Configuration and Administration

glog.webserver Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version



5.5 CU4

In the tender response results screen there are Shipment Reference Number 2 and Shipment Reference Number Qualifier 2. These are in addition to existing shipment reference number and qualifier columns.

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier 2 is read from this property. If there is a value for the qualifier (specified here), it is shown in the Shipment Reference Number 2 column, otherwise the column is blank. In case you need to show value of a specific qualifier, the property needs to be updated with the qualifier.

Default: GLOG



Set this property to False to hide the end time details in the Appointment Options section.

Default: True



Controls if the Login Logo variable option appears on the Theme Management screen. Set to False by default which hides the variable. Set to true to display the variable.



If this property is true, the Business Monitor page automatically refreshes at the specified interval. If false, Oracle Transportation Management will not auto refresh and does not show the label "Next Refresh Time" in the monitor window. (This serves as an indicator to the user that the user has to refresh manually.) To set the actual refresh interval, enter a value in the Refresh Interval field when creating or editing the business monitor.

Values: true and false



This property reflects Recalculate and Recalculate without Service Provider Change check box status when you perform the Change Equipment Group action:

If the property is set to 'On' then the Recalculate check box is selected.

If the property is set to 'OnWithoutSPChange' then both the Recalculate and Recalculate without Service Provider Change check boxes are  selected.

Default: Off



The number of client sessions available for use per user session. This replaces the glog.webserver.max_sessions property. Default: 20.



Controls which client session management method to use. Changes to this property using the WebServerProperties servlet are not visible. This can only be changed via the property files. Values: queue, timeout. Default: queue.



Name of the servlet that pins the client session. The servlet must be the one that created the client session. This property is a multiple entry property so it can exist more than once.



Once marked for release, maximum time interval, in minutes, between requests before the client session is removed. A value of 0 turns off this feature. Default: 0.



Number of threads that handle the scheduled inactive client session tasks and released unused tasks. If set to 0 then schedulers are not used; timeouts and releases are handled by the client session filter during preprocessing. This can only be changed via the property files. Default: 0.



Timeout (in minutes) that a client session can remain inactive before it is removed from the user's session. This value can not exceed the timeout value set in the instance's web.xml file. Default: 15.

Note: The user's session will not time out in the following situations:

If the message center refresh is set.

If you leave the business monitor open and it is set to auto refresh.


This defines the valid origin domains that are accepted by the server. If you have multiple valid origin domains, use a comma (,) to separate them. For example, = http://localhost:8080,https://localhost:8080.



The glog.webserver.debug.enable property allows the XML behind the screens to be debugged by displaying and logging it if the UIDiag LogId is enabled. This XML contains all of the field values and additional information.



Set this property to true to have OTM publish a before persist ShipmentModRemoved topic when a shipment is manually deleted using the Delete icon on the user interface. This allows you to add a before persist automation agent that is listening for a ShipmentModRemoved before persist event.

Default is false.



Set to the authorization URL in IDCS when configuring the Digital Assistant for OAuth.



ID of the channel to use. This comes from the Digital Assistant platform.



Set to true to add an icon to the Global Header. When you click this icon, the digital assistant will launch within the application.

Default: false



URL of the digital assistant platform.



Controls the number of records that are displayed after a search and the number of additional records that are displayed when you click the More link. This is defined according to the following hierarchy:

  • The Finder Page Size user preference.
  • The glog.webserver.finder.adf_page_size property.
  • A default of 25.

If this property is not defined, the default of 25 is used.

Default: 25



The export code looks for a property to decide whether or not to add a column for the UOM type. By adding the following property it will add a column to the spread sheet for the Currency type:


You can add the weight type by adding the following property:




This property sets a limit on the number of records being exported. Exporting large data can cause instability and performance issues.

Default: 1000

It is not recommended to use the user interface to export large amounts of data (for example, any more than 1000 records). Either limit the export to smaller data sets and then combine them manually, or if you need to export larger volumes than this, use CSV export.

