
Claim General Information

This page is accessed via Financials > Damage Claim. Click the General Information tab.

This page shows miscellaneous information about an entire claim.


To calculate the entire Damage Value and Size of Loss for a claim, all individual items costs and general costs need to summed.

Note: General claim costs are different than individual item claim costs.

The top of the page displays all costs tied to the claim as a whole, not just for a particular order line item. Oracle Transportation Management calculates the claim's general cost by summing the general cost types for the claim. These costs, along with the individual item costs associated with the entire order, will make up the claim's Damage Value and Size of Loss amount.

Note: DAMAGE is the only Cost Type that directly affects the total Damage Value of a claim. All other cost types impact the Size of Loss amount of a claim.

Select a Cost Type associated with the entire claim and enter a Cost amount.

The Payer and Payee fields define the primary contact information for a particular Cost Type on the claim. The payer is considered as the party responsible for paying the cost type from the claim. The payee is the party that will be receiving the cost associated with the claim from the payer.

Involved Parties

Select an involved party contact for the claim.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers to the claim.


Notes are designed to record the history of events, status changes, and the actions performed against the claim. The history shows the user who performed the change, what the change was (event, status change or action) and the date it took place.

You can also manually create a note to time stamp a non-tracked change in the claim. For instance, you may want to enter a claim note when an important phone call took place.

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