Shipment Management

Award Bid

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Spot Bid Tender > Actions > Award Bid .

Use this action to award a tender to a specific service provider. Award Bid sets shipment to SECURE RESOURCE_TENDERED and sends tender to awarded service providers. sets all spot bid tenders to WITHDRAWN.

Note: The Award Bid action replaces the existing action, which allows you to use a customized Manager Layout. You can create an action using the Action Definition ID - AWARD_BID_ML - and choose the Manager Layout at the Manager Layout ID drop-down list. The existing action is still available as Award Bid (Deprecated). To use the existing action, configure Award Bid (Deprecated) in the custom screen set for spot bid.

After the tender is awarded, the system notifies all service providers who took part in the tendering process but were not awarded the tender. To turn off this functionality, set glog.tender.notifySpotBidLosers to false.

Note: To turn off notifications to service providers who did not participate in the bidding process, set the property glog.tender.notifyNonBidServprov.turnOff to true.

To update the field 'Current Market Cost', click Fetch Current Market Cost, which will fetch the value based on either the planning parameter RATE OFFERING FOR SPOT MARKET RATES or rate offering value that you provide. The button Fetch Current Market Cost is displayed only if the field 'Current Market Cost' is not blank, or if the property glog.tender.spotBid.enableFetchMarketRatesButton is set to true. 


  • You can only process one record at a time.
  • You can perform this action only when the tender has a valid status.
  • The bid amount field is not mandatory. You can enter a value in New Bid or Last Bid, or at least select one record in the Bid Options grid or the Spot Rate grid.
  • The audit action ID for this action is: AWARD BID. This will also enable user to set up action checks for the action.

Note: Only service providers with Allows Spot Rating selected can add a spot bid spot rate.

Awarding a Bid to a Service Provider

The planner can award this tender to a particular service provider:

  1. On the Spot Bid Tender page, select a service provider to whom you want to award a bid.
  2. Enter a bid by entering a value in the New Bid field. If you leave this field blank, OTM considers the amount in Last Bid as a response to the spot bid tender. Entering a value in the field overrides the amount in the Last Bid.

    If you want to award the bid to a service provider who does not have the lowest bid (as per the values in the New Bid/Last Bid, Bid Options, Spot Rate Bids), an alert will be displayed. Click OK. The Award Reason Code field will be displayed. Enter a valid reason code to continue awarding the bid to the service provider.

    Note: While running this action, the lowest bid will be checked only if the property glog.tender.spotBid.enableValidationForLowestBid is set to true. 

    Note: The Award Reason Code finder displays only those quick codes that have the Enable For Action Reason option enabled. If you do not want to view quick codes on Award Reason Code finder, disable the Enable For Action Reason check box from the Quick Codes screen.

Entering Remarks for a Bid

You can either enter a remark at the same time that you enter a bid or you can enter a remark on a bid that was previously entered.

Note: A bid must exist in order to save a remark.

  1. Select a Remark Qualifier ID.
  2. Enter Remark Text.
  3. Click Save to the far right of the Remarks grid.

Note: In the Spot Bid Tender page, use Respond By to review the date when bidding closes (after this date, no responses can be submitted).

  1. Click Save.

Note: The remarks entered by the service providers or planner in the Remarks grid will be copied to the shipment when the awarded service provider accepts the tender.

Bidding Options

The planner can select a bid from the Bid Options grid to award.

If you do not select any bid, the New Bid or the Last bid amount is awarded to the service provider.

Note: If a planner selects one of the bids from the Bid Options grid, the system will try to update the shipment with those details and the bid will be awarded to the service provider for the amount quoted.

Awarding Bid based on Spot Rate

On this page, the planner will have an option to award bid based on spot rate.

The Spot Rate Bids grid shows the calculated cost based on the spot rate (the actual cost updated on the shipment goes via the rating engine). 

When awarding the spot bid, if the planner selects to award based on the spot rate, the shipment cost will be recalculated using the spot rate. This process will be similar to how the Spot Cost action works on the shipment. If this process fails, the award bid action fails.

When performing an optional bid:

  • If the optional bid contains both bid amount and spot rate, the spot rate is applied.
  • If applying spot rate fails, the award bid action fails.
  • If the spot rate is applied successfully, the system will try to update the rest of the shipment fields. Even if that fails, the shipment is still tendered to this service provider with the spot cost.

If there is a conditional spot bid for a spot rate, then the check box for the corresponding spot rate will be disabled.

Click Award Bid to Service Provider at the bottom of the page.

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