This limit can override the glog.webserver.finder.export_limit property for exporting data. For example, if this property is set to 5000 and the glog.webserver.finder.limit is set to 1000, the finder will return 1000 records, but will export 5000.




You can set properties to remove some search operations for Text Field fields and Pick List fields in certain finder pages. This setting does NOT work for "derived" fields, whose operators have already been restricted. For example, for the Driver > Calculated tab, the field "Next Assignment Source Location ID" only has "Same As" option. So such field will NOT be affected by the properties settings.

The properties could be for the whole query or for specific finder set, and values are separated by ",". The property format is:

  • glog.webserver.finder.invalidOperators.query_name.<query_name> = <forbidden_operator1>,<forbidden_operator2>.

This property means all finder pages with the query_name will remove <forbidden_operator1> and <forbidden_operator2> from the Text Field field and Pick List fields.

  • glog.webserver.finder.invalidOperators.finder_set_gid.<finder_set_gid> = <forbidden_operator2>

This property means the finder page with the finder_set_gid will remove <forbidden_operator1> from the Text Field field and Pick List fields.

The properties of query_name and finder_set_gid can have overlap, that does not matter.

For example: glog.webserver.finder.invalidOperators.query_name.glog.server.query.shipment.BuyShipmentQuery = contains, same glog.webserver.finder.invalidOperators.finder_set_gid.BUY_SHIPMENT= notoneof.

Valid values:

  • isnull
  • begin
  • end
  • notnull
  • oneof
  • notoneof
  • contains
  • same
  • notsame
  • notsameincludenull



Controls the maximum number of records returned by a query on a finder page and workbench table. Note that this setting impacts the performance workbench layouts, this varies depending on the data returned in the workbench table (for example including pseudo and/or derived fields in the results) and the general structure of the workbench layout.

Default: 1000

Note: This limit can be overridden for exporting data by the glog.webserver.finder.export_limit property.



Controls the number of records that are displayed after a search and the number of additional records that are displayed when you click the More link on a refreshed finder. This is defined according to the following hierarchy:

  • The Finder Page Size user preference.
  • The glog.webserver.finder.page_size property.
  • A default of 25.

If this property is not defined, the default of 25 is used.

Default: 25



This property enables finder results to be configurable so you can select which columns to display, and in what order, from a list of available columns. You can configure the columns by right-clicking on the column header and then selecting which columns to display. The options are TRUE and FALSE. The default value is TRUE meaning you are able to configure the results. In addition to this property being set to TRUE, you must have write access for the domain.

Set this to false to prevent users from changing the results screen.

To set this to false, you must first add the property.



By default pseudo fields on a search results page that have the same values such as reference numbers with identical reference number qualifiers are shown in the finder results page as a comma separated string. Set this property to false if you are not using customer-defined finder results to avoid performance issues.

Note: The Status column is not affected by this property.



If there are more records then your default record limit query is set to, Oracle Transportation Management shows the total amount of records. For instance, Total Found: 1000/2500. The valid options are True and False. Set to true (all lower case) to display the count.

This only shows the actual total for Saved Queries where the Use in Finder check box is selected. See Saved Queries and Search Results.



When both this property and the glog.webserver.finderresults.showquerycount property are set to true, the count will ignore the derived field criteria when getting the count.



If the value is set to false, then all finder queries differentiate between a search of indicator = W (white) versus indicator = null. The default is true meaning a search on indicator = W (white) is essentially the same as a search of indicator = null.



To prevent both the quick invoice Line VAT and Invoice Line Item VAT from displaying at the same time, this property has been added. When the invoice line item VAT information does not exist, this property is checked to determine how to display the VAT information. If the property is set to True, the Quick Invoice Line VAT Code displays instead of the Invoice Line Item VAT.

If the invoice line item VAT information exists, it is displayed regardless of the property setting.

Default: False



When you run the action Manual Match Invoice and if you select to match it to a shipment, you can use this property to specify whether to support BUY, SELL or BOTH shipments.

Default: BUY



When true, displays the 3D view of the View 3D Load Configuration shipment action using the Cortona plugin. When false, displays 3D view using built in functionality.

Cortona is not supported for the Workbench 3D viewer.

