Lane ID: Enter a Lane ID for which the rate service applies. This allows you to specify a lane, rather than have it apply to the entire rate service.
  • Rate Zone Profile ID: The rate service only uses rate zones associated with the Rate Zone Profile ID you select.
  • Service Days: Enter the amount of days allowed to transport goods in this rate zone.


This example creates a setup where goods can be dropped off on a work day anytime between 8:00 and 5:00, and will be delivered the next day at 10:30.

  1. Enter "1" in the Service Days field meaning that goods will be delivered the next day at the time you specified in your calendar with the RECEIVE activity (this works out to be less than a full 24 hour day in most cases).
  2. Enter your next day delivery date in the Calendar field.
  3. In this cyclical calendar you will enter:
    • For your drop-off times, you need the calendar activity PICKUP - this can be a range such as 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can have a range for the PICKUP times, unless you want the start of all the shipments to be exactly 5:00.  The range should mirror the opening hours until the cut-off time. If the order is ready at noon, it can be shown that it was picked-up at noon and will be delivered the next day at 10:30.
    • For your delivery times, you need the calendar activity RECEIVE - this should be a fixed time, such as from 10:30 a.m. to 10:30a.m.
  4. Repeat these settings for every day of the week that your next day delivery service is in effect.

Also see the distance duration example, which is similar.

If your query has returned more records than specified in the glog.query.limit property, click the Service Time button to see all of the service times associated with this rate service.

The parameter BY DAY RATE SERVICES USE EARLY PICKUP TIME can impact pickup time if using "By Day" rate service types.

If you are using Day Duration rate service type along with network routing, you can have OTM can consider time-dependent transit time by setting the network routing logic configuration parameter USE TIME-DEPENDENT TRANSIT TIME. The default is false.

Note: The actual pickup and delivery times depend upon the rate service calendar, the location calendars, the order pickup and delivery dates, and the setting of the BY DAY RATE SERVICES USE EARLY PICKUP TIME planning parameter.  For the case where Service Days is set to zero, if the same day delivery would be calculated as being earlier than the same day pickup, the delivery will be pushed to the next available day.

Distance Duration (DISTANCEDURATION)

This is similar to day duration but instead of associating a number of transit days with a lane, the transit days are associated with distance breaks.


  • Calendar: Choose the days on which the service is in effect. Use the activities PICKUP and RECEIVE in your calendar. You must select the calendar on the Rate Service Header page.

Distance Service Time

  • Distance: Enter a maximum distance.
  • Service Days: Enter the number of days it should take to travel that distance. This number calculates the distance instead of looking at the distance table or using simulation.


Your calendar is 24-hours a day Monday through Friday (so weekends do not count in service time calculations).

Create the following distance service time:

Distance (Miles)

Service Days




















Since you have a 24 hour calendar, the arrival will always be at 00:00 (midnight) on the nth weekday after the departure. Therefore, assuming you ran these around lunchtime Tuesday, the result would be:

Distance (Miles)

Calculated Duration (hours)

Time of Departure

Time of Arrival



Tue 12:45

Mon 00:00



Tue 12:48

Mon 00:00



Tue 12:50

Wed 00:00



Tue 12:53

Tue 00:00



Tue 13:06

Thu 00:00


The parameter BY DAY RATE SERVICES USE EARLY PICKUP TIME can impact pickup time if using  "By Day" rate service types.

External Drive (EXTERNALDRIVE)

Oracle Transportation Management can use service time data from a third party application. The system currently supports several external service engines. This allows service time to be calculated externally.

When External Drive is selected as the rate service type, Oracle Transportation Management calls out to the external program defined here to obtain stop-to-stop times. It then applies any appropriate break, work, and stop times. These times are used during planning.

HOS Rule Set ID: Indicates which hours of service (HOS) rules to honor for this rate service. When a shipment is created using this rate service type, the HOS rules associated with it are considered "fresh" at the start of the shipment, and rest time will be inserted into the shipment as required by the rules.

Service External Engine ID is the external engine that you want this rate service to use. External service engines are defined and maintained in power data.


The rate service type of External Transit Days is a Day Duration service time calculator meaning that External Transit Days supports the ability to specify a calendar on the rate service. With a calendar specified, Oracle Transportation Management will use the calendar on the rate service to interpret the returned transit days to arrive at the service provider's supported shipment dates. This means that if the service provider only counts Monday thru Friday as work days (PICKUP and RECEIVE), and does not include Saturday and Sunday as work days, adding a calendar to the rate service indicating which days of the week are considered work/transit days (Monday-Friday) will allow Oracle Transportation Management to properly interpret the Transit Days returned from Rate Ware and Carrier Connect to arrive at the correct dates of service on the shipment. A calendar with PICKUP and/or DROPOFF activities, indicates the times of day when the pickup and dropoff can occur.

External Service Type: Indicates a standardized attribute configured as part of the request sent to Carrier Connect.

External Service Code: Indicates the carrier’s name of the service.

You can only configure the Service Type and Service Code for the Rate Service Type of EXTERNALTRANSITDAYS.

You must provide values for both the Service Type and Service Code. If either value is blank, then OTM will fall back to the default behavior which is to set Service Type as "STANDARD" and Service Code as "Standard-LTL".

Check with your service provider and SMC3 for the proper values.

Note: The Service Type and Service Code fields on the Rate Service Detail tab are free form text fields (which allows for flexibility, but also introduces the risk of spelling mistakes) - and to complicate things further the values are case sensitive.

The parameter BY DAY RATE SERVICES USE EARLY PICKUP TIME can impact pickup time if using "By Day" rate service types.


External Voyage Schedules determine departure and arrival dates as well as transit times for an ocean shipment using an external system. The Rate Service Type, EXTERNALVOYAGESCHEDULE is used to define the external voyage engine type from which the voyage schedules are fetched for calculating the transit time for ocean voyages.

