Business Process Automation

Buy Shipment Agent Actions

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Automation Agent.

If you select SHIPMENT in the Agent Type field and do not select anything in the Data Type Association field, the agent actions listed here are available.

To use agent actions from other agent types (business objects), select the appropriate data type association. By selecting a data type association, an automation agent of one agent type (business object) can run related agent actions of a different agent type (business object). For example, an automation agent with a shipment agent type can run agent actions available for the order release agent type. To do this, select a data type association of SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE. See the actions topic for more details.

See Shipment Agent Actions that Use Parameter Sets to see which shipment agent actions can take the parameter set as input for overriding the default behavior.



Accept Tender

See the Accept Tender action.


Service Provider: The Service Provider on whose behalf the agent action is accepting the tender.

Add Document From

See the Add Document action. Allows you to link/copy a document to a business object from another business object. For example, you link a Bill of Lading to an invoice from its corresponding shipment.


Create As: Link or Copy

Saved Query ID

Add Document To

See the Add Document action. Allows you to link/copy a document from a specific business object to another business object. For example, you link a Bill of Lading on a shipment to its corresponding invoice. See Utility Agent Actions for details on limits imposed upon this agent action to prevent performance issues.


Associated Object

Create As: Link or Copy

Saved Query ID

Add Shipment to Shipment Group

Use this agent action to add a shipment to a shipment group based on the configured shipment group type. The shipment group type will provide one or more valid rules, which will be used to look for existing shipment groups (with status as  'SHIP_GROUP OPEN FOR ADDITION_OPEN') passing the matching criteria defined on the rule. If a matching shipment group is not found, then a new group will be created.

Note: See also property to consider shipments with no itinerary while creating/adding to a shipment group.


Shipment Group Type ID

Add to existing group (If found) - Set Yes to add a shipment to an existing shipment group,

Suppress Creating/Re-associating Secondary Charge - Select the check box if you want to suppress creating or re-associating secondary charges while adding a shipment to a shipment group.

Add Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Add Transactional Interest.

Ad Hoc Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Ad Hoc Notify Contact.

Allocate Shipment

See the Allocate Cost action

Apply Payment Terms

This agent action will apply payment terms to the shipment costs. See the Apply Payment Terms action for more details.

Approve for Execution

See the Approve for Execution action.

Assign Best Driver

To assign the best driver, the Driver Saved Query is taken from the domain default parameter FLEET DEFAULT DRIVER SAVED QUERY ID. If this parameter is null, the agent action will stop.

Assign Best Equipment

You have the option to configure whether you want to assign equipment to the freight equipment or to assign all equipment on the shipment. If you select the check box For Freight Equipment Only, only the freight equipment that has the equipment type assigned will be processed. If there is no eligible shipment equipment, the agent action will log an exception.

This agent action takes the saved query from the domain default parameter FLEET DEFAULT EQUIPMENT SAVED QUERY ID as further restrictions on the equipment available for this assignment. If the parameter is null, the action will still continue with whatever equipment is available in eligible equipment pools.


For Freight Equipment only

Assign Best Equipment Group

This action takes the shipment as input, and uses all the valid equipment groups for this shipment. The equipment groups can range from the order/location/leg compatible equipment group if a parent leg exist on the shipment, to all the equipment groups from the equipment defined on the shipment. The least cost option will be selected.

For example, a shipment could start with multiple shipment equipment, and end up with a single piece of equipment, or it could start with single piece of equipment and end up with double or triple (multiple) pieces of equipment.

This agent action should not be configured for a detachable schedule instance since this functionality is included in the Release Schedule Instance action.

Assign Best Equipment Type

This agent action will invoke the Assign Equipment Type action for the selected parameters.

You can configure the agent action to assign equipment types for different legs. Note that not all legs are applicable to every shipment. It depends on the special services on the shipment. For example, the shipment may have the following legs applicable: drop empty before freight, pick empty before freight, and freight. However, the freight equipment already has the equipment type assigned. If you configure the action to assign the following two legs, drop empty before freight and freight, then this agent action will just assign the equipment type for drop empty before freight. If all specified legs on the agent are already assigned equipment types on a shipment, the agent action will log an exception. All legs on shipments are processed.

To assign the best equipment type, the equipment type saved query is taken from the domain default parameter FLEET DEFAULT EQUIPMENT TYPE SAVED QUERY ID as further restrictions on the equipment types available for this assignment. If it is null, the agent action continues with whatever equipment types are available in eligible equipment pools.


Drop Empty Before Freight

Pick Empty Before Freight

Pick Empty For Freight


Drop Empty After Freight

No Dropoff Location After Freight (applies only when the Drop Empty After Freight has been selected.)

Non Freight

Assign Document Sets

This action allows you to assign document sets to selected objects. You can assign a single or multiple document sets to an object or multiple objects.

Note: If a document set is already assigned to an object, the action will proceed with assigning the remaining document sets.


Document Set

Assign Distance

Calculates distance using the global rate distance defined in parameters.

Assign Driver

Assigns the driver specified on the tracking event to the shipment.


Force Assign: Select this check box to assign a driver to a shipment, regardless of infeasibility. (Also see Force Assign Driver (to Shipment)).

Assign Equipment

Assigns the equipment specified on the tracking event to the shipment.


Force Assign: Select this check box to assign an equipment to a shipment, regardless of infeasibility. (Also see Force Assign Equipment.)

Assign Equipment Type

Acts the same as the Assign Equipment Type action, but uses a tracking event to specify a location and a specific equipment type.

When assigning equipment type for the Freight leg type, the location of the equipment is not mandatory.

When assigning combination equipment types both the equipment types should come on the same tracking event. They cannot come of separate tracking events. For the Freight Leg or the Pick Empty For Freight leg assignment, the shipment equipment GID needs to be specified for each equipment type. This is only for these two leg types. For other leg types, shipment equipment does not need to be specified.


Leg Type

No Dropoff Location After Freight

Force Assign: Select this check box to assign an equipment type to a shipment, regardless of infeasibility. (Also see Force Assign Equipment Type.)

Assign Next Repetition Schedule

Finds the next available schedule for a ground service shipment, adjusts the shipment times accordingly and re-drives downstream shipments. The schedule must be for the same service provider that is already associated with the shipment. Also, the action assumes that an actual arrival time has been populated on the first stop of the shipment.

This action is intended for use with a rail shipment whose freight has arrived at the rail yard and missed the cutoff time for the intended shipment (rail schedule).

Assign Order General Ledger Codes

Assigns general ledger codes to buy shipments.


