Configuration and Administration

glog.tender Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


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Set this property to add comma separated involved party qualifiers on the Online Booking and Tendering records. Based on these qualifiers, contact details will be displayed on the Online Booking and Tendering (OBT) screen. Default value is blank.



Indicates if updates can be made to a tender after the tender is confirmed/accepted. Sometimes there is a need to update enroute shipments (mostly delivery date) via the conditional booking process.

Default is false (off), so check for pickup date would be applicable only if this property is set to true.

This works with glog.tender.checkTenderUpdateableUsingShipment.



This property controls the accepting of a broadcast tender without needing to enter a new bid for the carrier. If set to true and the carrier performs the Accept Tender action on the broadcast tender, the shipment will be accepted and the shipment cost will be used as the bid amount.

Default: false



Controls whether the time zone values are saved with the values of the location (TRUE) or the user preference values (FALSE) when running the action "Secure Resources By a Planner" on a shipment with conditional booking fields as Pick-up and Delivery times.

Default: FALSE



When a shipment is Step Tendered, that shipment's rate will not change from the rate you accept when you set this property to true.

Default: true

Set this property to false, if you want to have old behavior, where the shipment could change to a cheaper rate upon acceptance.



This property helps determine if and when a tender can be updated. For this property to be used, glog.tender.avoidPickupDateCheck must be set to 'false'. If it is true, the Update button when you edit the Online Tender/Booking screen always displays. If it is false, there are two options for when updates are allowed based on the tender or the shipment and that depends on this property.

If this is 'true', allowance of updates (the Update button will display) will be based on the shipment start time instead of the tender pickup time.

Default value is false.



Valid values are:

  • SOURCE (default)

If set to "SOURCE", the dispatch location uses the source location of the shipment to look up a dispatch location contact. If set to "DESTINATION" the dispatch location uses the destination location of the shipment to look up a dispatch location contact. This property and logic is used both by planning and tendering when looking up the contact for a shipment.



Determines what Oracle Transportation Management does when trying to tender a shipment but the communication methods are incorrect or missing.

  • manual - The tender succeeds and the shipment TENDER CALL status is set to one of TENDER CALL_TENDER, TENDER CALL_PICKUP or TENDER CALL_CANCEL. This is the default.
  • call - The tender fails and the shipment TENDER CALL status is set to TENDER CALL_COMM_PROBLEM.
  • email - The tender fails and the event SHIPMENT TENDER - FAILED is raised. Planners can register interest in this event to receive email notification.



This property allows you to require that a service provider enter a shipment reference number qualifier before accepting a tender.

When this property is set with a Shipment Reference Number Qualifier, before the service provider accepts the tender, the Shipment Reference Qualifier and Shipment Reference Number must be entered.

For example, you can set the property to 'BOL'. Then for the Shipment Reference Qualifier, the service provider would need to enter 'BOL' and then enter a numeric value for the Shipment Reference Number as they accept the tender in the UI. This property does not affect accepting tenders via XML.

Also, OTM does not care if a reference number with this qualifier already exists on the shipment as you accept the tender. This property forces the service provider to enter a reference number with this qualifier on the Accept tender UI.  

glog.tender.maxAllowXMLLenOBT 24A

Set this property to true to prevent performance issues that occur when you open a tender record with a large amount of data from the Online Booking and Tendering screen.
Default value: 10000000.

If the shipment data (data size of the column, I_TRANSACTION.XML_BLOB) exceeds the configured value, OTM displays a message when you open the tender record.

Note: Some of the shipment data may not be displayed.



This property controls the notification for open tenders (spot bid and broadcast) if the service providers did not participate in the bidding process.

The default value is false. When this property is false, OTM will notify service providers.

When this property is set to true, OTM will not send notifications to service providers who did not participate in the bidding process.

Note: If the properties glog.tender.notifySpotBidLosers is set to false, the system will not send notifications to service providers though they have participated in the spot bidding process.

If the properties glog.tender.notifyBroadcastLosers is set to false, the system will not send notifications to service providers though they have participated in the broadcast tendering process.



Controls whether to use the specific XML Transformers from the list of XML Transformers.

Default: TRUE



When using Broadcast Tendering, after the tender is awarded, notify all the service providers who took part in the tendering process but were not awarded the tender.

Default: TRUE



When using Open Tendering, notify the service provider when the tender times out.

Default: TRUE



When using Spot Bid Tendering, after the tender is awarded, notify all the service providers who took part in the tendering process but were not awarded the tender.

Default: TRUE



Defines the size for order release remarks and reference numbers. If the order release remarks/reference numbers is greater than this size, it will be ignored in outbound transmissions.