This Rate service type is only used for fetching voyages from an external system using the Ask Voyage Schedule screen. These voyages can be persisted in OTM and assigned to an order release by using the Assign Voyage Schedule action on the order release. The persisted voyage will not be capturing the full rotation of the vessel between the ports. It will only capture the departure and arrival time at the source and destination ports as specified by the Ask Voyage Schedule input screen or as specified by an order release for which the Assign Voyage Schedule action is being used.

The Rate Service Type defined as  EXTERNALVOYAGESCHEDULE should be configured in the parameter set of group Voyage Schedule to fetch the external voyage schedule.

Ground Service (GROUNDSERVICE)

Ground Service determines the frequency and location routing for a shipment and is typically created for repetitive rail and truck routes.

Rail schedules are typically supplied with an origin and several destinations along with the cut-off time for the origin and freight availability time for each of the destinations. The railroad manages everything behind the scenes; they basically supply information that if the freight is given to them at a specified location by a certain time, it will be available at other locations at other times.

Truck schedules have most of the same characteristics as rail, such as occurring on certain days of the week and being at certain locations at certain times. However, the route of the truck can actually be followed on the schedule from location to location.

Repetition Schedule Service identifies the service that is associated with a particular ground service.


Lookup is used when a service time duration is defined by lane or rate zone. Oracle Transportation Management searches for the requested distance in the rate distance table. You enter rate distances in power data.

LOOKUP does essentially the same thing as DAYDURATION, but DAYDURATION allows specificity only by day and LOOKUP allows specificity to day, hour and minute.

Hours of Service (HOS)

  • HOS Rule Set ID: Select an Hours of Service rule set. This will allow the HOS rules to be considered as part of the rate service lookup process.
  • Initial Rest Time: Provide the time/date for the first rest period. This rest period determines when drivers are and are not available.

Lanes and Service Times

  • Lane ID: Enter a Lane ID for which the rate service applies. This allows you to specify a lane, rather than have it apply to the entire rate service.
  • Service Days: Enter the amount of time allowed to transport goods in this rate zone.

Rate Zones and Service Times

  • Rate Zone Profile ID: The rate service only uses rate zones associated with the Rate Zone Profile ID you select.
  • Service Days: Enter the amount of time allowed to transport goods in this rate zone.

If your query has returned more records than specified in the glog.query.limit property, click the Service Time button to see all of the service times associated with this rate service.

Simulation (SIMULATION)

Simulation service time is calculated based on the rate distance of the corresponding rate offering. It can be postal code, latitude/longitude, city-city, and so on.

Service Details

When Simulation is selected as the rate service type, the Rate Service Details tab is where you define specific distances, speeds and time windows.

  • HOS Rule Set ID: Indicates which hours of service rules to honor for this rate service. When a shipment is created using this rate service type, the HOS rules associated with it are considered "fresh" at the start of the shipment, and rest time will be inserted into the shipment as required by the rules.
  • Initial Rest Time is the amount of rest time that must be considered to account for a driver that is not fully rested. For example, a driver may arrive at the first stop not fully rested, so will need to rest at some point between the first and second stops. Therefore, a shipment that would normally take 9 hours, now takes longer. The value entered here is added to the total service time to determine if a shipment can be delivered within a certain time window. If the drive time is 9 hours, and the Initial Rest Time is 4 hours, then it will take the driver 13 hours to deliver the shipment. For multi-stop shipments, the Initial Rest Time is only factored into the second stop.

Service Speed

Rate service speed determines the average speed at which a vehicle moves while transporting goods from one point to another. This figure is then used with the distance value to determine how long it takes to transport a shipment.

Distance and Speed are used together to compute how long a trip takes. When assigning distance, assume the corresponding average speed applies. For example, you may enter:



30 miles

25 MPH

100 miles

40 MPH

3000 miles

55 MPH

Min Transit Time is the absolute minimum amount of time required to travel from one point to another.


This service type is related to pulling service time information from external rating engines. It is used for engines that return actual dates and times for the pickup and delivery of the shipment.

For this type of rate service, the rate engine will return the specific pickup time and delivery time for a shipment. The rate service engine just uses the pickup and delivery time to test whether it fits into the order's pickup and delivery windows. If not, this rate cannot be used.

For this type of rate service, location calendar, location capacity, carrier capacity are not considered. Pickup or delivery activity time at a stop is always 0.

The following assumptions also hold true:

  • Only applies to two-stop shipments.
  • It does not make sense to have HOLD AS LATE AS POSSIBLE set to TRUE. Regardless of the setting of the parameter HOLD AS LATE AS POSSIBLE, this type of rate service is always calculated as HOLD AS LATE AS POSSIBLE = false.
  • Order's pickup and delivery windows should be a whole day. If you have orders with narrow pickup and delivery windows, the specific pickup time and delivery time will fall out of order's windows, so it will fail to use this rate. For example, the order's delivery window is 10:00-11:00am, but the rate engine comes back with a delivery time of 4:00PM. Then the rate service will fail for this rate.

If any of these assumptions are not followed because of data setup, an exception will be thrown at the beginning of the service time calculation.

If you are using Time Definite Service along with network routing, you can have OTM can consider time-dependent transit time by setting the network routing logic configuration parameter USE TIME-DEPENDENT TRANSIT TIME. The default is false.

Voyage Schedule (VOYAGESCHEDULE)

Voyage schedules determine departure and arrival dates as well as transit times for a shipment. Transit time is calculated based on speed, distance and rest time. You must load and update voyage schedules into Oracle Transportation Management for this to work.

Voyage Service

  • Voyage Service Type ID: Choose the Voyage Service Type ID of the voyage service you want to use with this rate service.

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