Shipment Management

Spot Bid Tender Response

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Spot Bid Tender.

On the Spot Bid Tender page, select the tender ID check box you want and then click either the Edit icon or the tender ID hyperlink, the Spot Bid Tender Response page appears.

Depending on the tender ID or service provider you selected on the Spot Bid Tender page, various fields appear that allow you to edit and add new bid amount and remarks.

  1. Click Transaction Number to view the existing online booking and tendering page.
  2. Click Shipment and Service Provider to view the respective details.
  3. Enter a bid by entering a value in the New Bid field. If you leave this field blank, the system considers the amount in Last Bid as a response to the spot bid tender. Entering a value in the field overrides the amount in the Last Bid.
    The amount entered in this field will be validated using the value set for the property glog.webserver.tender.spotBid.bidThreshold. For example, if you set the property with a value 0.10, then the application will check whether the amount entered in the New Bid field is in a range that is 10% less or more than the shipment cost.

    Note: The New Bid field is not mandatory. However, you either have to enter a value in "New Bid" or enter at least one record in the Bid Options grid. You can also enter values in both the fields.

  4. You can also view the Digital Freight Rate for a digital freight carrier and Current Market Cost that determines the market rate if the planning parameters FETCH DIGITAL FREIGHT RATES and RATE OFFERING FOR SPOT MARKET RATES are set. 
    If the Digital Freight Rate is checked, the last bid amount will be the rate that was fetched from the ERE Rate API. 

You can add new bid amount and remarks for multiple service providers if the tender offer status is SECURE RESOURCES_TENDER RESPONSE OPEN.

For other tender offer status values, the system directs you to the Spot Bid Tender view screen.

The system evaluates each submission and determines whether the bid is acceptable.

Note: Service providers can decline the tender at any time by clicking Decline on this page.

Entering Remarks for a Bid

You can either enter a remark at the same time that you enter a bid or you can enter a remark on a bid that was previously entered.

Note: A bid must exist in order to save a remark.

  1. Select a Remark Qualifier ID.
  2. Enter Remark Text.
  3. Click Save to the far right of the Remarks grid.

Note: In the Spot Bid Tender page, use Respond By to review the date when bidding closes (after this date, no responses can be submitted).

  1. Click Save.

Bidding Options

Use the Bid Options grid to enter multiple optional bids.

  1. Enter the bid amount in Bid.
  2. Enter a name in Spot Rate Name. Use the + (plus) icon beside Spot Rate Name to create a new spot rate.
  3. Enter the Pickup Time which is updated to shipment start time. The shipment stop's estimated arrival and departure times will be updated. This logic is controlled by the property glog.server.workflow.tender.redriveOnPickupChange when you set to true.
  4. Enter the Dropoff Time which is displayed only on shipments with two stops: one pickup and one dropoff stop. The Dropoff Time value will be updated to the drop-off stop estimated arrival time and the estimated departure time will be updated based on Activity Time.
  5. Enter the Source Location which is updated based on the first pickup stop of the shipment. The system updates the source location of the selected shipment and related order movements. If the upstream leg is unplanned, the system updates the destination location of the order movement.
  6. Enter the Destination Location which is updated based on the last drop-off stop of the shipment. The system updates the destination location of the selected shipment and related order movements. If the downstream leg is unplanned, the system updates the source location of the order movement.
  7. The Transport Mode will be updated on the shipment directly. If the transport mode is not part of the TENDER_MODES workflow parameter, the shipment will not be tendered.
  8. Enter the Transit Time which is displayed only on shipments with two stops: one pickup and one drop off stop. The Transit Time value will be updated to the drop off stop. The shipment stop times will be marked as fixed.
  9. Direct is an informational field which the planner enters for the service provider. This field depicts whether the flight is direct or not.
  10. The Flight Instance ID is the flight ID which the service provider proposes. When you award a bid, this flight ID will be added to the respective shipment.
  11. Enter additional comments in the User Comments field.
  12. Click Save to the far right of the Bid Options grid.
  13. Click Save.

Adding Spot Bid Spot Rate

You can enter a bid with a spot rate instead of a flat rate.

To create a new spot rate, on the Spot Bid Tender Response page, you can:

  • Use the + (plus) icon beside Spot Rate Name in the Bid Options grid or 
  • Use the Add New Spot Rate button at the bottom of the Spot Rate Bids grid if the spot rate is not conditional 

Note: When you create a spot rate from the pick list in the Bid Options grid, the screen gets refreshed to reload the Spot Rate Bids grid.

Note: Only service providers with Allows Spot Rating selected and a spot rate offering defined can add a spot bid spot rate.

Ship Units

  • This section displays information about the ship unit including ship unit ID, commodities, weight, volume, dimensions, and ship unit count when the Spot Bid Tender Response screen is in View mode.


  • On the Bid Options grid, it is mandatory to enter any one of the fields: Bid or Spot Rate ID.
  • When you click Save, you should have a value in one of the following fields: Last Bid or New Bid or Bid Option or Spot Rate Bid.


The Stops tab is available only when the Spot Bid Tender Response screen is editable.

  • You can view the stop and ship unit level data.

Shipment Remarks

The Shipment Remarks tab is available only when the Spot Bid Tender Response screen is editable.

  • You can view the remarks from the shipment.

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