Default: 1



When using Open Tendering, notify the service providers when a bid is received.

Default: TRUE



If this property is set to true, and you add a service provider which already exists in the Lane Service Providers on open tender action screens such as Spot Bid Tender, Broadcast Tender, and Update Open Tender:

  • Duplicates will not be added in the Other Service Providers section if the lane service provider is checked.
  • Duplicates will be added in the Other Service Providers section if the lane service provider is unchecked.

If this property is set to false, and you add a service provider on open tender action screens such as Spot Bid Tender, Broadcast Tender, and Update Open Tender, duplicates will be added in the Other Service Providers section if the service provider already exists and checked/unchecked in the Lane Service providers. 

Default: true



When you run the spot bid or broadcast tender action, use this property to perform a carrier compatibility check of the following:

  • Equipment group of the shipment with the service providers
  • Special services of the shipment with the service providers
  • Origin and destination country codes of the shipment with the service providers

Once the system performs the rule check, you can identify the feasibility of the service providers.   

glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs 24A

When this property is set to true, the Infeasible Lane and Infeasible Other Service Providers along with Infeasibility reason display on Open Tender screens.

Default: true

Note: This property works only when the property, glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck, is set.



This property helps the system to default different pickup date options for ordinary tender.

Default: Start time of the shipment
Property values: B or E or L

B- Blank will show pickup as blank while accepting the tender. You can enter a value.
E- Early Pickup or Start Time. If shipment has no value set for Earliest Start Time, the system will pick the start time of the shipment.
L- Latest Pickup Time. If shipment has no value set for Latest Start Time, the system will pick the start time of the shipment.



If a remark qualifier GID is set and if a shipment has that qualifier then the qualifier value will be displayed while accepting the tender.

There is no default value.



Controls whether the shipment event during the tender process is hidden.

Default: FALSE



In the tendering process of a shipment, this property enables the raising of a Shipment Status Topic.

Default: FALSE



In the tendering process of a shipment, this property disables the staging of shipment events upon completion of any tendering action.

Default: FALSE



Controls whether to show the current lowest bid to the service provider.

Default: FALSE



When the property is false, if the tender times out or if a service provider declines the tender that you awarded using the Spot Bid Tender process, the tender is sent to the next service provider.

When the property is true, if the tender times out or if a service provider declines the tender that you awarded using the Spot Bid Tender process, the tender will not be sent to the next service provider, and the system updates the status of the shipment to  "SECURE RESOURCES_NO RESOURCES".

Default: False



When you set this property to true, Fetch Current Market Cost button will be displayed on spot bid action pages such as View All Bid Options and Award Bid. 



Set this property to true to validate the lowest bid amount when running the action Award Bid and awarding a bid via View All Bid Options. If the planner awards any amount other than the lowest bid, the system will prompt to enter a reason code to continue awarding the bid to a service provider.

Default: false



Is the Spot Bid Adjustment Factor used by the planner to rate the service provider. The value should be between zero and one.

Default: 0.0



This property is used to copy the data from the Tag fields (added via a custom screen set for spot bid screens) and save it on the shipment reference number qualifiers. This property can accept comma separated values such as QUALGID1,QUALGID2,QUALGID3.



If a shipment was created with PLAN SHIPMENTS WITH CARRIER COMMITMENT set to true, and its tender was declined or re-tendered while RETENDER_ON_DECLINE_BY_SERVPROV_EQUIPMENT is set to true, an error could occur.

Set this property glog.tender.steptender.commitmentBasedDifferentEquipmentGroup to true to prevent errors.

Default: false

glog.tender.spotbid.useNewSpotBidManagerForEmailURL 23C

When the property is set to true, the URL on the tender notification email directs you to the Spot Bid screen instead of Online Booking and Tendering screen for spot bid tenders.

Default: false



This property enables the Online Booking/Tendering Profile ID to filter the outbound tender offer XML. This property helps to improve the tender UI performance.

Default: FALSE



Use this parameter to speed up the loading of the tender UI. When the order release count associated with a shipment exceeds the set value, the View Order Information button appears. When you click this button, you can view the order release information in a pop up window.

Default: 100



Use this parameter to speed up the loading of the tender UI. When the sum of order release lines of all order releases exceeds the set value, the View Order Information button appears. When you click this button, you can view the order release information in a pop up window.

Default: 100



Use this parameter to speed up the loading of the tender UI. When the ship unit count of a shipment exceeds the set value, the View ShipUnits button appears in the Stops tab on the Online Booking and Tendering page. When you click this button, you can view the ship unit information in a pop up window. Also, the View Items button appears in the Order Information tab. When you click this button, you can view the order item information.

Default: 100

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