Default: false

glog.webserver.locationCapacity.maxTimeWindowDays 24A This determines the maximum number of days of the time window while fetching location capacity usage data.



When this property is set to true, OTM displays the consol and ground schedule details on Show Network Routing Options, Show Network Routing Options Ocean, and Show Routing Options actions screens. Default: true



Indicates what the Shippable flag on the order base ship unit should be set to when adding an order base, creating an order base from a template, and when copying an order base.

  1. When set to true (default), the Shippable check box is set to true for a new order base, a new order base created from a template and a new order base copied from an existing order base.
  2. When set to false, the Shippable check box is set to false for a new order base. OTM will take the existing Shippable value on the template or order base ship unit being copied.

The property has no effect while editing an existing order base ship unit.


5.5 CU5

This allows you to remove Ship Unit Specification data from the Type/UOM drop lists.



This property contains the URL for centralized online help. Do not change this URL.



When this property is set to true then the help links open using the centralized online help external URL provided on glog.webserver.onlinehelp.url. When this property is set to false then the help links open using the local files that were installed along with the application.



When this property is set to true, OTM prompts for confirmation and displays number of selected service providers before you click the submit button on Spot Bid Tender.

Default: false



This property will be considered while adding service providers on the Spot Bid Tender page.

When a list of selected Lane Service Providers already exist:

When the property is set to 'true', a popup “Do you want to keep Lane Service Providers selected” will display and wait for your response. Click "OK" to keep the Lane Service Providers check box selected.  Click "Cancel" to deselect the Lane Service Providers check box and add new service providers.

Default: false



When this property is set to true, the service provider who edits open tenders in the Online Booking and Tendering screen, will see the bids section expanded, thereby displaying the Remarks grid.

When set to false, the service provider who edits open tenders will see the bids section collapsed.

Default: true



When this property is set to true and the number of listed service providers are more,  selecting some of them and submitting the tender should succeed.

Default: false



When this property is set to true, the application verifies if at least one remark qualifier and one remark text record are available when a service provider submits a bid for broadcast tender.

Default: false



When this property is set to true and service provider edits an open tender, a "Decline" button is available to decline the bid even if a bid had previously been made. This is an option to opt out of bidding. When the response time is completed, the declined tender by the service provider will be not be considered.

Decline does not affect or restrict planner from explicitly awarding the bid to them.

Default: false



This property enables the system to display more number of service providers in the Online Booking/Tendering screen.

If the number of service providers in the Online Booking/Tendering screen is greater than the value of property glog.webserver.opentender.rowCountToSingleRemarkGrid, OTM will display a single remarks grid (instead of one for each service provider).

The default value of this property is100.

Note: This property is applicable for planners.



When this property is set to true, all service providers listed on the open tender (Broadcast Tender and Spot Bid Tender) will not be selected by default.

Default: false



This property improves the performance of Spot Bid Tender, when there are multiple eligible service providers. For example: you may have many service providers or you may want to control when the eligible list is shown.

If you set this property to true:

  • When you perform the Spot Bid Tender action then the Add Lane Service Providers button will appear instead of the Lane Service Providers section.

  • If you want to view the Lane Service Provider section, click the Add Lane Service Providers button.  

Default: false



When this property is set to true, service provider must enter bid higher than the last bid for open tenders.

If the currency of the new bid differs from the last bid, an alert message appears while submitting the bid but the system will error out and not accept the bid.

If the new bid and last bid has same currency and new bid is less than the last bid, an alert message appears and the system will not allow you to submit the bid.

Default: false



This property determines whether the Order Release or Freight Forwarding Screen Set should be used by default.




This property determines whether the Order Release or Freight Forwarding Manager should be used by default.

Default: glog.webserver.order.OrderReleaseManagementServlet?finder_set_gid=ORDER_RELEASE



This property determines whether the Transaction Manager will display the Order Release query or the Freight Forwarding query.



Allows you to set the default value for the Splittable field on an order release. Possible values are true or false.

