Business Process Automation

Recycling Policy

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Named Range.

Select one of the following Recycling Policies:

  • Audit and Recycle: The business number is tracked for reporting purposes. If the business object that the number is related to is deleted, the number is placed back into the pool. The number is tracked for reporting purposes.
  • Audit Only: The business number is tracked. If the business object the number is related to is deleted, the generated number is destroyed. The number is tracked for reporting purposes.
  • No Audit: The business number is not tracked (default).

Auditing and Recycling:

Named ranges can be audited if specified. Numbers from pre-assigned ranges are called range numbers. Range numbers can be in one of the following states.

  • Pooled: Numbers in this state are either recycled or imported from a file. These numbers are ready for use. The Business Number Generator always uses pooled numbers first. If there are no pooled numbers, the business number rules are then used to generate numbers. You can query for available numbers using the Available Numbers Summary report.
  • Generated: When a range number is generated from a business number rule it has a state of Generated. When a range number is used it is changed from Pre-Assigned to Generated. The count only stays for a very short time in a transaction. The generated count either changes to Assigned state when the transaction is committed or changes to Pooled state if the transaction failed.
  • Assigned: The count of numbers that have been assigned to business objects. If they are not assigned, the numbers are put to the Pooled state.
  • Recycled and Destroyed: If a record using a business number is later removed, the range number is recycled if the named range supports recycling; otherwise, the range number is destroyed. Recycled numbers are returned to the Pooled state. Numbers not recycled are marked destroyed. You can query for destroyed numbers using the Destroyed Numbers report.

The state transitions are defined as follows:

  1. Numbers start in a Pooled state if they are recycled or imported. Otherwise, they are generated by the BNG.
  2. Both pooled and generated numbers can be assigned to business objects. If the transaction fails, numbers are recycled to the pool.
  3. If an assigned number is removed but not recycled (due to the recycling policy), it is destroyed and cannot be used again.

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