Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: Search

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. Create or edit a record and go to the Search tab.

Use this page to configure the fields that you want to appear on the Search page. You can also rearrange the sequence of the tabs and their associated fields and you can add new tabs and fields. You can also delete a tab or field.

Note: You cannot edit the label for a tab. The work-around is to delete the tab and add a new one with the same fields. Nor can you edit the default field labels. If you want to change a default label, you must delete the field and re-add it.

If you are copying a public screen set, the Search page displays the default search fields for the business object (Query ID) to which this screen set applies. This provides a starting point from which you can modify the default Search page. However, if you are creating a new screen set, no default search fields appear and you are asked to add a new tab and the fields that you want to appear on each tab. Also, if you create a new screen set from scratch, you must enter servlets for the Edit, View, and Delete buttons on the Results page to enable these functions.

Note: It is recommended that you always copy an existing public screen set.

Add Tab

  1. Enter text for the tab and click Add Tab. A blank Criteria page appears for the new tab allowing you to add new fields to the tab. The new tab is positioned after the last existing tab; however, you can move it to any position.
  2. Click Add Field or Next to continue.

Delete Tab

To delete a tab, click the tab that you want to delete and click Delete icon.

Move Tab

To move a tab to a new position, click the tab and then click move left or move right depending on the direction that you want to move. If you get to the beginning or end of the tab list and click these icons, the tab wraps around to the beginning or end depending on its position.

Add Field

The Add Field buttons allow you to determine the column on which to place a new field.

  1. Click Add Field in the column of your choice.
  2. Select a field from the list. The fields that appear are specific to the business object that is determined by the Query ID assigned to the Screen Set. For example, there is a specific set of fields that can appear on each business object Search page and the Query ID determines the business object, like OB_ORDER_BASE is Order Base.
  3. After you select a field, the options that appear depend on the type of field you selected. Oracle Transportation Management provides the following types of fields:
    • UOM field represents a unit of measure; for example, Total Weight, Total Volume.
    • Validation field (also referred to as foreign keys in database terminology) refers to other data in the database; for example, ID fields.
    • Text field represents text of some kind. For example, date fields, text fields for descriptions, check box fields, etc.
    • User-Defined fields represent user-defined data.

The following table describes each of the options that can appear depending on the field that you choose.

Note: The fields and check boxes displayed vary depending on the field selected.

Field Options

Field Type


Additional Parameters



Use this option only if you select a Status field. This parameter will allow you to configure the Status Types that are used for searching and the field type: Power field or List Box.

To configure the field as List Box, you must first click the Drop List check box mentioned above. Then click Advanced and mark the Status Drop List check box

If you want a Power field, do not mark the Drop List check box, but click the Status Drop List check box.

Select the appropriate Status Type that makes sense for the business object assigned to the Screen Set since the list does not limit your choice.

Allow Search, View, New


Use these options to control the display of the Search, View, and New icons next to a field.


Allow Mixed Case

Text/drop list

When adding text, the text is not forced to be upper-case. Use this option together with Mixed Case search results.



All Field Types

Mark this check box to configure the field as required meaning that a user must enter a value for the field to perform a search. A blue asterisk will appear to the left of the field name when a field is marked as constraining.


Default Operator

All Field Types

Use this option to configure a default operator for a search field.

The operators that appear depend on the field that you are configuring.

Drop List


Use this option to display a drop list for a field that provides specific default choices (usually by ID) based on data in the Oracle Transportation Management database. You cannot limit or define the values in the list.

If you leave this option off, the field displays as a Power field with the Search, View, and New icons.


Drop List with Description


Use this option to display a drop list that includes a description (if defined) in addition to an ID. For example, you can add the Package Item ID field and display only the ID (Drop List only option mentioned above) or the ID and the package item Name (by checking this option) in the list.


Fixed Drop List


Use this option to create a specific list of values that limit the valid choices for a field. For example, there can be many values for a field based on the data in the database, but you may want to limit the user to selecting less than what is defined.

If you do not use this option, Oracle Transportation Management displays the standard text field format appended with conditional operators ( Begins With, Same As, etc.)

When you select this field option, you are asked to provide the database Values and their corresponding Display label. For example, the database values for the Perspective field are B and S but the display labels that appear to the user are Buy and Sell respectively.

  1. Enter the database Value followed by its corresponding Display label and click Add Option.

  2. Repeat step 1 to add more records.

  3. Click Save.

Hide (Enhanced Finders Only)

All Field Types


When you select the Hide (Enhanced Finders Only) check box, the column will not be shown by default on an Enhanced finder or finder results. You will still be able to select the column to search for it on an Enhanced finder. Enhanced finders look and behave differently than legacy finders.



Indicator Field

Mark this check box to display a list box with the following (default) values: White, Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, Orange. If you do not mark this check box, an Indicator text field appears and you must know what values to enter.