Perspective: Values are B (buy), S (sell) or A (all)

Assign Power Unit

Assigns power units to buy shipments.

Assign Rate

See the Assign Rate action.

Assign Roundtrip NFR Stop Equipment Type

This agent action executes on a shipment to turn the shipment on a round trip (start where it ends or end where it starts). It may assign the equipment type as well as create an extra NFR Stop if the special services on the delivery or pickup location stop (at the non rail ramp location) indicating the equipment type assignment, are desired.

For this action, neither ASSIGN EQUIPMENT TYPE nor ASSIGN BEST EQUIPMENT TYPE action input fields are required. This action is available for "Shipment" agent type and returns a failure status so that the agent can be configured to respond to the failures properly.

The applicable shipment modes for this action are defined by a FLEET EQUIPMENT Logic Config Parameter (ROUNDTRIP NFR STOP TRANSPORT MODE PROFILE). The stop location around which the roundtrip is formed (starts and ends at this location) is determined by a FLEET Equipment Logic Config Parameter (ROUNDTRIP NFR STOP ROLE). The role defined by the parameter must be on one and only one of either the first or last stop on the shipment for proper execution of the action.

Assign Service Provider

See the Least Cost Service Provider action.

Assign Service Provider Cost

Allows the service provider cost for the shipment to be changed at the same time as the service provider. Agent variable functionality can be used for the service provider.


Service Provider


Assign Shipment General Ledger Codes

See the Assign Shipment General Ledger Codes action.

Assign Shipment Tracking Location

See Assign/Unassign Shipment Tracking Location.

Assign Variable

This is a utility agent action. See Assign Variable.

Broadcast Tender

See the Broadcast Tender action.


Select Service Provider

Select Add on Duration for Expected Response Time (Minutes)

Note: Select Add on Duration for Expected Response Time (Minutes) takes priority over Add on Duration for Expected Response Time.

Build Multi-stop Sell-Side Shipment

See the Build Multi-stop Shipment action.


With Buy-Side Mode

Build Secondary Charge Shipments

See the Build Secondary Charge Shipments action.


Quantity Type (valid values are All, Planned, Picked Up, and Received)

Build Sell Shipment Based on Buy Shipment

See the Build Sell Shipment From Buy Shipment action.

Build Sell-Side Shipment

See the Build Sell Side Shipment action.


With Buy-Side Mode

Build Trade Transaction

See Build Trade Transaction topic.


Consider secondary charge shipments of a primary shipment

Consider handling charge shipments of a primary shipment

Bulk Plan Sell-Side Shipment

See the Bulk Plan action.

Call Service

This is a utility agent action. See Call Service.

Calculate Carbon tax See the Calculate Carbon Tax action.

Change Appointment Activity Type

Changes the appointment activity type of an appointment.


Appointment Activity Type


First Stop

Last Stop

Change Level of Service

See Change Level of Service topic.


Dest Arbitrary Level of Service

Redrive Downstream Shipments

Downstream Location Profile ID

Change Mode

See the Change Transport Mode action.


Transport Mode: Valid transport mode value

Change Service Provider

See the Change Service Provider action.


Service Provider

Change Voyage

Allows update of the voyage by passing the new voyage ID to the current shipment.  Listens to shipment events. The Voyage ID is required.

This agent action can change the voyage even if the Voyage Fixed check box on the shipment is selected. To avoid overriding a fixed voyage with an agent, you can add an IF statement: "If fixedVoyageFlagOnShipment is false Assign Voyage".

See the Change Schedule action.



Service Provider

Port of Load and Port of Discharge

Check Shipment Feasibility

See the Check Feasibility action.

Close Accruals

This agent action reverses an open accrual. See the Close Accruals action for more details.

Confirm Dispatch

See the Confirm Dispatch action.

Copy Actual Quantities Buy to Sell

This agent action copies shipment actual quantities from a buy shipment to its corresponding sell shipment, if one exists. The actual fields on a shipment ship unit/line item that are copied include Gross and Net Weight, Volume, Height, Width, Length, Item Package Count, Packaging Unit Count, and Count per Ship Unit.

To use this agent action, you should configure an agent with one or more of the shipment status received events.

Copy Flexfields To

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Flexfields To.

Copy Involved Parties from Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties from <object>.

Copy Involved Parties to Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Involved Parties to <object>.

Copy Involved Party From OB to Shipment

This agent action copies an order base involved party from an order base to a related shipment.


Qualifier ID for Order Base Link

Qualifier ID for copying Involved Party from Order Base to Shipment

Copy Master Booking Data

This agent action copies master booking data from a primary buy shipment to its corresponding primary sell shipment.

Copy OB_Remark to Shipment

This agent action copies remarks with the specified Remark Qualifier and Remark Level from an order base to a shipment.

  • If the Remark Qualifier parameter is blank, all remarks with qualified level are copied.
  • If the Remark Level is blank, all remarks with proper qualifier are copied.
  • If both parameters are blank, all remarks are copied.
  • For multiple order bases that match the given shipment, all qualified Remark Qualifiers/Text will be put into a set to produce a list of unique Remark Qualifiers/Remark Text. The list will be copied to the Shipment Remark with new sequence numbers.  
  • If shipment remarks exist that are identical to the order base remarks on the order base remark list, there would be no overwriting logic, but Oracle Transportation Management creates new shipment remarks for each pair of value on the order base remark list with new sequence number.


Remark Qualifier

Remark Level

Copy Planned Stop Times to Actual

This agent action copies the Planned Arrival/Departure Stop Time to the Actual Arrival/Departure Stop Times for the stop parameter you selected.


Stops: You can configure the action to run on first, last, or all shipments.

Copy Received Fields from Buy to Sell

This agent action copies the received weight, volume, and count values for a shipment ship unit/line item from a buy shipment to its corresponding sell shipment.

Copy Received Fields to Shipment

This agent action enables you to update a standing order (index) of s-equipment through a shipment integration tracking event.

To have the tracking event trigger the indexing, create an agent of type Tracking Event to listen for an event of type Tracking Event - Processing Request with a data type association of Tracking Event to Shipment and an action of Copy Received Fields to Shipment .

The agent action has two steps. The first step copies the ship unit and/or ship unit line data from the received information. The fields copied are as follows:

On Shipment Ship Unit

  • Received Ship Unit Count
  • Received Volume
  • Received Weight
On Shipment Ship Unit Line
  • Received Item Package Count
  • Received Volume
  • Received Weight
  • Received Packaging Unit Count
  • Received Count per Ship Unit.