Default: true



During login, the system optionally pings application servers to ensure it is both active and available. A server is unavailable when it's work threads are too busy to timely respond to an RMI request. Once an available server is found, the system pegs all login work to that server. This guarantees that the login process won't hang due to some piece of work being directed to an unresponsive server. Set this to false to turn off login pegging.



Set this property to control how specific fields on screens may be configured to display names instead of GIDs. For example, you can change a Location picklist in the manager layout and set "Replace GID" with the location name field. This allows auto complete by the location name rather than the XID. In this example you can type "Philadelphia International Airport" (location name) instead of "PHL" (location XID). It will also display the location name instead of the XID.

The format for the property is glog.webserver.queryBy.[picklist query=record name]/[XML name from query resources], next entry. For example glog.webserver.queryBy.glog.server.query.item.ItemQuery=item/name. Setting the property enables the Replace GID and Value to Replace GID fields on the Manager Layout.

  • glog.webserver.queryBy.glog.server.query.item.ItemQuery=item/name
  • glog.webserver.queryBy.glog.server.query.servprov.CountryCodeQuery=country_code/country_name
  • glog.webserver.queryBy.glog.server.query.servprov.LocationQuery=location/name
  • glog.webserver.queryBy.glog.server.query.servprov.ServprovQuery=servprov/location/name<REFNUM_GID>



Set this property for each service provider to enable linking to the tracking system that each service provider maintains. The property has several sections which are configurable for each service provider. This feature is only available for pages that are configurable and the Track and Trace pages. When defining the property, the REFNUM_GID is replaced by the refnum qualifier for the service provider.

http://server_name: The name of the server where the service provider publishes its tracking system.

?argument={0}: The argument takes a refnum value supplied dynamically by the system

For example, you are setting the property to link for FEDEX's tracking numbers. You would define the property as follows:{0}

When configured this way and you are on a manager with a refnum qualifier of FEDEX, the associated refnum value will appear as a link that will take you to the FEDEX website to track a shipment.



Determines how Ask Oracle About Rates behaves.
  • trim: When set to trim, the rate wizard is faster when you have many ship unit specifications defined. Additionally:
    • Country code (source and destination) is a pick list
    • Ship unit specification is a pick list.
  • standard: When set to standard, the rate wizard is slower when you have many ship unit specifications defined. Additionally:
    • Country code (source and destination) is a drop list.
    • Ship unit specification is a drop list.

When a value is entered in the transport handling unit in the Rate Inquiry input screen,this will reload the page, populating the weight, volume, and so on for that transport handling unit, if it exists.

Default is trim.

glog.webserver.riq_ui_default_logic_config 24A This property specifies the default logic configuration for rate inquiry.
glog.webserver.riq.useDomainPlanningParameterSet 24A

This property is used to specify whether the planning parameter set on the rate inquiry input UI should be set with the planning parameter set configured for the logged in user, and if it is not configured for the user then the planning set configured at the domain level.



This property controls how the Ship From field is populated when you run the Ready to Ship action on the Order Base Line/Order Base Ship Unit manager.

When this is 'false', the Ship From field still populates the source location on the order base ship unit/order base line.

When it is 'true', the Ship From field is blank and you can enter in the location.

The default value of this property is 'false'.



When this property is set to true and when you run the Ready to Ship action, the system will not display the order base line items grid, if the number of order base lines is greater than the value of the property glog.webserver.rts.maxNumberOfOBLinesToDisplay.

Default is false.



Indicates if the general validation should be done. The property is used in the following screens:

  • Order Base Ship Unit:
    • release instruction
    • ready to ship
  • Order Release:
    • confirm to ship

Default: False



When this property is set to 100 and the property glog.webserver.rts.hideOBLinesOnMaxCounttrue is set to true; when the order base lines count is greater than 100, the system will not display order base line items grid and release instructions. You should release all the remaining amount and you cannot modify individual lines.



Indicates of the Ready to Ship date validation should be done for the order base line.

Default: False



Indicates if the Ready to Ship date validation should be done for the order base ship unit.