Label ID

All Field Types

Each field in Oracle Transportation Management has a default label that controls the label text (by language) that appears on a page. If you leave the Label ID field blank, Oracle Transportation Management uses the default label ID. However, you can also add a new Label ID (DBA.ADMIN user only) if you want to change the label that appears for this Screen Set. Creating and assigning a new Label ID only controls the label for this Screen Set and does not impact any other occurrence of the field text in the system. The DBA.ADMIN user can also edit the text in the default Label ID.

The default Label ID appears in parenthesis next to each field label if you did not assign one. Otherwise, the assigned ID appears.

You must enter a Label ID for Pseudo fields.

Translation ID

Match Case

Text/drop list

Mark this check box to allow a search to match the case of the search string exactly as entered by the user. If this check box is not selected, a search will ignore the case of the search string.

This option is only available if the Allow Mixed Case option is selected.

Possible outcomes when using the Allow Mixed Case and Match Case options are:

  • When a search field has both Allow Mixed Case and Match Case selected and you enter "abc" in the field, the results only show records for this field that begin with "abc".

  • When a search field has Allow Mixed Case selected and Match Case deselected and you enter "abc" in the field, the results show records that begin with ABC, Abc, aBC, abc, etc.

  • When a search field has Allow Mixed Case deselected and you enter "abc" in the field, the "abc" is changed to ABC and results only show records that begin with ABC.

This option is only available if the Allow Mixed Case option is selected.

Pseudo Fields

Pseudo fields (marked with the letter P) are fields appearing on search, results, and other manager pages that are configurable to the needs of an organization and individual. Generally speaking, they provide an additional level of specificity. For example, a pseudo field can be selected for searching for purchase orders by their numbers; whereas normally PO numbers must be searched for as one among many types of Order Reference Qualifiers.

If you select a Pseudo field, you must select an existing Label ID.

Also, after you click Save, you are prompted to supply additional parameters. For example, if you select Contact ID, you are prompted to select an Involved Party Qualifier and a Communications Method for the contact. This means that anytime the Contact ID field is used to conduct a search on the Screen Set to which you are adding this Pseudo field, it will automatically search for a contact with these Involved Party and Communication Method parameters.

The label of the Pseudo on the Screen Set Search page identifies a Pseudo field and its parameters as follows:

A sample of the user interface showing labels on a pseudo field. "Contact ID ( (P : EMAIL;BILL-TO).

The field label appears first (Contact ID) followed by the Translation ID ( xid). The letter P indicates this is a Pseudo field and the parameter values appear after it (: BILL_TO; EMAIL) which are the values specified for the Involved Party Qualifier and Communication Method.

Derived Fields

Derived fields are denoted with a letter D. A derived field is one that is not stored in the database, but rather calculated based on other data in the database.

Delete Field

To delete a field from a tab, mark the check box next to the field that you want to delete and click Delete.

Move Field

To move a field to a new position, mark the check box next to the field and click move up or move down depending on the direction that you want to move. If you get to the top or bottom of a column and click these icons, the field is moved to the next or previous column depending on its position.

Edit Field

You can edit an existing field by selecting the field option button and then by clicking the Edit icon (Edit). You are then given options similar to when adding a field, as described above.

You can also edit the field labels for any Search page field using the Label Manager (DBA.ADMIN user access only). For example, if you copy an existing public Screen Set, the default Search fields appear with the default labels. Next to each label is the Label ID in parentheses ( ). To change the default labels, you must log in as the DBA.ADMIN user to access the Label Manager. Then enter the Label ID that appears in the ( ) and edit the record to change the label.

User-Defined Image Fields

You can configure up to five User-Defined Image fields to appear on the Search and Results page that let you query and review the images that are assigned to a business object. Images can be assigned to business objects to visually emphasize certain characteristics such as shipments containing hazardous material, orders for hot commodities, or shipments with over dimensional freight.

Note: Not all screen sets allow user-defined image fields. If you do not see User Defined Image fields to add, that screen set does not support them.

To search for business objects by their assign images and review the images on the Results page, complete the following:

  1. To create image references, go to Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > Images.
  2. Go to the Screen Set Manager and edit an appropriate Screen Set and assign one or more of the User-Defined Image # ID fields (1 through 5) so you can search business objects by the Image ID assigned to an image reference. Configure the fields as a Power field (default) or a List box (drop list options).
  3. Select a Column of User-Defined Image # Path.
  4. Select the Image Path option to display the image.
  5. Save the row.
  6. Optionally, you can tell the system to use the description defined on the image when you hover over the image with your mouse.
    1. Add the User Defined Image # Description column.
    2. Set the Width (in pixels) to 0.
    3. Save the column.
  7. Save the Screen Set and configure it to appear on a menu.
  8. Assign image IDs to the appropriate User-Defined Image fields using the Set Image action.

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