Business Process Automation

Auto Assignment Rule Definition

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Auto Assignment Rule. This is on the Definition tab.

Use this page to configure the actual data values that should be assigned to a business object as well as the conditions under which each should be applied.  Each definition that you create consists of the following attributes:

  • Sequence Number to control the sequence in which the data is assigned.
  • Assign data which is the actual field values to assign to the business object.
  • Condition to limit when to make the data assignment based on criteria.

Many of the fields that appear on this page are based on your entries on the previous tabs. For example, the fields that appear after Assign: are determined by the Auto Assign Type that you selected. The fields that appear after When: are determined by the criteria you selected.

  1. You can create one or more rule definitions and use the Sequence Number to determine the order in which they are processed. For example, in this rule: "Do 'A' if payment method is COD, do 'B' if payment method is PREPAID, do 'C' if payment method is not null", you would want to define the appropriate sequence since you would not want the NOT NULL condition to be tested before the other definitions. If no sequence is specified, the definitions are run in the order created.
  2. Mark the Default check box to assign data without testing the condition. The default definition applies if none of the definitions have written any data. Note that a default definition can have a condition and be tested with the other rules.
  3. Each definition can have only one Assign statement based on the fields that appear. The When condition automatically displays the data field that you selected on the Criteria tab followed by a Conditional Operator list box. The conditional operator indicates how the auto-assign engine should interpret the list of values. The choices that appear function the same as those that are available on most search pages.
  4. A power field follows the conditional operator that allows you to choose the specific values for the data field that appears. You can choose as many values as you need for the condition. Click Save next to the power field to save each entry.
  5. Mark the All check box to test all values that come from a business object. This can be used for criteria that have more than one piece of information on the business object such as Order Release Packaged Items. For example, an order release may have several different packaged items. If All is checked, all of those packaged items must pass the condition. If unchecked, only one of them has to pass for the definition to run.
  6. Click Save at the far right of the page to save the complete definition. The definition appears beneath the data entry section separated by a line. You can delete existing definitions or continue to create more.

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