Using Global Search

You can use the global search field The Global Search input box. Consists of a white box with the word Search in it and an image of a magnifying glass. in the unified global header to quickly and easily search for any of the following:

Note: The saved query links use the Field Screen Set User Access if it is configured; otherwise the PUBLIC screen set is used.

You can control what the Global Search field finds via user preferences and user access. By default, you can search on your saved queries and Navigator menu links.

To use global search,

  1. Enter at least the first three characters to see a list of Navigator menu links, saved queries, power data menu links, and business objects (if set up via user access) that match.
  2. Click the Expand All icon to expand all sections.
  3. Click the Collapse All icon to collapse all sections.
  4. Hover the mouse cursor over the link to see the menu path of the link.

    This is useful if you have large menus that contain menu links with the same names. For example, if you have both the OTM and GTM menus, you may see what appear to be duplicate menu links.
  5. Click on a link to see the results in the current window.

Note: For most items, you can right-click on an item in the Global Search list to open it in a new window.

Note: The default criteria on the specified screen sets are used when searching.

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