The second step of the agent action only takes place if the Update Shipment Equipment Information option is selected. The fields copied are as follows:

On Shipment Equipment
  • Equipment Initial
  • Equipment Number
  • Equipment Initial Number
  • Equipment Type GID
  • Weight Qualifier
  • Scale Weight
  • Tare Weight
  • Scale Location
  • Scale Name
  • Scale Ticket
  • Intermodal Equipment Length.
  • On Shipment Equipment Seal - creating new seals
  • Shipment Equipment GID
  • Seal Number
  • Seal Sequence
  • Domain Name
On Shipment_S_Equipment_Join
  • S Equipment Index


Update Ship Unit Information

Update Shipment Equipment Information

Copy Reference Number

This agent action copies the reference number of one shipment to all shipments that belong to the same shipment group. This action can help propagate specific reference numbers from one shipment to the next. For example, you may have a multi-modal move such as truck-ocean-truck involving different service providers. As each shipment is tendered and accepted and reference numbers recorded, you may want each related shipment to have the appropriate reference numbers from its predecessor shipment.

You can use this agent action with any event, although Shipment Tender - Accepted is a typical use-case example.


Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Note: Only use this action for shipment groups. To copy a reference number from one Oracle Transportation Management object to another, you can use the Copy Refnum From <object> or Copy Refnum To <object> agent actions.

Copy Refnums from Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Refnums from <object>.

Copy Refnums to Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Refnums to <object>.

Copy Remarks from Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks from <object>.

Copy Remarks to Shipment

This is a utility agent action. See Copy Remarks to <object>.

Copy Shipment Events

You must configure any agent that uses this agent action to listen for the SHIPMENT STATUS - RECEIVED event.

This agent action copies shipment events from a buy shipment to its corresponding sell shipment if one exists.

You can use a saved condition/query to filter the shipment events received so that only the desired event is copied to the sell shipment.

Create Bill

See Bill Manager for more details on creating a bill.

Create Job - Shipment

See the Create Job action.


Consolidation Type

Create Stop

Creates a non-freight-related shipment stop with location information on the tracking event, before or after the current stop.


Force (see Force Insert/Remove Non-Freight Related Stop)

Create Trade Transaction

See Create Transactions - Shipment topic.


Saved Query

Remark Qualifier

Line Remark Qualifier

Involved Party Qualifier ID

Reference Number Qualifier

Line Reference Number Qualifier

Decline Tender

See the Decline Tender action.


Service Provider

Retender: You can also specify whether to re-tender the shipment to the new Service Provider.

Delete Shipment

See the Delete Shipments topic.


Check Shipment Integrity - When the optional feature USE IMPROVED DELETE SHIPMENTS ACTION is enabled, there is an additional parameter available, Check Shipment Integrity. The new version of DELETE SHIPMENT is a faster version of the current shipment manager action Delete Multiple Shipments and agent action Delete Shipment. The new DELETE SHIPMENT agent action will take an additional parameter called Check Shipment Integrity.

When Check Shipment Integrity is true, the system will not delete the shipment if it has related shipments in database. Otherwise it will delete the shipment along with its related child objects such as shipment equipment and shipment ship units.

When this parameter is set to false, the system deletes a shipment that has related shipments or order movement and also deletes the shipment or order movements, etc. and the order status will be PLANNED - PARTIAL.

Note:  Orders, shipments, or order movements are in a corrupted stage until you delete other related shipments.  

Determine Order Release Quantity Validation

This agent action determines and sets the quantity validation status on an order base's ship units.


Quality Validation Type: Source or Destination

Direct SQL Update

This is a utility agent action. See Direct SQL Update.

Divert Shipment

See the Divert Shipment action.



Dont Persist

This is a utility agent action. See Dont Persist.


This is a utility agent action. See Else.


This is a utility agent action. See Elseif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endfor.


This is a utility agent action. See Endif.


This is a utility agent action. See Endlock.

Estimate Distance

This is a utility agent action. See Estimate Distance.

Evaluate Broadcast Tender Bid

There are two agent actions to evaluate the open tenders:

For Broadcast Tender, the first response to the tender is awarded the freight. However, there may be a case where you want to alter the parameters to re-evaluate all the bids sent in. For example, perhaps all of the bids were too high, based on the BROADCAST TENDER MAX COST ADDITION PERCENT defined.

An automation agent with this agent action could be configured to listen to SHIPMENT TENDER - TENDER BID REJECTED. The agent will re-evaluate the bids.


Factor of Cost Adjustment: Overrides the BROADCAST TENDER MAX COST ADDITION PERCENT by entering a Factor of Cost Adjustment.

Evaluate Center of Gravity

The action behaves like an IF statement. If the center of gravity is out of the defined threshold, only then are the child actions triggered.


Offset threshold from center to rear of equipment (along z-axis)

Offset threshold from center to front of equipment (along z-axis)

Offset threshold from center to right side of equipment (along x-axis)

Offset threshold from center to left side of equipment (along x-axis)

Maximum height above ground level allowed (along y-axis)

Minimum height allowed (along y-axis)

Weight Utilization Factor (0-1)

Evaluate Proximity to Location

This agent action is an extension of the IF action. It allows an agent to evaluate the time/distance to a location based on a shipment event. This agent action can only be triggered by a Shipment Status - Received or Shipment Status - Tracking event.

Based on the location address of the triggering shipment event, the agent action evaluates the drive time to the next stop location as well as the driving distance to the next stop location. If the location specified on the agent action matches the next stop location, the agent action compares the driving distance to the specified distance and the drive time to the specified time.

If the Distance to Location parameter is specified and the driving distance happens to be less than or equal to the specified value and also if the Time to Location parameter is specified and the drive time happens to be less than or equal to the specified value, the action returns TRUE. That is, any agent actions specified in the IF block are executed.

If the drive time is more than the specified Time to Location and/or the driving distance is more than the specified Distance to Location then the action returns FALSE. That is, any agent actions specified in the IF block are not executed.

If both the Time to Location and Distance to Location are not specified and the specified location matches the next stop location, the action returns TRUE.

The proper way to use EVALUATE PROXIMITY TO LOCATION is to embed it in a FOR loop. E.g.








Distance to Location (optional)

Time to Location (optional)

Evaluate Spot Bid Tender Bid

There are two agent actions to evaluate the open tenders:

For Spot Bids, an agent could listen for SHIPMENT TENDER - TENDER BID RECEIVED and this agent action will evaluate the bids before the end of the response time.