The property is used in the following screens:

  • Order Base Ship Unit:
    • release instruction
    • ready to ship
  • Order Release:
    • confirm to ship

Default: False



This property indicates the level of the remark for the order base remarks to be shown on the Ready to Ship and Confirm to Ship pages.

Valid values: 1-5

Default: 5 (all remarks will be shown)


Indicates if the ship unit quantity validation should be done.

Default: False


Indicates the percentage tolerance allowed for the total package count validation.

Default: 0



This property enables/disables caching of savedquerynamecache. The valid options are true or false. The cache is on by default (true).

If you want to limit saved queries by user and not by domain, turn off the cache since the caches are domain-specific. Additionally if you are having memory issues, turn off the cache as it is stored in memory. When the cache is disabled the database is access every time a user clicks the Saved Query drop down list, which affects performance but frees up memory. If the cache is turned on, then the cache is refreshed whenever a query is added, edited, or removed.

glog.webserver.shipment.adjustShipmentCost.isAdjustReasonMandatory 24A

This property is used to determine whether the field adjustment reason is mandatory or not for the Shipment action Adjust Shipment Cost screen. This will be an optional if the property is set to false.

Default: true.


5.5. CU5

Determines the default value for the check box Ignore Equipment, when you run Change Service Provider action in Shipment Manager.

Default: false (not selected).


5.5. CU5

Determines the default value for the check box Ignore Mode, when you run Change Service Provider action in Shipment Manager.

Default: false (not selected).


5.5. CU5

Determines the default value for the check box Ignore Service Time, when you run Change Service Provider action in Shipment Manager.

Default: false (not selected).



Determines if preferred rates are displayed.

Value 0 = Do not use Preferred Rates, Value 1 = Preferred Rates Only, and Value 3 = Preferred Rates if available.

Default: 2

glog.webserver.shipment.changeSP.showDigitalFreightRates 23C

Determines the default value for the Allow Digital Freight Rates check box , when you run Change Service Provider action in Shipment Manager.

Default: false (not selected).


5.5. CU5

Determines the default value for the check box Show Preferred Only, when you run Change Service Provider action in Shipment Manager.

Default: false (not selected).



Determines how service providers will be sorted by cost or weighted cost. If true, sorting is by cost. If false, sorting is by weighted cost.

Default: true



When set to true, OTM will ignore, i.e., skip the loading of shipment equipment summary (total weight/volume/ERU) in the Shipment edit screen. This can improve performance when loading a lot of shipments.

The default is false.



When set to true, OTM will ignore, i.e., skip the loading of shipment equipment summary (total weight/volume/ERU) in the Shipment view screen. This can improve performance when loading a lot of shipments.

The default is false.


5.5 CU3

Allows the Estimated Cost Currency field to pre-populate with the value specified in the property. For example, 751.48 USD. Note that you need a space between the amount and the currency. The default is blank. This is used when manually creating a shipment from an order release.


5.5 CU3

Allows the Estimated Service Time Duration field to pre-populate with the value specified in the property. For example, 2 H, 5 M or 10 S. Note that you need a space after the number. Default is blank. This is used when manually creating a shipment from an order release.



Use this property to configure which shipment's status cannot create a spot rate.

You can add multiple shipment's statuses separated by a comma.




If you set this property to true, the shipment stop attribute date flex field will use the time zone of that particular location to display the respective dates.   

Note: Make sure to change the property in both AppServer and WebServer.

Default: false



When this value is set to true the system will redirect to the login page when trying to access a session that has timed out or if the client session/sub-session is no longer valid. The latter is controlled by the glog.webserver.clientSessions.maxActive property.

With this property turned on no screen can be accessed unless a user is logged on. If a session times out the user should close all open windows and log back in. If a client session/sub-session is no longer valid then the task that began the client session/sub-session will need to be restarted from the beginning.

Default: true 



To hide the ship unit line details on Split Shipment by Ship Units screen, set this property to false.

Default: true



This property controls the list of remark qualifiers for the service providers while accepting or declining the tender.

