Shipment Management

View All Bid Options

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Spot Bid Tender > Actions > View All Bid Options
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Open Tender > View All Spot Bid Options

Use this action to view all the bid options grouped by service providers. Also, you can award a bid to a specific service provider.


  • You can only select one bid to award it to a service provider. If you select more than one bid then the system alerts you with a message, 'Select only one record'.
  • If a bid is not selected and when you award a bid, the system alert you with a message, 'Please select a bid'.

The Select Service Provider With Bid Options drop-down list displays only those service providers that have bid options.

The Service Providers grid is a list of the service providers with either a conditional bid or a spot rate present.

The first section displays the Bid Options including the spot rate information for each bid.

The second section displays details about the Spot Rate Bids available. The Shipment Cost shown for each record in this section is calculated based on shipment parameters such as weight, volume, distance, dimensional weight, etc.

The remaining section displays service providers without bid options.

Note: The Spot Rate Name column in the Bid Options section, and the Spot Rate Bids section will not be displayed if the Allow Spot Rating check box is not selected for the service provider.

To award a bid to a service provider, you need to select one of the bid options and click Award Bid to Service Provider at the bottom of the page.

If you want to award the bid to a service provider who does not have the lowest bid, a warning will be displayed. Click OK. The Award Reason Code field will be displayed. Enter a valid reason code to continue awarding the bid to the service provider.

To update the field 'Current Market Cost', click Fetch Current Market Cost, which will fetch the value based on either the planning parameter RATE OFFERING FOR SPOT MARKET RATES or rate offering value that you provide. The button Fetch Current Market Cost is displayed only if the field 'Current Market Cost' is not blank, or if the property glog.tender.spotBid.enableFetchMarketRatesButton is set to true. 

Note: While running this action, the lowest bid will be checked only if the property glog.tender.spotBid.enableValidationForLowestBid is set to true.

Note: The Award Reason Code finder displays only those quick codes that have the Enable For Action Reason option enabled. If you do not want to view quick codes on the Award Reason Code finder, disable the Enable For Action Reason check box from Quick Codes screen.

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