Shipment Management

Emission Activity  

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Emission Activity.

Emission is a framework that helps you to understand how an organisation manages risk, and opportunities around sustainability issues.

Defining an Emission Activity

  1. Enter an Activity ID which specifies the identifier for Emission Activity. If you leave this field blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically assigns a system generated ID.
  2. Enter an Activity Type ID representing the type of Emission Activity. 
  3. Select the Scope of Emission Activity as '1', '2', or '3. When you select the Activity Type ID, the application automatically updates the field Scope based on the scope defined for Activity Type ID. If you have a different scope while comparing to the scope in Activity Type, then you can select it from the dropdown list.
  4. Select a Domain Name for the Emission Activity. You may store this Emission activity within your own domain, or any domain you have access to. All available domains appear in the drop-down list.
  5. Select an Object Type for which business object the Emission Activity is recorded.
  6. Enter an Object ID of the business object.
  7. Data Source indicates how the Emission Activity was created: Manual for manually entered Emission Activity, Generated for Emission Activity generated by system, and Integration for Emission Activity imported from other systems.
  8. Enter a Description indicating the details of the activity.
  9. Select a Posting Type whether the activity being recorded is planned or actual.
  10. Enter Posted On referring to the date on which the activity is recorded.
  11. Enter a Source Location ID and Destination Location ID for the activity being recorded.
  12. Enter an Equipment Type used during the activity.
  13. Enter an Equipment Group used during the activity.
  14. Select the Transport Mode which specifies the mode of transport used during the activity.
  15. Enter the Transport Handling Unit which specifies the handling unit of transport used during the activity.
  16. Enter the Transport Handling Unit Count which specifies the count of transport handling unit used during the activity.
  17. Enter a Weight. This represents the weight of the shipment carried during the Emission Activity.
  18. Enter a Volume.This represents the volume of the shipment carried during the Emission Activity.
  19. Enter a Distance specifying the distance traveled during the Emission Activity.
  20. Enter the CO2 Emissions  specifying the amount of Carbon dioxide emitted during the Activity.
  21. Enter the CO2e Emissions which specifies CO2 equivalent amount of green house gases emitted during the Activity.

    For example: Methane has 29.8 times more green house effect than Carbon dioxide so, for 1 KG of Methane emission the CO2e is 29.8 KG.

  22. Enter an Accessorial Code which is associated with Emission Activity.

    Note: While rating a shipment the application would first look for the accessorials configured at the Emission Activity Detail. If there are no accessorial codes at the detail then the accessorial code on the Emission Activity is considered.

  23. Enter the Remark.
    • Enter the Remarks Qualifier ID.
    • Enter the Remark Text.
    • click Save
  24. Enter a Note about the Emission Activity

Once the Emission Activity is populated, you can click on the second tab 'Activity Details'.

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