When the property is set to true, the system will only display the remark qualifiers set in property and that remark qualifiers should have one of the following data types:

  • Shipment

  • Shipment Group

  • Sell Side Shipment

For example, glog.webserver.tender.servprovRemarksQualifiers = TEST.TEST SELL SIDE SHIPMENT, AAA.TEST SHIPMENT

Default: blank

glog.webserver.tender.spotBid.avoidBidThresholdRangeInAlert 23A

Use this property to avoid showing the range of allowed spot bid amount. If the cost entered by the service providers is not in the threshold range, the alert does not display the range, but only indicates that the range entered is not in the threshold range.

Default: false



This property controls the entering of a spot bid that is outside a specific threshold. The Online Booking/Tendering screen will check the current shipment cost against the spot tender bid entry threshold and not allow to submit if the carrier entered a value outside the threshold. This will work for both positive and negative values.

An example is a shipment cost of $100. In the property, the spot tender bid entry threshold is set to 0.20. The carrier is allowed to enter bids of $80-$120. (If you want a 20% threshold, then the property needs to be set as .2.)

There is no default value for this property.

Note: This property is only valid for the service provider role.



Use this property to specify the lowest threshold allowed to enter for a spot bid on the Online Booking/Tendering screen. The value set for this property will take precedence over the value of the property glog.webserver.tender.spotBid.bidThreshold.

There is no default value for this property.

Note: This property is only valid for the service provider role.



Use this property to specify the highest threshold allowed to enter for a spot bid on the Online Booking/Tendering screen. The value set for this property will take precedence over the value of the property glog.webserver.tender.spotBid.bidThreshold.

There is no default value for this property.

Note: This property is only valid for the service provider role.



When set to true, it suppresses the time portion of the pickup and delivery dates in the online booking/tendering results screen.

Default: False



If you set this property to true, pickup date for service provider login will not be shown while accepting the tender.

By default, the pickup date is shown.

Default: false.



When the property is set to true, decline reason code will be mandatory while declining and withdrawing the tender.

Default: false.

Note: This property is applicable for planners.



When the property is set to true, decline reason code will be mandatory while declining and withdrawing the tender.

Default: false.

Note: This property is applicable for carriers.



Controls the default logic configuration for UI Configuration. This ensures that all users get a set of standard default values. If a user creates and uses their own logic configuration, it will override the default set by this property.

When setting this property, its advisable to create the custom logic configuration UI at PUBLIC level as this affects all users. Or, set the property using this format: Domain.Logic Config value.

If you need this to apply this at specific user/domain level, consider using the "User Interface Configuration Preference" user preference: to associate the UI logic configuration.




Displays the Tender Contact Information UI when the Secure Resources and Tender Shipment actions are performed.

Default: False

This must be set to True for consolidated notification.

glog.webserver.tender.useGrantedDomains 24A

When the property is set to true, OTM displays locations from all granted domains for source and destination locations of the Bid Options on the Spot Bid Tender Response screen.
When set to false, the locations will be available only from shipment domain and public domain.

Default: False



This property allows an artificial wait on the server thread during a password change. This allows the JMS messages to reach all of the application servers in a Scalability environment before trying to do an authentication against another application server. The glog.webserver.pegLogin property supersedes this property. The format for the property is "# S" where # is the number of seconds.

Default: "3 S"



This property allows you to increase the number or records returned in the User Role drop-down list in the Settings and Actions pop-up.

Default: 1000



If set to true, the application will alphabetically sort the menu items inside each level (user, user level, user role, and domain).

The default is false.



This property limits the number of records returned by the GTM_LOCATION and GTM_ITEM screen sets.

Default: 100



This property sets the timeout for the Rest API to return data to the Workbench. Value is in seconds. Minimum value is 30. You can set this property to a number greater than 60 to allow the map to fetch a large number of objects in a single REST API call.

Default: 60

glog.webserver.workbench.useActorUser 24A

When this value is true, any inline edit change on table would trigger lifetime events with data source as "USER". In case the value is false, lifetime events would be triggered with data source as "INTERNAL".

Default: true



This setting determines whether or not Oracle Transportation Management should issue work invoices for one or two drivers.

Default: FALSE

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