Shipment Management

Emission Activity Details

This is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Emission Activity. Click the Activity Details tab.This page allows you to enter the Activity Details that is used to determine the activity details of Emission.

Adding an Emission Activity Details Manually 

Click on the New Activity Detail to provide the Emission Activity Details manually. 

  1. Activity Sequence represents a sequence number for the Activity detail in the Activity.
  2. Location where Activity has occurred.
  3. Province where Activity has occurred.
  4. Province Code where Activity has occurred.
  5. Country where Activity has occurred.
  6. Distance traveled during the Emission Activity.
  7. Weight carried in the Activity.
  8. Volume carried in the Activity.
  9. CO2 Emissions specifies the amount of Carbon dioxide emitted during the Activity.
  10. CO2e Emissions specifies the amount of CO2 equivalent amount of green house gases emitted during the Activity.

    For example: Methane has 29.8 times more green house effect than Carbon dioxide so, for 1 KG of Methane emission the CO2e is 29.8 KG.

  11. Accessorial Code associated with Emission Activity.

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