Operational Planning

Bulk Plan

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment > Bulk Plan - Buy
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Sell Shipment > Bulk Plan - Sell
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release with Stops > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Buy Shipment > Bulk Plan - Buy
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release with Stops > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Sell Shipment > Bulk Plan - Sell
  • Order Management > Order Movement > Order Movement > Actions > Operational Planning > Create Shipment > Bulk Plan
  • Operational Planning > Planning Results > Shipment Planning
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project > Actions > Scenario Bulk Plan
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario > Actions > Scenario Bulk Plan

You can also access Bulk Plan from the Bulk Continuous Move, Bulk Plan Order Movements, and Bulk Plan Order Releases processes via Operational Planning > Process Management.

You can bulk plan multiple orders into shipments to achieve optimal transportation solutions and consolidation opportunities. You can also initiate a bulk plan for orders entered through integration.

When you perform a bulk plan, a unique ID is created for the plan and informational attributes are provided about the bulk plan results such as

Note: If a bulk plan is scheduled as a recurring job with a user-entered Bulk Plan ID, a time stamp is appended to the Bulk Plan ID each time it runs. This time stamp is the standard: YYYYMMDDHHmmss. This ensures the bulk plan ID is unique each time it runs. It also allows you to query for all runs of a particular requested bulk plan ID. By sorting on the Bulk Plan XID, descending, you can quickly see all runs, from latest to oldest.

  • Start and end time of the bulk planning process
  • Number of orders selected for bulk planning
  • Number of orders that were planned on shipments
  • Number of orders that were unassigned and re-planned for better shipping opportunities
  • Number of shipments created
  • Number of orders that failed to plan

You can also set up Oracle Transportation Management to automatically review all shipments at the end of the bulk plan process to look for continuous move opportunities. This eliminates the need to manually create continuous moves. To have this process occur, you need to set the following parameters:


You can also specify what happens at the end of the bulk plan process when carrier/equipment capacity reaches its limit. To do this, set the following parameters:


Results Tab

You can use the Bulk Plan Manager to review the results of any bulk plan, regardless of how you initiated it.

Note: You can access Work Assignment Planning from Bulk Plan, when the Fleet Aware Bulk Plan parameter is set to true. This parameter will allow the creation of any work assignments in a bulk plan. For more information, see Fleet and Bulk Planning.

The fields that display depend on whether you ran bulk plan against an order release or an order movement.

Bulk Plan


Bulk Plan ID

The ID is automatically generated using the default format in the Business Number Generator.

You can use the Bulk Plan ID to search for orders and shipments that are part of the plan using the Order Base Manager, the Order Release Manager, the Shipment Manager, and Shipment Group Manager.

Domain Name

Shows the domain you are working in.

Query Name

The name of the Saved Query that was used to select the orders for the Bulk Plan if you performed a Bulk Plan using the Process Manager or through integration only.

Parameter Set ID

The set of parameters that was used to process this bulk plan. Click View Overrides to view parameters set differently from the defaults.


Shows whether they are buy or sell shipments.

Scenario Group

Enter a Scenario Group for the bulk plan. You may query on bulk plans by scenario group to limit the results returned by the query.

What-If Scenario

If this is selected, the bulk plan will not commit shipments.

Start Time

The time when the bulk processing began.

End Time

The time when the bulk plan processing completed. If the End Time is blank, then processing is still in progress. Click the Refresh button at the bottom of the page until an End Time appears to review the results.

Orders Selected

Displays the number of order releases considered in the bulk plan.

Orders Inserted

Displays the number of order releases inserted into a modeling scenario bulk plan via the Data Scenario Changes screen.

Note: This field is only used for Logistics Network Modeling scenario bulk plans.

Note: For inserted order releases, the value in the Orders Selected field is a link to the order release finder results. The results are based on the saved query on the modeling scenario minus any order releases deleted via data scenario changes. If there are no inserted order releases, the link is on the Orders Planned value.

Orders Unassigned

Displays the number of order releases that were already planned on shipments but not in execution (order releases with PLANNING status type and PLANNING_PLANNED FINAL status value) and therefore unassigned and reconsidered for planning during the bulk plan process to evaluate consolidation opportunities for these orders.

Shipments Built

The number of shipments created as a result of the bulk plan.

Note: If you ran the Scenario Bulk Plan action the Shipments Built link opens the Modeling Shipment finder results and view screens.

Total Number of Stops

The number of stops across all shipments in the bulk plan.

Orders Planned

Displays the number of order releases planned on shipments

Orders Failed to Plan

Displays the number of order releases that did not plan on shipments as a result of the bulk plan.

commented this out based on the following issues

Note: You can use the Communication Manager to configure email notifications when a bulk plan completes processing or when a bulk plan fails.

Orders Sent Thru Pools

Displays the number of orders that will be sent through distribution pools. This is also populated if the network has a pool.

Orders Sent Thru XDocks

Displays the number of orders that will be sent through cross-docks. This is also populated if the network has a cross-dock.

Order Movements (Selected/Unassigned/Planned/

If you ran bulk plan against order movements in addition to order releases, these order movement fields appear. They show similar statistics as the order release fields mentioned above.

Order Movements (Created/

These order movement fields display if you ran bulk plan against order releases.

These numbers do not include the network routable order movements as these are not actually used in planning shipments (though they are created when orders are planned onto shipments.