Factor of Cost Adjustment: Overrides the Spot Rate Adjustment Factor defined on the service provider.

Fetch and Update Market Cost

See the Fetch and Update Market Cost action.


Rate Offering

If you do not select any rate offering, the market cost is updated as per the value selected in the planning parameter RATE OFFERING FOR SPOT MARKET RATES.

Finalize Standard Document

Finalizes the latest revision for the standard document. The document is placed in a FINAL state.


Document Type

Find and Create Continuous Move

This agent action automates the manual action Find Shipment under Manage Continuous Moves on the Shipment Manager Actions menu.

It queries for all continuous move candidate shipments, just like the manual action does, and tries to link the shipment with each of the candidate shipments. If a continuous move shipment is built and costs less than the sum of the two individual shipments, then the continuous move is created.


Continuous Move Search Direction:

  • NEXT returns shipments that have a shipment start date and time after the selected shipment's end date and time. The default setting is NEXT.
  • PREVIOUS will return shipments that have a shipment end date and time before the selected shipment's start date and time.
  • NEXT AND PREVIOUS will use both of the proceeding methods.


This is a utility agent action. See For.

For Each

This is a utility agent action. See For Each.

Generate Driver Work Invoice

See the Generate Driver Work Invoice action.

Generate Invoice

See the Create Invoice action.


Invoice/Bill Rule ID

Match Rule

Generate Refnum

This is a utility agent action. See Generate Refnum.

Generate Standard Document

Generates content for a standard document using the associated reporting engine and attaches it to a new revision for the document. Any review workflow is reset to require all reviewers to accept the revised document.


Document Type



This is a utility agent action. See If.

If Shipment Event

Conditions actions on data within EDI shipment status messages. (This action fails if the trigger event is not a shipment status event.)


Saved Condition

Pass Always: the default is to process the action only if the saved condition is true. Mark the check box to always process the action regardless of the saved condition.

Invoice Adjusted Costs

See the Invoice Adjustment Costs action.


Invoice/Bill Rule ID

Match Rule

Link Shipment to Order Base

This agent action can be used to link a shipment with an order base based on order base ship unit line item reference numbers.

In general, this agent action would be used in conjunction with shipment and/or order creation/modification events that come into to Oracle Transportation Management via integration.

This agent action searches for order base ship unit line item reference numbers with a qualifier of CIN (although the qualifier that can be searched is configurable). If Oracle Transportation Management finds a match, it uses that reference number and searches for a valid order base ID with the same value. If a matching order base ID is found, Oracle Transportation Management assigns the order base ID to the ship unit line item and populates the Order Base ID field on the  Shipment Ship Unit Line Item Detail page. Oracle Transportation Management then finds the first order release ID for the order base and populates the Order Release field on the same page thereby connecting the order with the shipment.


Qualifier ID for order base link

Qualifier ID for order release line link

  • You can select one tag # 1 ~ 4 for a linking match.
  • If a shipment is to link to two order bases, ob_1 through CIN/TAG1, ob_2 through CIN/TAG2, you should use two link actions in one link agent for each pair of linking parameters.

Copy quantity from order base to ship unit line (updating existing ship unit line):

  • If this parameter is marked, Oracle Transportation Management copies the Packaged Item ID, Item Packaged Count, Weight (UOM) and Volume (UOM) from the order release line to the shipment ship unit line based on the assumption that the values in order base line have been copied to order release during the releasing process. Order Release Lines are to be added to the corresponding matched shipment additively; i.e., a shipment ship unit line has been matched to an order release ID, then all lines on that order release are to be copied as additional lines to the shipment. This process does not overwrite or change the line that matched to the order base and order release in the first place.

Create Sibling Shipment Unit Lines:

  • If the linked order release has additional lines that were not on the shipment, you can mark this check box to have Oracle Transportation Management copy those lines as new shipment ship unit lines.

Remove Shipment Unit Lines:

  • If an unlink was performed via the Unlink Order Base to Shipment action, mark this check box to remove sibling shipment ship unit lines that may have been added using the parameter mentioned above.


This is a utility agent action. See Lock.

Log to Transmission Report

This is a utility agent action. See Log to Transmission Report.


This is a utility agent action. See Log.

Map Temp Release Ref

This agent action attempts to map the temporary references from the shipment to the order release.

Modify Dispatch

See the Modify Dispatch action.


Message Type

Send Full Text: Select to send full text of message. If not selected, summary only is sent.


Modify Open Tender

See the Modify Open Tender action.

Modify Tender

See the Modify Tender action.

Notify Contact

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Contact.

Notify Document Reviewers

Notifies all document reviewers via their preferred communication method. If the subject is specified, the reviewers are notified of an ad-hoc event; otherwise, they are notified of the event that triggered the agent.


Document Type


Notify Document Subscribers

Notifies all document subscribers via their preferred communication method. If the subject is specified, the subscribers are notified of an ad-hoc event; otherwise, they are notified of the event that triggered the agent.


Document Type


Notify Driver

Sends notification to the shipment's driver through the specified communications method.


Communication Method


Stylesheet Profile

Notify Involved Party

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Involved Party.

Notify Involved Party with INS


Involved Party

Communication Method: This defaults to EMAIL.

Subject: This defaults to Notify Vendor on Tender.

Stylesheet Profile: This defaults to SHIPMENT_TENDER_EVENT_BY_EMAIL.

Notify Service Provider

This is a utility agent action. See Notify Service Provider.

Notify with INS



Involved Party

Notify Servprov

Communication Method


Stylesheet Profile: This defaults to SHIPMENT_TENDER_EVENT_BY_EMAIL.

Perform Prediction

This agent action runs the machine learning Perform Prediction action. The Perform Prediction action sends all buy shipment attributes along with the necessary scenario information to the machine learning service. Based on the request, the machine learning service provides the Predicted Transit Time for the selected shipment. The action populates the Predicted Arrival Time on the last Dropoff stop of the shipment.

If a contact ID is specified, the action notifies the contact once the action is complete.


Scenario ID

Contact ID

Note: Do not use this action with the agent event SHIPMENT MODIFIED! This agent action also modifies the shipment, so you could end up with a continuous loop if you are not careful.

Perform Recharge - Shipment

This agent action retrieves the list of order releases that require recharge (using a saved query identified by SavedQuery GID). For each order release, a shipment is created for recharging. RechargeStatusType status will be set to RechargeCompleteValue.

Note: A recharge is a charge-back from one division of a company to another.


Based on saved query

Bill to method: Options are null or Order.

