Business Process Automation

Business Number Context

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Context.

A business number context contains information about a business object. Business number contexts are used when a business number rule definition is using replacement instructions.

Note: Only someone who is comfortable writing Java code for Oracle Transportation Management should create their own business number context. It is recommended that you use the default contexts in most circumstances.

Adding a Business Number Context

  1. Enter a BN Context ID.
  2. Enter a Class. This is the Java class that accesses the replacement values.
  3. Select a domain in which this business number context will be active from the  Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Click Finished.

Replacement Values for Business Number Contexts

The Valid for Reference Number column in the table below indicates the types of reference numbers that can be generated using the Generate Refnum agent action. The BN type you select when running the Generate Refnum agent action must have a BN context that supports the type of reference number being generated. Supported reference number types for each context are indicated in this column.

Any replacement values that are followed by a / require that you specify a qualifier when using the replacement value in a rule definition.

For example, {r*:xml=PARTY/BILL TO}.

Business Number Context

Valid for Reference Number

Replacement Values



  • CAPACITY_GROUP: Capacity group XID
  • EQUIPMENT_TYPE: Equipment type XID
  • XLANE: X Lane XID
  • TIME_PERIOD_TYPE: Time period type XID
  • EFFECTIVE_DATE: Effective date in YYYYMMDD format
  • EXPIRATION_DATE: Expiration date in YYYYMMDD format



  • CAPACITY_OVERRIDE: Capacity override XID.



  • CAPACITY_LIMIT: Capacity limit XID
  • CAPACITY_GROUP: Capacity Group XID
  • EQUIPMENT_TYPE: Equipment Type XID
  • XLANE: X Lane XID
  • START_DATE: Start date in YYYYMMDD format
  • END_DATE: End date in YYYYMMDD format



  • TYPE: Compatibility Type Rule XID
  • OBJECT: XID of the main object, the type of which is determined by the Compatibility Rule Type selected. For example, this could be the Driver XID, Equipment XID, or Power Unit XID.
  • DOC_NUMBER: Document number for a consolidated document
  • DOC_TYPE: Document Type XID
  • DATA_QUERY_TYPE: Owner Data Query Type



  • CORPORATION: Corporation ID
  • NAME: Corporation ID



  • OWNER/ID: Owner XID (if owner data type query GID and owner GID is not null)
  • OWNER/PARTY/: Owner object's involved party contact GID given an involved party qualifier.
  • PREPARER: External system ID
  • OWNER/REFNUM/: Owner object's reference number value given a reference number qualifier
  • OWNER/TYPE: If the document has an owner, the owner’s business object type.
  • SOURCE: For order release, shipment and shipment group documents, the source location GID is available under the SOURCE tag.
  • DESTINATION: For order release, shipment and shipment group documents, the destination location GID under the DESTINATION tag.
  • TYPE: Document definition XID



  • DRIVER: Driver XID
  • EVENT_TYPE: Calendar event type XID
  • START_DATE: date for the calendar  event in YYYYMMDD
  • END_DATE: End date for the calendar event in YYYYMMDD


Driver Reference Numbers

  • FIRST_NAME: Driver's first name
  • LAST_NAME: Driver's last name
  • HOME_LOCATION: Home location XID
  • RESOURCE_TYPE: Driver resource type E = Employee; I = Independent driver; T = Third Party Driver



  • EMPTY_CONTEXT has no replacement values. It provides a simple context that may be used to utilize the basic business number generator instructions such as dates and sequential numbers.



  • EQUIPMENT_INITIAL: Equipment Initial
  • EQUIPMENT_NUMBER: Equipment Number
  • EQUIPMENT_INITIAL_NUMBER: Equipment Initial Number
  • DATA_QUERY_TYPE: Data Query Type
  • OBJECT_XID: Object XID



  • GID: Object GID
  • GID_NOSLASH: Remote file names may not support using the "/" character and so NOSLASH is used if you need to replace the "/" with an "_''. For example, you would use this setting when the domain part of the GID is a sub domain.
  • INTERFACE: Interface type (SHIPMENT, LOCATION, etc.)
  • XID: Object XID



  • SERVPROV: REPETITION_SCHEDULE Service Provider XID. The Mandatory Service provider field in Ground service screen.
  • REPETIONSCHEDULESERVICE: REPETITION_SCHEDULE Repetition schedule service XID. This field is only available from Ground Service


GTM Transaction Line Qualification Reference Number






You can use Invoice_Bill_Number_Context while generating invoice from a shipment or a shipment group.

