Operational Planning

Bulk Trailer Build Results

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Process Manager > Bulk Trailer Build and displays the results of a Bulk Trailer Build initiated through integration or by using the Bulk Trailer Build option in the Process Manager.

The following information is displayed for the Bulk Trailer Build:

  • Bulk Trailer Build ID: The unique ID that was assigned in to the Bulk Trailer Build. If no ID was entered, one was automatically generated using the default format in the Business Number Generator.
  • Domain Name: The name of the domain in which the bulk trailer build was run.
  • Query Name: The name of the Saved Query that was used to select the shipments. This Query Name is specified when you initiate the bulk trailer build process via the Process Manager or integration.
  • Start Time: The time at which the bulk trailer build process started.
  • End Time: The time at which the bulk trailer build process ended.
  • Number of Shipments Selected: The number of shipments selected to be run through the bulk trailer build process.
  • Number of Shipment Groups Built: The number of shipment groups generated by the bulk trailer build process.
  • Number of Shipments Built to Groups: The number of shipments successfully built into shipment groups by the bulk trailer build process.
  • Number of Shipments Not in Groups: The number of shipments not built into any of the shipment groups by the bulk trailer build process.

The Bulk Trailer Build process separates the Trailer Build logic from the Bulk Plan logic. This allows you to create trailer builds from any number of shipments that you group together.

When the trailer build logic is run at the end of the bulk plan logic, which is the default method, shipments from only one bulk plan can be processed by the trailer build logic. As a result, shipments from multiple bulk plans cannot be processed together.

Run Bulk Trailer Build

There are two ways to run the Bulk Trailer Build process. Which ever method is used, the Parameter RUN TRAILER BUILD IN BULK PLAN must be set to FALSE. The default value is TRUE, which keeps the trailer build logic running at the end of the bulk plan logic.

Process Manager

You can run the Bulk Trailer Build process from the Process Manager.

You will be prompted to:

  • Assign an ID to the process (or let Oracle Transportation Management assign one).
  • Select a saved query containing what shipments you want included.
  • Select a shipment group rule which will limit what shipments are allowed to be grouped together in certain circumstances.

You can also specify whether you want the process to run now or schedule it for a specific time.


You can run the Bulk Trailer Build process via integration as well. This is done through the Topic Interface.

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