Configuration and Administration

Configuring the Global Header

The Unified Global Header is the area across the top of the UI. You can configure the following areas of the Global Header:

Navigator Menu

The Navigator is the main menu and is found in the Unified Global Header. By default, each OTM user gets several PUBLIC menus assigned to them. You can control the items shown in the Navigator menu via the Menu Editor.

Configuring Global Search

The Global Search field on the Global Header allows you to find Navigator menu links, saved queries, and OTM/GTM objects. You can control what the Global Search field finds via user preferences and user access.

By default, you can search on your saved queries and Navigator menu links. Navigator menu links are all menu links to which your user has access. You can configure saved queries via a user preference and OTM/GTM objects via user access. You can also configure whether your search Begins With the text you enter, or Contains it when you search for Navigator menu links, by setting the OPERATORS FOR NAVIGATION LINK SEARCH parameter in the UI Configuration logic configuration. A default logic configuration for this is defined in the glog.webserver.ui_configuration_default_logic_config property.

User Preference

The user preference Global Search Includes Saved Queries controls searching on saved queries/searches in the Global Search field. The default is Yes which allows you to search on saved queries/searches. You assign user preferences using manage user access either to the user, level or user role.

User Access

To add objects to Global Search capabilities, go to the Manage User Access (Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access). In the User Access Type field, select the option Global Search. Click Edit User Access.

User access is based on a hierarchy which allows you to add capabilities to the user level, user role, and user. Specify the screen sets to be added or specify the screen sets that should be shown excluding all others that might be granted via another level of access.

Using screen sets allows you to either use the PUBLIC screen sets to add objects to the Global Search or you can use configured screen sets where you’ve modified the view screen and/or added default criteria.

Use Default Criteria on Screen Sets

You can use the default criteria functionality on screen sets to enhance the Global Search results.

You can add 3 order release screen sets, one screen set with a default criteria of status of PLANNING_NEW, another screen set with a default criteria of status of PLANNING_PLANNED – FAILED, and a third with a default criteria of status of PLANNING_PLANNED – FINAL. When the user enters a value in the Global Search field and order releases are found, they are categorized based on their status as defined in the above screen sets.

Control the Screen Set that Links Open

You can also define a user-configured screen set for an object so that specific screen set is used when you click a saved query link from the Global Search results.

First, you create a new order release screen set with a different set of result columns, etc.  Then, go to the Manage User Access page and in the User Access Type field, select the option Field Screen Set. Click Edit User Access.  Next, select a Query ID of ORDER RELEASE and associate your configured screen set with it.

Now, any time an order release saved query link is clicked in Global Search it will use this configured screen set.


This page is accessed via the Favorites icon in the Unified Global Header.

This popup shows all of the user favorites grouped by business object that are available for the currently logged in user. Click on a link to view that object, for example shipment 0001 or location PHL.

Business Monitor

The Business Monitor monitors business objects based on predefined saved queries/saved searches and let's you see when records match the search criteria defined in the saved query. Before you can use the business monitor you must configure it to contain the saved queries/searches for the business objects that you want to monitor. Also you must enable the business monitor in your user preferences.

Message Center

The Notifications or Message Center is a centralized message board that displays messages when specific events occur such as when business objects are created or modified, or status changes.

Configuring Settings and Actions

The Settings and Actions page is accessed via the User (Settings and Actions) drop-down in the Unified Global Header.

You can configure Oracle Transportation Management so that when a specific user opens the Settings and Actions page certain sections are hidden.  

Go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field select the option Settings and Actions. Click Edit User Access. The Settings and Actions page opens.

You can control which sections a specific users sees as follows:

  1. Select a section of the Settings and Actions page to hide. The options are System Details, Troubleshooting, or Administration.
  2. Click Save for each section you want to hide.
  3. Click Finished.

Managing Themes

Using theme management, you can update the following images, text, and labels for OTM/GTM:


Variables in this section apply to the OTM/GTM log-in page.

  • Login Logo: The image that appears in the lower right-hand corner of the Sign In To Oracle Transportation and Global Trade Management screen. Only used for a global theme.

Note: By default this variable is hidden. To show this variable set the property glog.webserver.branding.showLoginOptions to true.

Note: When using a single-sign on server (SSO) such as OTM/GTM in the Cloud, this image is not used.


Variables in this section only apply to the OTM/GTM home page and Unified Global Header.

  • Header Logo: The image that appears next to the Navigator icon in the Unified Global Header. The default image shipped with OTM is 119 x 25. You can use this size as example of how large your header logo can be.
  • Springboard Background Image: The image that appears behind the springboard.
  • Branding URL: The URL used when you click the Header Logo.
  • Springboard Background Color: The color used as the background color for the application shell. Enter a valid HTML color code or use the browser's color selection tools.
  • Main Font Color: The font color used for the top level springboard menu items. This color is also used for third level springboard menu items.
  • Springboard Submenu Font Color: The font color used for the second level springboard menu items.
  • Springboard Submenu Background Color: The background color used for the second level springboard menu items. The default is white.
  • Header Icon Color: The color used for the Unified Global Header icons.
  • Header Background Color: The color used as the background color for the Unified Global Header.
  • Title: The text displayed next to the Header Logo.


Variables in this section apply to the OTM/GTM log-out page.

  • Logout Logo: The image that appears after you click the Sign Out link to log out of OTM/GTM. Only used for a global theme.

Note: When using a single-sign on server (SSO) such as OTM/GTM in the Cloud, this image is not used.

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