For a shipment:

  • BASE: order base XID.
  • CHILD_CONSOL_TYPE: Distinguishes child invoices from all others. Values are either CHILD or PAR_STD.
  • CREDIT_NOTE: CN if it is a credit note
  • MODE: mode GID.
  • PARTY/: contact XID given qualifier.
  • PERSPECTIVE: perspective (B or S).
  • SERVPROV: servprov XID.
  • SERVPROV_ALIAS: servprov alias value for AIR PREFIX qualifier.
  • SERVPROVALIAS/: service provider alias for the given qualifier. Separate from the replacement value used only for AIR PREFIX.
  • SHIPMENT: shipment XID.

For a shipment group:

 PERSPECTIVE: perspective, fetched from first shipment of the shipment group

 SERVPROV: servprov XID, fetched from shipment(s) of the shipment group

 INVOICE_PARTY:  invoice involved party contact XID for the given qualifier, fetched from shipment group's involved party

 REFNUM: reference number of given qualifier, are fetched from shipment group's reference numbers

 PARTY: contact XID given qualifier, fetched from shipment group's involved party

 SOURCE:  source location GID, fetched from shipment group's source.

 DEST: destination location GID, fetched from shipment group's destination

Note: When different service providers are associated with a Shipment Group, BNG will generate the invoice business number based on the invoice lines and shipment group’s service providers.


Invoice reference number

  • CORRECTION_CODE: Correction code
  • INVOICE: Invoice XID
  • INVOICE_NUMBER: Invoice number.
  • REFNUM/: Invoice reference number
  • SERPROV_ALIAS/: Alias for service provider on invoice when the service provider alias qualifier is specified.  For example, {r*:xml=SERPROV_ALIAS/SCAC}.
  • SERVPROV: Service provider XID
  • SERVPROV_ALIAS: Service provider alias on invoice



  • ITEM: Item XID



  • BUYSHIPMENTDEST: Buy Shipment destination location XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPARTY/: Buy shipment involved party contact GID given qualifier.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPOD: Buy shipment Port of Discharge XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPOL: Buy shipment Port of Load XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTSOURCE: Buy shipment source location XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTTRANSMODE: Buy shipment mode XID.
  • CONSOLTYPE: Consol type XID (if generating from consol).
  • CONSOLXID: Consol XID (if generating from consol).
  • MOVEPERSPECTIVE: Move perspective XID.
  • ORDERPARTY/: Order release involved party contact GID given qualifier.
  • REFNUM/: Order release reference number given qualifier.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPARTY/: Sell shipment involved party contact GID given qualifier. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPOD: Sell shipment Port of Discharge XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPOL: Sell shipment Port of Load XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTSOURCE: Sell shipment source location XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTTRANSMODE: Sell shipment mode XID.  Not applicable when generating from consol.



  • BUYSHIPMENTDEST: Buy Shipment destination location XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPARTY/: Buy shipment involved party contact GID given qualifier.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPOD: Buy shipment Port of Discharge XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTPOL: Buy shipment Port of Load XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTSOURCE: Buy shipment source location XID.
  • BUYSHIPMENTTRANSMODE: Buy shipment mode XID.
  • CONSOLTYPE: Consol type XID (if generating from consol).
  • CONSOLXID: Consol XID (if generating from consol).
  • MOVEPERSPECTIVE: Move perspective XID.
  • ORDERPARTY/: Order release involved party contact GID given qualifier.
  • REFNUM/: Order release reference number given qualifier.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPARTY/: Sell shipment involved party contact GID given qualifier. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPOD: Sell shipment Port of Discharge XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTPOL: Sell shipment Port of Load XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTSOURCE: Sell shipment source location XID. Not applicable when generating from consol.
  • SELLSHIPMENTTRANSMODE: Sell shipment mode XID.  Not applicable when generating from consol.



  • CURRENCY: Currency ID
  • LG_TEMPLATE: Template XID



  • DEST: Destination location XID
  • OBLINE: Order base line XID
  • OBRELEASEINSTRUCTIONSEQ: Release instruction sequence number
  • ORDERBASE: Order base XID
  • SOURCE: Source location ID



  • DEST: Destination location XID
  • OBSHIPUNIT: Order base ship unit XID
  • OBSURELEASEINSTRUCTIONSEQ : Release instruction sequence number
  • ORDERBASE: Order base XID
  • SOURCE: Source location XID


Order base reference number

  • BASE: Order base XID.
  • EXTERNAL: External system ID. For order base XIDs when they are entered via integration.
  • PARTY/: order base involved party given qualifier.
  • REFNUM/: order base reference number given qualifier.