Bill from method: Options are Buy Shipment, Servprov Invoice, or null.


This is a utility agent action. See Persist.

Prepare Document

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Document.

Prepare Report

This is a utility agent action. See Prepare Report.

Print Document

This is a utility agent action. See Print Document.

Process Partially Accepted Shipment

This agent action is used when a service provider has decided to partially accept a tender by transport handling unit. This agent action is set up by the planner to create a new tender/shipment when a partially accepted tender response is received. Whenever a tender is partially accepted, the shipment status changes to SECURE RESOURCES_PARTIALLY ACCEPTED and raises the SHIPMENT TENDER - PARTIALLY ACCEPTED lifetime event. Therefore, set up this agent action to trigger when  the SHIPMENT TENDER - PARTIALLY ACCEPTED lifetime event is raised.

The agent action performs the following:

  1. A new shipment is created and the life time event SHIPMENT - SPLIT is raised each time units have been accepted off an original tender.
  2. A reference number is added to the new shipment pointing it to the shipment it was split from.
  3. Determines how the new shipment is to be tendered.
  4. Determines if a notification should be sent to the service provider for each new shipment created.
  5. Raises the lifetime event SHIPMENT TENDER - ACCEPTED when the partial accepted tender is fully accepted.


Shipment Refnum Qualifier: assign the reference number you want added onto the new shipment pointing to the shipment it was split from.

Tender Action on Split Shipment:

  • Auto Accepts- Sets the shipment status as SECURE RESOURCES_ACCEPTED. This status automatically sets the new shipment Tender Status as ACCEPTED and the Tender Offer status as TENDER CONFIRMED.
  • Auto Tender Mode- Sets the shipment status as SECURE RESOURCES_PICKUP NOTIFICATION. Use this for modes that do not need to send a response back to the planner.
  • Secure Resources- Sets the shipment status as SECURE RESOURCES_TENDERED. A response is needed for the planner by the service provider to continue the tender process. Use this to allow conditional booking against the new shipment

Notify Service Provider: Select the check box to send a notification out to the service provider for each new shipment created.

Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction

See Propagate Changes to Trade Transaction topic.


Consider related shipments of a shipment

Propagate Shipment Equipment Weight

Depending upon the weight qualifier on the shipment equipment, the weights are calculated differently.

If the weight qualifier is Gross, the system subtracts the tare weight from the scale weight to calculate the net weight. The resulting weight is placed on the shipment ship unit line.

If set to Net or Estimated, the system uses the scale weight to determine the line net weight.

Once the line net weight has been determined, the shipment ship unit, gross weight per ship unit is set by dividing the line net weight by the ship unit count.


This agent action will only work for shipments with only one shipment ship unit. There must also be only one line on that ship unit. That ship unit may have any ship unit count, but there can be only one line for the shipment.

Queue Event

This is a utility agent action. See Queue Event.

Raise Error

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Error.

Raise Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Event.

Raise Internal Event

This is a utility agent action. See Raise Internal Event.

Raise Non Tracking Events

This is best explained with an example:

You have three shipment event groups; all sharing at least one common shipment status code. As required, only one of the event groups has the IS_TRACKING=Y attribute.

  1. You enter a shipment tracking event with that common shipment status code.
  2. Classification of the status code in the shipment event returns all event groups which meet the classification criteria; that is, matches transport mode, status code, status reason code, etc.
  3. For each of the shipment event groups, there should only be one whose attribute IS_TRACKING = Y. This is the one shipment event group that the Shipment Event Tracker PUBLIC automation agent uses to set the internal status of the shipment and to raise the appropriate Shipment Status - Received events. Examples of Shipment Status - Received events are Shipment Status - Completed and Shipment Status - Enroute.
  4. If you add the RAISE NON TRACKING EVENTS agent action to the Shipment Event Tracker automation agent, the agent action raises one "SHIPMENT STATUS - RECEIVED:event group ID" event for each shipment event group selected in step 2 with IS_TRACKING = N. The agent action does not do anything for the shipment event group with IS_TRACKING=Y.
  5. You can create separate automation agents that each listen for its own SHIPMENT STATUS - RECEIVED:event group ID.

Raise Order On Shipment Events

Raises the following events for order releases on a shipment that are affected.


For example, if a delayed event is received for stop 2, then involved parties for stop 2, 3, 4,...  are notified that their orders have been delayed.

Subscribe involved parties to this event in the Contact Notification manager.

Recalc Estimated Stop Times

This agent action defines how late a shipment can arrive at a stop without the automation agent having to recalculate arrival times for the remaining stops.

The Recalculate Shipment Stop Times agent action is an enhanced version of this agent action.

If the event is an estimate (determined by the event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = E) then:

  1. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the estimated date/times. Oracle Transportation Management can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If okay, go to the next step.)
  2. If redrive is not marked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the estimated time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the stop specified on the event.
  3. If redrive is marked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  4. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not. If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

If the event is an actual (determined by the tracking event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = A) then:

  1. Determine if the shipment is late by comparing the stop's planned date + the late threshold parameter (specified on the action) with the actual date specified on the event. If the actual date is greater than planned + late threshold date, then the shipment is deemed late and RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES adds the event group attribute IS_LATE = Y (in memory only).

    Note: Whether to use the stops planned arrival or planned departure date is determined by the event group attribute ARRIVAL_OR_DEPARTURE.

  2. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the actual stop date. RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to next step.
  3. If Redrive is not checked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the actual stop time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the stop specified on the event.  
  4. If Redrive is checked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  5. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not. If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

Note: This agent action is used in the Shipment Event Tracker agent to control recalculation of stop times after events are recorded. The parameters only appear when you edit this public agent.


Late Threshold: Set how late the shipment can be before redriving.

Redrive: Redrive the shipment to calculate new stop times or not.

Number of Downstream Shipments: The number of downstream shipments that will be looked at by the redrive logic. By default, this parameter is empty, which will redrive all downstream shipments. The valid values are 0-99. This parameter is optional, and is only applicable when the Redrive parameter is selected.

Recalc Estimated Stop Times - Positions

This agent action updates the reported estimated or actual time on the shipment and recalculate the estimated times at subsequent stops and possibly subsequent shipments based on selected parameters.

