Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: Results

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. Create or edit a record and go to the Results tab.

Use this page to configure the columns that appear on the Results page of the business object assigned to this screen set.

  1. Enter an ID column width that consistently appears as the first column on all Results pages. This column provides a quick link to the edit pages of a business object. However, you can control this column width and/or completely hide the column since it is redundant with the pre-configured object ID that is also standard on all Results pages.
  2. Enter the records per page. The Records Per Page field allows you to define how many records are displayed for the screen set after a search and the number of additional records that are displayed when you click the More link. This is a numeric field. Next to the field, is the pre-defined default value. This is defined according to the following hierarchy:

Pseudo Fields

Pseudo fields (marked with the letter P) can appear on search, results, and other manager pages that are configurable to the needs of an organization and individual. Generally speaking, they provide an additional level of specificity. For example, a pseudo field can be selected for searching for purchase orders (PO) by their numbers; whereas normally PO numbers must be searched for as one among many types of Order Reference Qualifiers.

Note: If you choose a Pseudo field, you are prompted to supply additional parameters.

Derived Fields

Derived fields (marked with the letter D) are fields that are calculated based on other data in the database.

Add New Column

  1. Enter the Sequence Number in which the column appears from left to right. Entering a sequence number that is already used inserts that column into that sequence location and moves the other sequences down.
  2. Choose a new field Column from the list. The column is for the heading text or label that is displayed for the column. Oracle Transportation Management does not check whether the column has already been defined so you can duplicate field columns.

    Note: You must have a Domain Name column.

  3. Optionally, enter a label ID in the Label field if you want to override the default label for the field. You can also create a new label ID to define new label text. Each field column has an inherent default label. You cannot change the inherent label; however, you can override it by creating your own translation ID and assigning it to a field.
  4. Enter a Width (in pixels) for the new column or leave the field blank to accept the default of 150 pixels. This is a fixed space setting so if the data in the column exceeds the space allotted for the column, the data is truncated.

    Note: If you mouse over the value in a column that is truncated on any Results page, you see the full value. This is for headers only, not data.

    Note: The total count in pixels, across all columns, must not exceed 9999.

  5. Use the Sort field to identify a column as the default sort criteria for the result set. It can be ascending or descending. This is optional.
  6. When you select the Hide (Enhanced Finders Only) check box, the column will not be shown by default on an Enhanced finder or finder results. You will still be able to select the column to search for it on an Enhanced finder. Enhanced finders look and behave differently than legacy finders.
  7. The Indicator check box should only be selected if you are adding/editing the Indicator field. This check box determines whether to display the actual Indicator color icon or a letter that represents the Indicator color ( W-white, G-green, Y-yellow, R-red, B-blue, O-orange).
  8. The Image Path check box should only be selected if you are adding/editing the user defined image fields (1 through 5). This check box determines whether the path for the image appears or the actual image. Selecting the Image Path check box will display the image. Images are defined in Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > Images.
  9. Click Save.

Note: If you insert a pseudo column, marked with a (P) in the Column Name list, you are asked to select one or more Default Values for the field when you save the grid.

Note: To define a user-defined image with a mouse-over description, add a second entry of User Defined Image Description as a column with a width of 0.

Edit a Column

There are two options for editing a column.

To change any of the options listed above

  1. Click the Edit icon.
  2. Make changes as described in Add New Column above.

To see additional options available

  1. Click the More button to configure results fields. The fields that are displayed vary depending on the field selected.

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