Transportation Intelligence

Transportation Intelligence Write-back Dashboards

The write-back dashboards consist of reports that allow you to change values, insert new values, and delete values for Transportation Intelligence (TI) targets. Also, you can insert new values for forecasts and industry benchmarks.

Accessing the Write-back Dashboards

You can access the write-back dashboards as follows:

  • Transportation Intelligence > Dashboard. When you see an icon a red or green bar in any of the pre-defined dashboard tabs, click on the target label or the colored bar for that target. You see the actions menu with the following options:

Note: If you right-click a target row or click the Options menu, you will see additional menu options. These options are OAS functionality. Please review the OAS online help for assistance with these options.


  • When you click the Insert New link under the Insert a new Target, Forecast or Industry Benchmark heading at the bottom of the dashboard, you see the following options:
    • Target: Opens the Insert Targets write-back dashboard.
    • Forecast: Opens the Insert Forecast write-back dashboard.
    • Industry Benchmark: Opens the Insert Industry Benchmark write-back dashboard.

Insert Targets, Forecasts, or Industry Benchmarks

The insert write-back dashboards all contain a single report which includes all of the prompts available in the pre-defined dashboards. There is a column for each dimension which acts as a placeholder for the value that you want to insert into the database.

You can insert targets, forecasts, or industry benchmarks using the following write-back dashboards:

  • Write Back Dashboard: Insert Targets
  • Write Back Dashboard: Insert Forecast
  • Write Back Dashboard: Insert Industry Benchmark

Inserting a new target, forecast, or industry benchmark value:

  1. Select a Target Name from the drop-down list at the top of the page and click anywhere near the drop-down list to refresh the page.

    Note: For a complete list of targets along with an explanatory tool tip, see the fti_fact_dimensions_and_target_list.xls file which is available from the Knowledge Document 796594.1 on My Oracle Support.

  2. Select the appropriate dimensions from the drop-down lists on the left-side of the page.
  3. Click Apply to apply the selected dimensions.
  4. Click Update.

    The Target Value, Target Description, and Target Final Remarks columns become editable text fields and you can enter new data.

    Note: To insert targets, forecasts or benchmarks, you must have the BI Role of KPIMANAGER in addition to existing BI role(s). Without the KPIMANAGER role you can see the appropriate insert dashboard, but you cannot actually enter any data into the Target Value, Target Description, and Target Final Remarks fields. If you do not have the KPIMANAGER role, you can view the KPI but Update is not available.

  5. Enter a Target Value, Forecast Value or Industry Benchmark Value for the target name you selected above.

    The target value will appear in any dashboards in which this target is included.
  6. Optionally, enter a Target Description to provide extra information about the target.

    The target description will not appear on the dashboard at all. It is only used on the write-back dashboard for informational purposes.
  7. Optionally, enter Target Final Remarks to provide additional information.

    The target final remarks will not appear on the dashboard at all. It is only used on the write-back dashboard for informational purposes.
  8. Click Rollback or Revert to cancel your changes without saving. When you click Rollback/Revert, a dialog box opens stating "You have made changes. Continue without saving?"
    1. Click OK to revert your changes.

    2. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and return to update dashboard.
  9. Click Commit to write and commit the values to the database.

    You see a message stating that the changes were made successfully. The text fields can still be edited and you can make more changes.
  10. Click Done to complete the insert process.

    The text fields can no longer be edited unless you go back to step 4.

Update Targets

The Write Back Dashboard: Update Targets contains a single report which includes all of the prompts available in the pre-defined dashboards. There is a column for each dimension which acts as a placeholder for the value that you want to insert in, update in or delete from the database.

Updating an existing target value:

  1. Select a Target Name from the drop-down list. The values for the dimensions in the report are automatically filled in depending on the selected target name.

    Note: For a complete list of targets along with an explanatory tool tip, see the fti_fact_dimensions_and_target_list.xls file which is available from the the Knowledge Document 796594.1 on My Oracle Support.

  2. Select the appropriate dimensions from the drop-down lists on the left-side of the page.
  3. Click Apply to apply the selected dimensions.
  4. Click Update. The Target Value, Target Description, and Target Final Remarks columns become text fields and you can enter new data.

    Note: To insert targets, forecasts or benchmarks, you must have the BI Role of KPIMANAGER in addition to existing BI role(s). Without the KPIMANAGER role, you can see the update targets dashboard, but you cannot actually enter any data into the Target Value, Target Description, and Target Final Remarks fields. If you do not have the KPIMANAGER role, you can view the KPI but Update is not available.

  5. Enter a Target Value for the target name you selected above. The target value will appear in any dashboards in which this target is included.
  6. Optionally, enter a Target Description to provide extra information about the target. The target description will not appear on the dashboard at all. It is only used on the write-back dashboard for informational purposes.
  7. Optionally, enter Target Final Remarks to provide additional information. The target final remarks will not appear on the dashboard at all. It is only used on the write-back dashboard for informational purposes.
  8. Click Revert to cancel your changes without saving. When you click Revert, a dialog box opens stating "You have made changes. Continue without saving?"
    1. Click OK to revert your changes.

    2. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and return to update dashboard.
  9. Click Commit to write and commit the values to the database. You see a message stating that the changes were made successfully. The text fields can still be edited and you can make more changes.
  10. Click Done to complete the insert process. The text fields can no longer be edited unless you got back to step 4.

Delete Targets

The Write Back Dashboard: Delete Targets contains a single report which includes all of the prompts available in the pre-defined dashboards. There is a column for each dimension which acts as a placeholder for the value that you want to insert in, update in or delete from the database.

Deleting existing target values:

  1. Select a Target Name from the drop-down list. The values for the dimensions in the report are automatically filled in depending on the selected target name.

    Note: For a complete list of targets along with an explanatory tool tip, see the fti_fact_dimensions_and_target_list.xls file which is available from the Knowledge Document 796594.1 on My Oracle Support. If you do not have the KPIMANAGER role, you can view the KPI but Update is not available.

  2. Select the appropriate dimensions from the drop-down lists on the left-side of the page.
  3. Click Apply to apply the selected dimensions.
  4. Click Update. The values for the dimensions in the report are automatically filled in depending on the selected target name. In addition, a Delete Flag column appears.

    Note: To insert targets, forecasts or benchmarks, you must have the BI Role of KPIMANAGER. Without the KPIMANAGER role, you can see the delete targets dashboard, but you cannot actually enter any data into the Delete Flag field.

  5. In the Delete Flag column, enter either a "Y" or "N".

    This column takes values Y and N. When the value for a particular target is set a Y, then that target is not fetched during querying and works like a soft delete.

    You will be writing data (Y/N) to the DELETE_FLAG column in the target table through this report.
  6. Click Revert to cancel your changes without saving. When you click Revert, a dialog box opens stating "You have made changes. Continue without saving?"
    1. Click OK to revert your changes.

    2. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and return to update dashboard.
  7. Click Commit to write and commit the values to the database. You see a message stating that the changes were made successfully. The text fields can still be edited and you can make more changes.
  8. Click Done to complete the insert process. The text fields can no longer be edited unless you go back to step 4.

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