If the event is an estimate (determined by the event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = E) then:

  1. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the estimated date/time. Oracle Transportation Management can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to the next step.)
  2. If redrive is not marked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the estimated time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the position specified on the event.
  3. If redrive is marked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. The planning logic uses the Position as the starting point during redrive. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  4. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not.  If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

If the event is an actual (determined by the tracking event groups attribute i.e. ESTIMATE_OR_ACTUAL = A) then:

  1. Determine if the shipment is late by comparing the stop's planned date + the late threshold parameter (specified on the action) with the actual date specified on the event. If the actual date is greater than planned + threshold date, then the shipment is deemed late and RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES adds the event group attribute IS_LATE = Y (in memory only).

    Note: whether to use the stops planned arrival or planned departure date is determined by the event group attribute ARRIVAL_OR_DEPARTURE.

  2. Check to see if the shipment allows changing the actual stop date. RECALC ESTIMATED STOP TIMES can only redrive shipments whose status is not SECURE RESOURCES_NOT STARTED. (If OK, go to next step.)
  3. If redrive is not checked (or the shipment does not have a valid rate offering or a valid rate record), update the actual stop time on the shipment, with the date, specified on the event, for the position specified on the event.
  4. If redrive is checked (and the shipment has a valid rate offering and rate record), update the estimated date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment by rebuilding the shipment stops using planning logic. The planning logic uses the Position as the starting point during redrive. Non-working days are not considering when updating date/times.
  5. If the shipment has been redriven, determine if the shipment is feasible or not. If it is infeasible, the event group attribute IS_INFEASIBLE= Y is updated (in memory only).

Note: This agent action is used in the Shipment Event Tracker agent to control recalculation of stop times after events are recorded. The parameters only appear when you edit this public agent.


Late Threshold: Set how late the shipment can be before redriving.

Redrive: Redrive the shipment to calculate new stop times or not.

Number of Downstream Shipments: The number of downstream shipments that will be looked at by the redrive logic. By default, this parameter is empty, which will redrive all downstream shipments. The valid values are 0-99. This parameter is optional, and is only applicable when the Redrive parameter is selected.

Recalc Shipment

This agent action recalculates the shipment cost using the same rate offering and rate record that is currently assigned to the shipment.

Use the Assign Rate action if you want Oracle Transportation Management to assign the least cost rate for the current service provider on the shipment.

Recalc Stop Appointment Times

This agent action updates appointment times on a shipment stop. It compares appointment times with the estimated arrival time at the stop. If the estimated arrival time is not available, the planned arrival time will be used in the comparison. If the difference falls out of the late threshold window it will re-drive the stop times on the remaining shipments if re-drive is required.

Note: This agent action can only used with the shipment event, SHIPMENT - APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED.


Late Threshold (Duration)


Number of Downstream Shipments (optional)

Recalculate Rail Axle Weights This agent action will recalculate the rail axle weights for the specified shipment equipment.

Recalculate Shipment Stop Times

This agent action is an enhanced version of the agent action Recalc Estimated Stop Times. There are three major differences:

  1. The parameters on the Recalc Estimated Stop Times agent action are moved into parameters and this agent action uses the single ID of the parameter set.
  2. In addition to the functionality in the Recalc Estimated Stop Times agent action, this agent action also updates the driver HOS states if the information is present in the tracking event that triggers the agent containing the action.
  3. The Recalculate Estimated Stop Times agent action provides two options to update; (E) estimate or (A) actual time on the stop. This agent action provides a third option (D), Driver CAT/CAL (current available time/current available location). This is setup in the event group for attributes estimate or actual. The new option instructs the agent action to update estimate or stop or variance based on the parameter. The related parameters are:


Parameter Set

Record Shipment for Tiered Rating

See the Record Shipment for Tiered Rating action.


Recalculate Cost

Reevaluate Auto Assign

This is a utility agent action. See Reevaluate Auto Assign.

Relay Shipment in Transit

See the Relay Shipment In Transit and Relay Shipment In Transit - Force actions.

Release Schedule Instance

See the Release Schedule Instance action.

Remove Appointment

If none of the optional parameters are provided, all appointments scheduled for the shipment regardless of stop will be removed, if there are any.

If only the location is provided, the stops to be removed will be determined automatically.

If the either the first or last stops options are selected, the appointments will be removed only from that stop.

If both a location is provided and a stop is selected, the stop will override the location if the locations are different.


Location (optional)

First Stop (optional)

Last Stop (optional)

Remove from Trade Transaction

See Remove from Trade Transaction topic.


Remove Related Shipments from Transaction for all Primary Shipments

Remove Planned S Ship Units

Planned ship units are deleted based on the FIELD NAME FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED and FIELD VALUE FOR SSU ACTUAL RECEIVED parameters. Shipment Ship Units (SSUs) that match the field/value within a shipment will be kept and the SSUs that do not match the field/value will be removed.

For example, you could set the Received Ship Unit Count field on the Shipment Ship Unit page as the comparison field. Then you could set the comparison field value in the parameter to be 1. In that situation, shipment ship units whose RECEIVED_SHIP_UNIT_COUNT field does not have the value 1 are deleted when this agent action is run.

Remove Shipment from Work Assignment

See Remove Shipment.


Force This Action: If selected, the action will continue even when certain parameter checks fail.

Parameter Set

Remove Shipment Tiered Rating Record

See the Remove Shipment Tiered Rating Record action.


Recalculate Cost

Remove Standard Document

Remove the latest revision for a given standard document on the business object.


Document Type

Remove Stop

Removes a non-freight-related shipment stop on the tracking event, before or after the current stop.


Force (see Force Insert/Remove Non-Freight Related Stop)

Remove Transactional Interest

This is a utility agent action. See Remove Transactional Interest.

Repack Existing Equipment

See the Repack Existing Equipment action.

Repack S Ship Unit

Repack S Ship Unit

Reposition Item To Center This agent action repositions an item to the center of the compartment only if the compartment contains a single item. It does not change the orientation of the item.

Rerate and Redrive

See the Rerate and Redrive action.

Rerate CM Tour

This agent action takes a shipment as input and gets the Continuous Move Name from the shipment, then finds all shipments with the same Name, and re-rates them.

Re-Rate Sell

This agent action re-rates the sell shipments associated with the orders on buy shipment.

Re-Transmit Dispatch

See the Re-Transmit Dispatch action.

Re-Transmit Tender

See the Re-Transmit Tender action.

Review Conditionally Accepted Shipment

This agent action selects the most recent tender collaboration record of the shipment with a status of TENDER.SECURE RESOURCES_CONDITIONALLY_ACCEPTED. For all changed fields, it evaluates the change by calling planning logic or using a saved condition or query. After the evaluation, it publishes the workflow topic ConditionalBookingProcessRequest. Two cases can be used as boundary conditions on this agent action: Accept All Changes and Reject All Changes.


