Configuration and Administration

Manage User

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Management > User Manager.

The User Manager enables administrators to add new users and update existing ones. A new user can be added only to the current domain.

Adding Users

Note: There are certain reserved users that are always effective and never expire. The system will not allow you to set effective or expiration dates for these users.

  1. Enter a User Name. User names default to upper case characters. User information can be created and updated only for users in the current domain. Do not make the ID the same as a domain name, access control list, or entry point. The user name must be less than or equal to 100 characters in order to synch with IDCS.
  2. Enter a Nickname for the user. You can record a nickname for any user to use as an alternate user ID for a login that bypasses the need to enter a domain name. For example, a standard user name is comprised of the domain.user ID. However, if you assign a nickname, a user can enter that nickname without a domain name. Additionally, policy checks consider User ID and nickname as being the same. If you enter a bad password for a User ID or a nickname it counts against the total number of incorrect logins allowed.

    Note: If you are using the Logistics Digital Assistant, the nickname must match the email address for the corresponding Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) user in order to authenticate successfully.

    Note: A nickname cannot be the same as the domain name.

  3. Enter a Domain Name.
  4. Enter the First Name of the user. The first name must be less than or equal to 100 characters in order to synch with IDCS
  5. Enter the Last Name of the user. The last name must be less than or equal to 100 characters in order to synch with IDCS.
  6. Enter the Email Address of the user. The email address must be formatted correctly in order to synch with IDCS.
  7. Enter a Password. Passwords are case-sensitive. Only users with ADMIN user level access can change passwords other than their own. Retype your password to verify accuracy.

    Note: The Change Password option in User Preference enables users without ADMIN user level access to change their own passwords.

  8. Enter an Effective Date. The user you are editing will not be able to sign onto the system until this date.
  9. Enter an Expiration Date. The user you are editing will not be able to sign onto the system after this date.
  10. Enter a User Role. A user role controls the data visibility and functional security for a user. By assigning a role, you can control the data that a user can see as well as the functions that the person can perform.
  11. The External User check box is no longer used and will be removed in a future version.
  12. The OBIEE Non-SSO User check box controls whether the OTM user is added as a standalone (i.e. LDAP) user in OAS. This allows users to log in directly to OAS with their OTM User ID.
    • Allows you to directly access OAS via a non-SSO URL.
    • If you select this check box, you must also specify the BI role of BI Consumer or the connection between the OTM user and the WebLogic user will not be made.
    • When entering a password, you must take into consideration the password restrictions of both WebLogic LDAP and OTM or you will see an error.
    • It is recommended that you create a separate user with the OBIEE Non-SSO User check box selected since this user will not be able to access Analytics in the normal way.
  13. Use the Account Policy ID field to control the user login and password expiration attributes. A default policy called BASIC PASSWORD RULES populates for new users to ensure adequate password creation. To delete an account policy already assigned to a user, remove the entry in the Account Policy ID field. When a password is reset by an ADMIN user, the following is reset for the user:
    • Password Expiration Date is set to the current time, if the Change after Reset option is selected.
    • Account Lockout Time is set to null restore a lockout account.
    • Last Login Date
    • Unsuccessful Login Attempts

    Note: You should not assign an account policy to any domain administrator.

  14. Enter a Document Use Profile.
  15. If the user will be approving invoices, enter an ID in the Approval Rule Profile field.

Access Control List

Access granted/denied to a user take precedence over the access granted through user roles.

Note: You must have an access control list associated with the user, in order for the user to be utilized.

  1. Enter an Access Control List.
  2. If you want to grant the permissions stated in the access control list to the user, select the Granted check box. If you wish to deny access to the permissions granted by the access control list, clear the Granted check box.
  3. Click Save for each access control list you enter.
  4. Click Finished.

Business Intelligence Applications

In this section, list the business intelligence applications which this user can use. A business intelligence application is an application that uses Oracle Analytics Server or OAS. Oracle Transportation Management supports these business intelligence applications: Transportation Intelligence (TI), Logistics Network Modeling Intelligence, Logistics Machine Learning intelligence, and Global Trade Intelligence (GTI).

  1. Enter an Application ID. The options are:
  2. Click Save for each application ID you enter.

Note: To access any of the business intelligence applications, a user must be associated with a user role that contains the appropriate VPD profile for that business intelligence application.

Business Intelligence Roles

Business intelligence roles determine user access to business intelligence applications. The entries in this section are sent to Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) and OAS provides access to the applications listed in the Business Intelligence Applications section based on how the application (either TI, GTI, or LNM) is designed to use that specific role.

By default, users have no access (the business intelligence role is blank which is the equivalent of NO ACCESS), so users must be given rights to access the business intelligence applications supported for Oracle Transportation Management.

Adding Business Intelligence Roles

  1. Enter a Role ID.
  2. Click Save for each role ID you enter.

More About Business Intelligence Roles

The role or roles selected in this section apply to all business intelligence applications listed in the Business Intelligence Applications section. If you specify more than one role ID, for example, BIAdministrator and BIAuthor,the higher-level or more powerful role is used. So in this example, the BIAdministrator role is used.

The following business intelligence roles mimic the OAS role of the same name and can be used to access both TI and GTI. If you are accessing GTI, then you must select one of the three roles listed below:

  • BIAdministrator: This role mimics the OAS role of the same name. This role gives you full OAS administrative access including access to managing privileges.
  • BIAuthor: This role mimics the OAS role of the same name. This roles gives you view and edit access.
  • BIConsumer: This role mimics the OAS role of the same name. This role gives you read only access.

The following role can be used for both TI and GTI. This role is the default if the Business Intelligence Role section contains no roles.

  • NO ACCESS: You cannot even view the dashboard. You will receive an error. This is the default role ID when you create a new user.

The following roles are specific to Transportation Intelligence or TI only.

Note: You can only select ONE of the TI-specific roles at a time for a user. If you try to select two or more of these TI-specific roles for a single user, you see an error message and cannot save the user record.

Note: For the following Business Intelligence Roles, you must also add the BIConsumer role.

Note: Refer to the business intelligence roles matrix for an explanation of what roles to use for Transportation Intelligence and Global Trade Intelligence depending on the TI/LM/GTI Pre-defined Dashboards set up for a user.

Below is a list of all supported business intelligence roles and the business intelligence applications with which they can be used:

BI Role

Applicable to TI/LNM/LML

Applicable to GTI





























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