Order movement reference number

  • ORDER_RELEASE: Order release XID
  • PARENT_ORDER_MOVEMENT: Parent order movent XID. Routable order movement will be the parent to non-routable OM. This is considered only when OM is created with out order release, such as when it is entered by a user.


Order release reference number

  • BASE: Order base XID.
  • DESTINATION: Order release destination location XID.
  • LATEPICKUP: release late pickup time.
  • PARTY/: Order base involved party contact XID given qualifier (not supported for Order Release Line ID).
  • REFNUM/: Order base reference number given qualifier (not supported for Order Release Line ID).
  • RELEASE: Order release XID.
  • RELEASE_PARTY/: Order release involved party qualifier and contact GID (not supported for Order Release Line ID).
  • RELEASE_REFNUM/: Order release reference number given qualifier (not supported for Order Release Line ID).
  • SOURCE: Order release source location XID.


Should be used to generate the order release ID when it is released from an order base.


  • BASE: Order base XID.
  • DESTINATION: release destination location XID.
  • EXTERNAL: If order base was brought in via integration, the external system ID.
  • LATEPICKUP: release late pickup time.
  • OBLINE: order base line XID.
  • OBRELEASEINSTRUCTIONSEQ: order base line release instruction sequence number.
  • OBSHIPUNIT: order base ship unit XID.
  • OBSURELEASEINSTRUCTIONSEQ : order base ship unit release instruction sequence number.
  • PARTY/: order base involved party given qualifier.
  • REFNUM/: order base reference number given qualifier.
  • SOURCE: release source location XID.


Order release line reference number

  • ITEM: Item XID
  • RELEASE_LINE: Order release line XID
  • RELEASE: Order release XID
  • PACKAGED_ITEM: Packaged Item XID
  • REFNUM/: Order release line reference number



  • OB_SHIP_UNIT_RELEASE: Order base ship unit XID if not null, otherwise, order release XID. Also see ORDER_RELEASE_CONTEXT for additional available replacement values.


Power unit reference numbers

  • NUMBER: Power unit number
  • PARK_LOCATION: Park location XID



  • RATEOFFERING: Rate offering XID. Not applicable when generating rate offering XID.
  • MODE: Transport mode XID
  • VERSION: Rate version XID
  • SERVPROV: Service provider XID
  • SERVPROVALIAS/: Service provider alias value given a qualifier
  • SCAC: Service provider SCAC XID
  • EFFECTIVE: Rate version effective date in the format YYYYMMDD
  • EXPIRATION: Rate version expiration date in the format YYYYMMDD


Route instance reference number

  • ROUTE_INSTANCE:Route instance XID


Route template reference number



Shipment reference number

  • BASE:Order base XID, if the property glog.BNShipmentContext.retrieveOrderBaseInfo is set to True.
  • DEST:Destination location GID.
  • GROUND_SCHED_REFERENCE: Reference number field from ground schedule
  • GROUND_SCHED_REFNUM: Ground schedule reference number value for the give qualifier.
  • MODE: Mode GID.
  • PARTY/: Qualifier and contact XID given qualifier.
  • PERSPECTIVE: Perspective (B or S).
  • REFNUM/: Reference number given qualifier.
  • SERVPROV: Service provider XID.
  • SERVPROV_ALIAS: Service provider alias value for AIR PREFIX qualifier.
  • SERVPROVALIAS/: All service provider aliases given qualifier. This works for all service provider aliases since the SERVPROV_ALIAS is only for AIR PREFIX qualifiers.
  • SHIPMENT: Shipment XID.
  • SOURCE: Source location GID.


Shipment group reference number

  • DESTINATION: Destination location XID.
  • GROUP: Shipment group XID
  • PARTY/: Group Involved party contact XID given qualifier.
  • REFNUM/: Shipment group reference number given qualifier.
  • SHIPMENT: GID of the first shipment queried from the set of shipments.
  • SOURCE: Source location XID
  • TYPE: Shipment group Type XID.



  • STRING: Various values for each business number type.



  • SHIP_UNIT: Order release ship unit XID



  • RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_INSTANCE: The XID for Resource Schedule Instance.

* This context is for standalone order releases not created from an order base.

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