Saved Condition for Accepting Conditional Booking

Threshold Profile for Accepting Conditional Booking

Saved Condition for Rejecting Conditional Booking

Threshold Profile for Rejecting Conditional Booking

Accept Servprov Equipment

Reverse Equipment Repositioning

This agent action allows for the creation of an empty, return shipment, from an outbound line-haul that needs an assumed return or reverse line-haul shipment.  This  action is meant to model balanced equipment and driver considerations otherwise would require a manual action.

This agent action is used to create a shipment that will move one equipment or multiple pieces of equipment together from one location to another. For example, a driver may need to return equipment after his last shipment stop. This agent action gets triggered to the life time event.

Validations on a shipment are:

  • Shipment Type must be "TRANSPORT".
  • Mode Type must be "TL".
  • Shipment must have an equipment.
  • If there are multiple Shipment Equipment, their pickup and drop-off locations must be same.

This agent action creates a new shipment with:

  • Shipment Type ID "REPOSITION".
  • Two shipment stops of Stop Type "NFR".
  • Service Provider ID from the input shipment.

This agent action has the following limitation:

  • This action doesn't work for combination equipment with multistop shipments.

Roll Back Sighting

See the Roll Back Sighting action.

Schedule Appointment

If no option is provided, appointments will be scheduled for each stop of the shipment.

If only location is provided, the stops will be determined on which to schedule the appointment.

If neither of the stop options is selected, then the appointment will be scheduled only for the last stop.

If a stop option is selected and a location is provided, then the stop will override the location if the location of the stop is different from the location specified.

In all cases if the Reschedule option is not selected, the appointment will not be scheduled if the shipment has existing appointments on the stop.

Parameters: (all are optional)


First Stop

Last Stop

Reschedule - Indicates whether to override existing appointments for the shipment.

Schedule Event

This is a utility agent action. See Schedule Event.

Schedule Partial Appointment

If no option is provided, appointments will be scheduled for each stop of the shipment.

If only location is provided, the stops will be determined on which to schedule the appointment.

If neither of the stop options is selected, then the appointment will be scheduled only for the last stop.

If a stop option is selected and a location is provided, then the stop will override the location if the location of the stop is different from the location specified.

In all cases if the Reschedule option is not selected, the appointment will not be scheduled if the shipment has existing appointments on the stop.

Parameters: (all are optional)


First Stop

Last Stop

Reschedule - Indicates whether to override existing appointments for the shipment.

Appointment By - Determines whether the appointments to be scheduled are based on an equipment or a commodity. If Equipment is chosen, appointments are created for each equipment on a stop. If Commodity is chosen, an appointment is created for each commodity on a stop.

Secure Resources

See the Secure Resources action.


Maximum Number of Retenders - This field value takes precedence over the saved query for maximum number of retenders.

Select Maximum Number of Retenders - This saved query must return an integer value. If the maximum number of retenders value is blank, OTM considers the value in the saved query.

If both the parameter values are blank, OTM considers the MAX_NUM_RETENDERS workflow parameter.

For more information, see the MAX NUMBER OF RETENDERS parameter.

Send Allocation

This is a utility agent action. See Send Allocation.

Send Dispatch

See the Send Dispatch action.


Message Type

Send Full Text


Send Document Sets

This agent action follows the same logic as the web action Send Documents with the option of sending document sets.

The agent action  will check if  the given document sets are assigned to the business object. If not, the agent action fails and will not send the document sets to the user.
Also, if any document set is not provided in the agent action, it fails.


Document Set

Send Financials Feed

See Financial System Feed Interface.


Notify Method

External System

Transaction Code

Reference Object Transaction Code


Send ID Only

Send Integration

This is a utility agent action. See Send Integration.

Send Shipment Interface

Send Interface Transmission

This agent action also populates the SendReason element for outbound XML with the text of the event that caused it to execute.


Involved Party: Contacts that are assigned to the Involved Party Qualifier should have an external system identified.

Send ID only: Oracle Transportation Management only sends the ID of the shipment.

All transmissions sent out for the  SHIPMENT - REMOVED) event automatically go out as if this check box is marked, regardless if it really is in the action.  For other events, Oracle Transportation Management looks at the Send ID Only check box when building the transmission.

Note: This action will not work for a REMOVED event and the Send ID Only check box marked.

Send Shipment Status XML

When a shipment event is received, this agent action forwards the Shipment Status that was just received to the external system defined in the agent.

The Involved Party on the shipment must have a communication method of HTTPPOST or BY CONTACT and must have a external system defined on the contact record.

Also, you cannot send shipment status XML if your agent is listening to a non-shipment status event, such as Shipment - Created. In this case a warning is logged stating that the action is not going to be run (It is only a warning so this does not halt the execution of the agent so it will continue with whatever actions may be after this action).


Notify Method

Involved Party: Contacts that are assigned to the Involved Party Qualifier should have an external system identified.

Send ID only: Oracle Transportation Management only sends the ID of the shipment.

Send Standard Document

Sends out the latest revision content to either a contact, an ad-hoc email address, or an IPP printer.


Reply To

Document Type


Communication Method

E-Mail Address


Number of Copies

Page Ranges

Set Appointment Fixed

This agent action sets the Fixed check box on an appointment to "Y" based on location, first stop, and last stop, if provided.


Location (optional)

First Stop (optional)

Last Stop (optional)

Set Appointment Priority

This agent action sets the appointment priority on shipments. See the Set Appointment Priority action.


Appointment Priority

Set Bill To

This agent action will set the shipment's BILL-TO involved party according to the associated order release's operating mode.  


Order Owner Release Involved Party Qualifier: Order release involved party qualifier ID.

Sales Unit Release Involved Party Qualifier: Order release involved party qualifier ID.

Op Mode Release Refnum Qualifier: Order release reference number qualifier ID.

Bill To Source Refnum Qualifier: Identifies a reference number qualifier ID whose value will be set to either Mill or Sales Unit, depending on which was used to set the BILL-TO involved party.

Set Event Lateness Value

This shows the Ahead/Late value of a shipment so you can see if a shipment is ahead of schedule or late and the status such as Ahead, Late or Held. This is generally populated by an agent variable. This is a calculated value. This can then be used by the Logistics Pipeline to see tracking details.

See the Tracking Event Public Automation Agent Ahead_Late Sample -  Arrival Event.

Set Exchange Rate

See the Set Exchange Rate action.


