Transportation Intelligence

3. TI: Oracle Analytics Server

As explained earlier, the Oracle Analytics Server in the TI solution is comprised of the Oracle Analytics Server suite that hosts the TI specific metadata and the dashboard components.

This chapter describes the details of the TI metadata and the dashboards.


Following are the list variables available in the TI metadata.






Stores the current date during the user’s active session.



Stores the UOM that the user defined in OTM user preferences.



Stores the language and locale information of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores the CO2 emission factor defined in the parameter set of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores the NOx emission factor defined in the parameter set of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores the particulate matter emission factor defined in the parameter set of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores the average TL fuel consumption defined in the parameter set of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores the parameter set of the user currently logged into OTM.



Stores translated value of “Current Week” string.



Stores translated value of “Week” string.



Stores translated value of “Target Value” string.


Transportation Intelligence Subject Area

The Transportation Intelligence subject area is structured into multiple analysis folders one for each OTM business object (order release, shipment, invoice, etc). Each analysis folder then includes one facts folder and multiple dimensions folders. It is important to note that only compatible dimensions (and columns underneath) are available in each analysis folder. All columns under the respective facts and dimensions folders are also functionally grouped under headers (Identifiers, Cost, Distance, Flex fields, etc) for ease of identification and usage.

Note: Only ad-hoc queries and customer-defined reports using one analysis folder at a time are supported.

Transportation Intelligence Dashboards

Out-of-the-box Prompts

Transportation Intelligence (TI) provides some pre-defined prompts in OAS. These prompts are:

Out-of-the box Dashboard Reports

Transportation Intelligence (TI) provides some pre-defined dashboard reports in OAS. These dashboard reports are:

Archive and Unarchive UI Features in OAS

You can use the Archive and Unarchive UI features to import and export the objects in catalog and to manage catalog objects in OAS. If you have access to the system in which the catalog is stored, then you can export and import catalog objects via the Catalog manager. But if you do not have access to the Catalog manager and want to import/export objects in catalog, you can use the Archive/Unarchive UI options to manage catalog objects.

Enabling Archive and Unarchive Features

Archive and Unarchive are OAS UI features displayed in the lower left corner of the Catalog page of OAS analytics.

Check if both the options are available.

If either option is not available, enable the required option.

  1. Go to Administration > Manage Privileges > Catalog.
  2. Enable the Archive and/or the Unarchive feature for the Role.

Archiving Objects

  1. Select the folder that you want to archive from the Catalog page.
  2. Click the Archive option.
  3. If required, select the Keep Time Stamp and Keep Permissions check boxes.
  4. Save the file in your system. The file is saved in .catalog format.

Unarchiving Objects

  1. Go to the folder structure in catalog where you want to unarchive.
  2. Click the Unarchive option.
  3. Browse and select the .catalog file to be unarchived.
  4. Select the required options from the Replace and the ACL drop-lists as required and click OK. The selected file is unarchived.

Global Currencies Support

Oracle TI is enhanced to show reports in 3 different global currencies configured in OTM. Cost-related facts in TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE subject area will have 3 extra fields for each cost to incorporate the feasibility of showing reports in global currencies for the following analyses:

  • Invoice Analysis
  • Invoice Line Analysis
  • Order Release Analysis
  • Order Movement Analysis
  • Shipment Analysis
  • Shipment Line Analysis
  • Shipment Order Release Analysis
  • Shipment Order Release Line Analysis
  • Tender Performance Analysis
  • Bulk Plan Analysis
  • Shipment Claim Analysis
  • Rate Analysis
  1. Configure 3 global currencies in OTM. (It is strictly advised that values of these 3 global currencies should not be changed afterward as this might lead to data discrepancy).
  2. Exchange rates for 3 global currencies would be calculated as follows:
    1. Latest effective date is extracted based on SHIPMENT start time.
    2. Exchange rates for 3 global currencies are taken for the latest effective.
  3. All fact tables in HDOWNER database would have 3 extra columns to hold global currencies’ exchange rates.
  4. Cost value for newly introduced global currency columns in each analysis folder is calculated as follows:
    1. Base cost * Exchange rate of global currency.
    2. The multiplied amount is displayed for each global currency fields in analysis.

Configure the following properties:






During installation in OTM, use these properties to configure three global currencies in which you would want to see the cost-based reports in TI.

Note: Once these properties are set, it is recommended not to change the values.


Creating Reports with Map Views

Note: This section is only relevant if you want to use maps in reports.

TI ships with map data that is configured as part of installation. The map data is loaded as part of installation into the hdowner schema and can be configured for use in TI to create reports with maps.

Adding Map Views to Reports

With the XML file configuration, maps will become fully functional and can be included into reports and ad hoc queries. This section describes the various themes that ship with TI and the map columns that they are configured to work with.


THEME_PROVINCE, when used in maps, shows the value of a chosen metric distributed across provinces. The map columns that are configured to work with this theme are:

  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."Source Province"
  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."Destination Province"
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Source Province”
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Destination Province”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Source Province”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Destination Province”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.”Source Province”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.”Destination Province”

For the map view to work, use the column above which is relevant to the fact/dimension used in the criteria tab of the report.


THEME_PROVINCE_LINE, when used in maps, shows the value of a chosen metric as a line between provinces. As an example, this theme could be used to see the shipments moving between provinces. The map columns that are configured to work with this theme are:

  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."Province Pair ID"
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.” Province Pair ID”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Province Pair ID”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.” Province Pair ID”

For the map view to work, use the column above which is relevant to the fact/dimension used in the criteria tab of the report.


THEME_CITY, when used in maps, shows the value of a chosen metric distributed across cities. The map columns that are configured to work with this theme are:

  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."Source City ID"
  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."Destination City ID"
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Source City ID”
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Destination City ID”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Source City ID”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”Destination City ID”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.”Source City ID”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.”Destination City ID”

For the map view to work, use the column above which is relevant to the fact/dimension used in the criteria tab of the report.


THEME_CITY_LINE, when used with maps, shows the value of a chosen metric as a line between cities. The map columns that are configured to work with this theme are:

  • "Shipment Map Dimensions"."City Pair ID"
  • “Shipment Order Release Map Dimensions”.”City  Pair ID”
  • “Order Release Map Dimensions”.”City Pair ID”
  • “Order Movement Map Dimensions”.”City Pair ID”

For the map view to work, use the column above which is relevant to the fact/dimension used in the criteria tab of the report.

For more detail on working with maps and map data please refer to Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Analytics Server > Configuring Spatial and Mapping Information and Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Analytics Server > Adding Views for Display in Dashboards > Editing Map Views.


  • While creating report with a map view, add the relevant map column in to the criteria tab.

    For example, when creating a report that has order release facts and dimensions, add a map column from the “Order Release Map Dimensions” folder. If this column is omitted in the criteria tab and a Map View is created, TI automatically includes the map column from “Shipment Map Dimensions”. This will result in loss of data.
  • When Source and Destination map columns are included in the criteria tab, TI ignores the Destination column and all Map formats created will only contain the Source Province map data.
  • In order to work with the Destination Province/City data, please include only this column in the criteria tab.
  • For the THEME_PROVINCE_LINE, the lines are rendered in a way to join the “centroid” of the Source and Destination Provinces. For the Washington province, the centroid is placed outside of the province region.
  • Refer to the supported_provinces_list_for_map_data.xlsx to view a list of the provinces for which map data (out of the box) is supported.

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