Totals (Weighted Cost/Actual Cost/Weight/

Shows various total values (weighted cost, actual cost, weight, volume) for all shipments that were created in the bulk plan. The system sums the highest rolling volume and weight of each shipment; it does not the total volume and weight of the shipment. To see the total volume and weight of shipments, see the shipment totals instead of the bulk plan totals. Use the Mode and Show Partitions section to view values for individual shipments that were created.

For example, in the shipment below, the bulk plan results would provide a total of 30 Cubic Feet for the Volume of this shipment since that is the highest total volume in the truck at any one time. The shipment total for this same shipment would be 50 Cubic Feet, which is the total for the pickups made for this shipment.

1. Pickup @ DC 20 Cubic Feet

2. Deliver @ Store 10 Cubic Feet

3. Delivery @ Store 10 Cubic Feet

4. Deadhead

5. Pickup @ Vendor 30 Cubic Feet

6. Delivery at DC 30 Cubic Feet

Modeling Project ID / Modeling Scenario ID

These fields are populated if the bulk plan was run via the logistics network modeling action of Scenario Bulk Plan. They show values for scenario bulk plans invoked from a modeling project or modeling scenario.

Note: The metrics and values in the screen do not correspond to the OTM bulk plan but are the result of the scenario planner initiated bulk plan (as expected).


Metrics Tab

The first section summarizes metrics derived from the total bulk plan.

Bulk Plan Level Metrics


Total Weighted Cost

Total cost of the bulk plan including the actual cost as well as costs associated with the shipment but not normally invoiced.

Weighted Cost Per 100 LB

Weighted cost per hundredweight.

Weighted Cost Per Volume CUFT

Weighted cost per cubic foot.

Weighted Cost Per Distance MI

Weighted cost per mile.

Avg # Stops

Average number of stops for the bulk plan

Weighted Cost Per Order

Weighted cost per order on an itinerary leg.

Weighted Cost Per Shipment

Weighted cost per shipment.

Avg Shipment Distance

Average distance for each shipment in the bulk plan

Avg Shipment Duration

Average time duration planned for shipment.

% Weight Utilization

Percentage of available weight capacity utilized.

% Volume Utilization

Percentage of available volume utilized.


The second section displays summary statistics for shipments based on transportation mode. This section only appears if the resulting shipments have a transport mode assigned. Each mode appears on a separate row with summary values as described below.

Mode Metrics


Transport Mode ID

Identifies the transport mode.

Avg # Stops

Average number of stops per mode.

Actual Cost Per 100 LB

Actual cost per hundredweight.

Actual Cost Per Volume

Actual cost per cubic foot.

Actual Cost Per Distance MI

Actual cost per mile.

Actual Cost Per Shipment

Actual cost for shipments per mode.

Avg Shipment Distance

Average shipment distance per mode.

Avg Shipment Duration

Average time duration planned for shipment per mode.

% Weight Utilization

Percentage of available weight capacity utilized.

% Volume Utilization

Percentage of available volume utilized.


The Service Provider Metrics section displays summary statistics for shipments based on service provider. This section only appears if the resulting shipments have a service provider assigned. Each service provider appears on a separate row with summary values as described below.

Service Provider Metrics


Service Provider ID

Identifies the service provider

Avg # Stops

Average number of stops per service provider.

Actual Cost Per 100 LB

Actual cost per hundredweight.

Actual Cost Per Volume CUFT

Actual cost per cubic foot.

Actual Cost Per Distance MI

Actual cost per mile.

Actual Cost Per Shipment

Actual cost for shipments per provider.

Avg Shipment Distance

Average shipment distance per provider.

Avg Shipment Duration

Average time duration planned for shipment per provider.

% Weight Utilization

Percentage of available weight capacity utilized.

% Volume Utilization

Percentage of available volume utilized.


Performance Tab

Bulk Plan Level Metrics



Shows the status. The last one could show as "running".


Time when the process began.

Total Time

Amount of time consumed by the completed process.

Start Time

Time when the process began.

End Time

Time when the process ended.


Milestone Metrics


Planning Milestone ID

Lists the process or milestone. These are pre-defined. Additional ones cannot be created.


Shows the status. The last one could show as in process.


Displays how long that process took to run.


Compared to total run time.


Displays the progress of the milestone is still in process.


Shows the algorithm used, if one was used.

Error Count

Shows exceptions.

Warning Count

This column shows number of warnings about certain parameter settings or excessive logging. If there is a number in this column, the number is a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to see the message; for example, "Excessive Logging" or "Potentially Excessive Runtime". The message is also a hyperlink. Click it for further details.

Note: There are bulk plan properties that enable you to adjust warning settings. See glog.bulkplan properties. Also see Bulk Plan Caches.

Information Count

This column shows the statistics like total time taken, maximum time spent, average time, and the number of hits for the components rating engine, external distance engine, and external service engine for all their sub-components for a bulk plan.

Note: Information displayed in this column is controlled via the properties glog.bulkplan.ratingStatistics.enabled, glog.bulkplan.rateDistanceStatistics.enabled,  and glog.bulkplan.rateServiceStatistics.enabled. See glog.bulkplan properties. By default, these properties are false.


Show Partitions

The show partitions button only appears if this bulk plan was run using partitions from the Process Manager.

Once the Bulk Plan process is executing in this manner, and Partition IDs are assigned to orders in a bulk plan, the partitions grid is enabled (click display partitions) as a collapsible grid to provide an updated view into the partitions of the Bulk Plan as they are running. For each partition you can view the submit, start, and end times as well as order and shipment statistics. In addition, you can view the log for an individual Bulk Plan.

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