Shipment Management

Broadcast Tender and Spot Bid Tender

Two actions, Broadcast Tender and Spot Bid Tender, use the same screen. While there are conceptual differences between the two, the steps you follow to complete the action are the same. Below there are two sections, one for each action, to explain how to run the actions. The last section contains the steps necessary to run the actions.

If a location becomes inactive after the shipment is created, you will not be able to tender the shipment with an inactive stop location.

Broadcast Tender

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Open Tender > Broadcast Tender.

Use this action to send a broadcast tender to all service providers that are configured to support broadcast tendering.

Broadcast tendering is the process of finding a service provider to cover a "hot" load. The planner does not have the time to go through the normal tender process for such a load. This load is broadcast tendered to all service providers that accept broadcast tenders. The tender is sent to the primary contact on the service provider unless an alternate is specified in the Broadcast Spot Contact ID field on the service provider. Once a service provider receives a broadcast tender message, they can use the Broadcast Tender Response page to confirm acceptance of the load. The first service provider to accept the tender at a cost that is within a certain tolerance is awarded the shipment.

The shipment is then auto-assigned to this service provider and its cost changed to the cost specified by the service provider. A tender withdrawal is sent to all other service providers participating in the broadcast tender.

By default, all broadcast messages are sent using the localization preferences (language and unit of measure settings) defined for the LOGISTICIAN contact.

When using Broadcast Tendering, after the tender is awarded, OTM notifies all service providers who took part in the tendering process but were not awarded the tender. To turn off that functionality, set  glog.tender.notifyBroadcastLosers to false.

Also see the property glog.tender.broadcast.allowAutoBidWhileAcceptTender.

Spot Bid Tender

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Open Tender > Spot Bid Tender.

Use this action to send a spot bid tender to all service providers that are configured to support spot bid tendering. Select the Accept Spot Bids check box on the Service Provider manager to configure a carrier to accept spot bids. sides initiating these actions manually, they can also be initiated via an automation agent.

Tender spot bidding is built around an auction or exchange model. The goal is to find the cheapest cost service provider to cover the shipments. The shipments are auctioned to all service providers that participate in spot bidding. There is a time limit for the various service providers to respond as defined by the SPOT BID RESPONSE TIME BEFORE SHIPMENT START parameter.

Spot Bid tenders can be automatically sent to any service provider that accepts them via integration. Alternatively, you can manually submit a spot bid tender from the Shipment Manager. The tender is sent to the primary contact on the service provider unless you identify an alternate contact in the Broadcast Spot Contact ID field on the service provider. Once a service provider receives a spot bid tender message, they can use the Broadcast Tender Response page to confirm acceptance of the load.

The tender process is closed after the time limit expires and the service provider with the lowest bid price is selected.

Once a winner is selected, a tender withdraw is sent to all the other service providers. Then the tender process changes from a spot bid tender to a normal tender. When you withdraw a tender, you remove the tender from the service provider to whom the tender was sent. You can do this before or after the service provider accepts the tender.

Note: If a Spot Bid Tender is sent for a shipment that has already been spot costed, the current service provider will be removed from the shipment.

When using Spot Bid Tendering, after the tender is awarded, OTM notifies all service providers who took part in the tendering process but were not awarded the tender. To turn off that functionality, set glog.tender.notifySpotBidLosers to false.

Also see the property glog.webserver.tender.spotBid.bidThreshold.

When you run this action, and if there is any eligible digital freight carrier and you set the planning parameter FETCH DIGITAL FREIGHT RATES, OTM fetches the digital freight rate by calling the ERE Rate API for the selected digital freight carriers and displays it on the Spot Bid Tender Response page.

Likewise, if you run this action and if the planning parameter RATE OFFERING FOR SPOT MARKET RATES is set with a rate offering value, OTM fetches the current market cost by calling the ERE Rate API using this rate offering and displays it on the Spot Bid Tender Response page.

Expected Response Time

  1. Enter an override Expected Response Time.

    broadcast tendering, the default response time is the latest of all service provider's response times as defined by its primary contact in the Contact Manager. The time zone of the Expected Response Time is the time zone user preference of the user initiating the action.

    spot bidding, the default response time is calculated using the SPOT BID TENDER RESPONSE TIME BEFORE SHIPMENT START parameter. For example, the expected response time is calculated as the shipment start time minus the value entered for this parameter. If the calculated response time is earlier than the current time, an exception error occurs and the system rolls back the spot bid tender process. However, you can override the default response time by entering a specific date or time. The time zone of the Expected Response Time is the time zone user preference of the user initiating the action.

Add Service Provider

  1. Enter a Service Provider ID if you want to specify a service provider not included in the list above.


    Enter a Saved Condition.


    Enter a Saved Query ID. You have the option to add dynamic variable to fetch service providers based on a query. Lets look at an example of variables in a saved query (you can name your query anything you want -- this shows the SQL and the variables assigned in it). For example,

select ATTRIBUTE1 from shipment

where shipment_gid = $gid  (attribute1 will be a service provider gid value and $gid is shipment gid of the shipment ID you selected is considered).

  1. Click Save for each service provider you add.

Lane Service Providers

Select each Service Provider to whom you are sending the broadcast or spot bid tender. Only service providers that support broadcast or spot bid tendering are listed. Service provider selection for sending tenders is based on lane definitions. Service providers should register with lanes with the Open Tender check box selected in order to be selected for a spot bid or broadcast tender.  

Note: If the property glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck is set to true, the application performs rule checks such as:
1. Equipment group of service provider with the equipment group of shipment.
2. Special services of shipment against special services of the service provider.
3. Origin and Destination country codes of the shipment with the service providers.

Other Service Providers

This section contains the service providers you manually added in the Add Service Provider section, either individually or through a saved condition or a saved query. Select additional service providers in this section. If the property, glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck, is set to true, the application displays feasible service providers in this section based on Tender Constraints.

Note: If the property glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs is set to true, and you add a service provider which already exists in the Lane Service Providers on Spot Bid Tender, Broadcast Tender, and Update Open Tender:
• Duplicates will not be added in the Other Service Providers section if the lane service provider is checked.
• Duplicates will be added in the Other Service Providers section if the lane service provider is unchecked.

If the property glog.tender.opentender.hideDuplicateServProvs is set to false, and you add a service provider on Spot Bid Tender, Broadcast Tender, and Update Open Tender screens, duplicates will be added in the Other Service Providers section if the service provider already exists and checked/unchecked in the Lane Service providers.

Infeasible Lane Service Providers

This section displays the list of infeasible lane service providers if the property, glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs, is set to true.

Note: The property, glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs, works only when the property, glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck, is set.

The service providers are considered infeasible when the properties,  glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs and glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck are set to true, and either of the following tender constraints of shipments do not match with the service providers:

  • Equipment group 
  • Special services 
  • Origin and destination country codes 

Infeasible Other Service Providers

This section shows the service providers added manually in the Add Service Provider section, either individually or through a saved condition or through a saved query, that are infeasible based on Tender Constraints are displayed in this section. This section is displayed when the property, glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs, is set.

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