Transportation Intelligence

Transportation Intelligence Main Dashboard

This page is accessed via Transportation Intelligence > Dashboard.

The Dashboard in Transportation Intelligence (TI) is a collection of performance metrics reflecting common strategic goals.

There is a default Dashboard or you can configure your own with My Dashboard. By default, the Dashboard menu option opens the sample Main Dashboard which is a selection of sample reports pre-defined with standard metrics or KPIs. You can use MyDashboard to display the metrics you want in the format you want. Service providers have a different default Dashboard. You can define a default dashboard in user preferences.

See Business Intelligence Roles for a table displaying dashboards, roles, and access.

The reports use the data in the HD database. See the data flow to Transportation Intelligence.

Note: Dashboards are user-configurable. Following is an example of what you may see depending on your dashboard.

The pre-configured main dashboard consists of the following tabs depending on the Business Intelligence Role that is assigned to the user viewing the dashboard. These tabs or pages are:

Using the Filters

The filters are on the left-side of the dashboard and include:

  • Time Period filters which default to current year and month:
    • Year
    • Month
  • Region filters:
    • Source Region
    • Source Country
    • Source Province
    • Source Location
    • Destination Region
    • Destination Country
    • Destination Province
    • Destination Location

Using the filters

  1. Select your search criteria from the Time Period and Region filters on the left side of the page.

    By default, the time period prompt defaults to the current month and year.
  2. Click anywhere in the filters pane to refresh the data on the any dashboard tab.
  3. Click Reset to either reset the prompts to the default values or clear the prompts of all values.

Understanding the Tabs

The Main Dashboard includes the following tabs:


This tab allows you to view metrics, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:

  • total volume
  • total weight
  • total shipments
  • total distance
  • average weight
  • average volume
  • percent accessorial charges to freight


Note: You must have a business intelligence role of either BIConsumer or BIAdministrator to view Financial details.

This tab displays cost metrics, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:

  • total cost
  • cost per distance
  • cost per shipment
  • cost per CWT (hundred-weight)
  • cost per lane
  • cost per hour
  • cost per pallet


This tab displays metrics on carrier performance, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:

  • % on time pickup
  • % on time delivery
  • % tender - accept
  • average pickup hours
  • average delivery hours
  • percent claims


This tab displays actual weight and volume utilization metrics, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:

  • weight utilization
  • volume utilization

Cost Benefits

This tab displays cost benefits including savings and order profits, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:
  • order consolidation savings
  • order profit

Regional Cost Benefits

This tab displays regional and order profits, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:
  • Americas order profit
  • northern Europe order profit
  • central Europe order profit
  • southern Europe order profit
  • Asia Pacific order profit

Green Dashboard

This tab displays environmentally-minded data based on the US Government SmartWay program, such as Status, Trend, Actual and Target values for targets including:

  • Emission Footprint section
    • CO2 emission
    • NOx emission
    • PM emission
  • Fuel Consumption section
    • total distance
    • total shipments
    • total fuel consumption

Fleet Dashboard

The Fleet Dashboard is designed to help you monitor your fleet. This tab contains the following sections:

  • Fleet utilization metrics which compares bobtail, deadhead, empty, and loaded miles for fleet customers.
  • Service metrics which includes % on time by pickup, delivery, and total for fleet customers.
  • Volume and weight utilization by region for fleet customers.
  • Cost metrics which includes cost per mile and cost per weight for fleet customers.
  • Driver metrics which includes actual time driven, actual time worked, and non work time for fleet drivers.
  • Shipment metrics which includes total miles, total empty miles, and % empty by drivers for both team versus non team shipments.
  • Fleet utilization metrics which compares bobtail, deadhead, empty, and loaded miles for fleet customers.
  • Service metrics which includes % on time by pickup, delivery, and total for fleet customers.
  • Volume and weight utilization by region for fleet customers.
  • Cost metrics which includes cost per mile and cost per weight for fleet customers.
  • Driver metrics which includes actual time driven, actual time worked, and non work time for fleet drivers.
  • Shipment metrics which includes total miles, total empty miles, and % empty by drivers for both team versus non team shipments.


The Maps tab allows you to view maps for source province/city and destination province/city pairs. This tab contains the following sections:

  • Map Analysis
  • Map


  • While creating reports with a map view, add the relevant map column in to the criteria tab. For example, when creating a report that has order release facts and dimensions, add a map column from the “Order Release Map Dimensions” folder. If this column is omitted in the criteria tab and a Map View is created, Transportation Intelligence automatically includes the map column from “Shipment Map Dimensions”. This will result in loss of data.
  • For the THEME_PROVINCE_LINE, the lines are rendered in a way to join the “centroid” of the Source and Destination Provinces. For the Washington province, the centroid is placed outside of the province region.
  • Map data for provinces only covers the United States. This is an OAS limitation as the respective out of the box data available from NAVTEQ only covers the United States.
  • There is no map data for the Utah province and therefore it may not reflect metric values on the map. This is an OAS limitation as the respective out of the box data available does not include the Utah province.

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