Exchange Rate ID

Set Related Objects

Saved Query

Set Indicator

This is a utility agent action. See Set Indicator.

Set Internal Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Internal Status.

Set Involved Party

This agent action adds Involved Party to a shipment.


Involved Party: Specify the Involved Party Qualifier ID.


Communication Method

Set Order Delivered Status

In order to create this agent action, you must use the Data Type Association of "SHIPMENT TO ORDER RELEASE".

This agent action will set the ORDER DELIVERED status on an order release.

Set Reference Number

This agent action adds a reference number and qualifier to a shipment.


Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Shipment Reference Number Value

Set Shipment Group External Status

This agent action sets the external status of all shipment groups that contain the shipment.


Status Value: Select an external status type and then select a value.

Set Status

This is a utility agent action. See Set Status.

Set Standard Document Parameter

Sets an ad-hoc parameter value on the latest version of the standard document. Forwards the parameter to the CMS. If the parameter value is populated, the action adds or replaces the value for the specified parameter. Otherwise, the action removes the parameter.


Document Type



Set User Defined Image

This is a utility agent action. See Set User Defined Image.

Shipment Actual Processing

A pre-persist agent action. Controls the  business logic that executes during the integration flow. This logic will cleanup shipment empty stops, empty shipments, as well as propagate changes to upstream and downstream shipments. Turing this logic off will only execute the data persistence layer and therefore may perform better, but is limited to simple data updates.


Remove Planned S Ship Units: When selected, the same effects as the Remove Planned S Ship Units agent action occur.

Execute Shipment Actual: Not selecting this will limit the shipment actual process as described above.

Shipment - Copy Shipment Refnums to Related Shipments

This agent action copies the shipment reference numbers to the related shipments. The reference numbers can be filtered by specifying a shipment reference number qualifier. You can filter the  related shipments by the perspective (buy or sell).


Shipment Reference Number Qualifier

Perspective: B (buy) or S (sell)

Shipment - Recalc Secondary Charge

Recalculates all secondary charges for the shipment.

Spot Bid Tender

See the Spot Bid Tender action.


Select Service Providers

Add on Duration for Expected Response Time

Select Add on Duration for Expected Response Time (Minutes)

Note: Select Add on Duration for Expected Response Time (Minutes) takes priority over Add on Duration for Expected Response Time.

Step Tender Shipment

See the Step Tender Shipment action.


Expected Response Duration (optional)

Step Time (required)


This is a utility agent action. See Stop.

Tender Shipment

See the Tender Shipment action.


Maximum Number of Retenders - This field value takes precedence over the saved query for maximum number of retenders.

Select Maximum Number of Retenders - This saved query must return an integer value. If the maximum number of retenders value is blank, OTM considers the value in the saved query.

 If both the parameter values are blank, OTM considers the MAX_NUM_RETENDERS workflow parameter.

For more information, see the MAX NUMBER OF RETENDERS parameter.

Unassign All - Fleet

Unassigns a driver, a power unit and an equipment from the shipment 

Unassign Driver

Unassigns a driver from a shipment.

Unassign Equipment

Unassigns the equipment specified on the tracking event from the shipment.

Unassign from Route Instance

Unassign shipment from route instance leg.

Unassign Shipment Tracking Location

See Assign/Unassign Shipment Tracking Location.

Unfinalize Standard Document

Unfinalizes the latest revision for the standard document. The document reverts to a REVIEW state, if previous revisions are available; to a PREVIEW state, otherwise.


Document Type

Unload Shipment from HD

This allows you to unload (soft delete) data from HD for data query type Shipment. This agent action is intended for use with Transportation Intelligence. This is similar to the Unload Object from HD available via power data.

This agent action inserts a record into the DEL_OBJ_FROM_HD table with the following values:



This agent action must be configured with the Shipment - Removed agent event.

Update Actual Commitment and Allocation

This agent action determines counts for actual commitments and allocations.

  • If it is a primary shipment, Oracle Transportation Management updates order centric allocation (Commitment Lane Object Type = ORDER). The logic gets the source and destination location from the order on shipment to construct X_LANE and query CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC table. Loop through all allocations retrieved, update parent records. Finds child records from CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC_D table, if service provider matches, updates child records.
  • Update shipment centric allocation (commitment_lane_object_type = SHIPMENT). The logic get the source and destination location from shipment, and construct x_lane. Loop through all records retrieved, updates them; find all child records from CAPACITY_COMMITMENT_ALLOC_D table, if service provider matches, update child records.
  • Query CAPACITY_COMMITMENT table with x-lane and capacity group, update individual statistics based on the flag: IS_COUNT_NUMBER_OF_SHIPMENTS, IS_COUNT_MILEAGE, IS_COUNT_WEIGHT, IS_COUNT_VOLUME, etc.

Update Appointment Times

This agent action is used in the Shipment Event Tracker PUBLIC automation agent to set/update appointment pickup/delivery dates/time on a shipment from shipment tracking event.


Update Options

Update Sighting

Copies the values of the sighting location and the date to the previous sighting and date fields. Then, it updates the sighting location and date with the location and date on the tracking event. This also updates the location fields on the Shipment Manager: Tracking tab.

Update SKU Quantity - Shipment

This agent action updates the SKU quantity record using the quantities in the shipment. The default behavior of this agent action is to increment quantities for inbound transactions and decrement for outbound transactions. However for certain quantity types such as In Transit, the opposite makes more sense. The Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction option enables such reverse behavior.


Quantity Type

Link Criteria

Decrement Quantity for Inbound Transaction

Update Special Service

This agent action updates actual metric values (like duration, distance, weight, volume, ship unit count, package item count) on a shipment special service. If the Actualize option is checked, this agent action determines the metric values for empty metrics, either by copying from corresponding planned metric values or re-calculating the metric value. It also sets the completion state to COMPLETED. Use the Adjustment Reason field to record any adjustment reasons on the shipment special service.

If the special service being updated is a shipment stop special service, this agent action updates the estimated or actual time on the shipment stop. if the difference falls out of the late threshold window, it will re-drive date/times on the remaining stops on the shipment and remaining downstream shipments. The Late Threshold, Redrive and Number of Downstream Shipments parameters are considered while updating estimate or actual time on shipment stop. See the Recalculate stop appointment time agent action.


Late Threshold (required)


Number of Downstream Shipments

Adjustment Reason


Update Standard Document Parameters

Reevaluates document parameters for the latest revision of the document type. Updates document parameter values and forwards them to the content management system.


Document Type

Update Status for External Event

This is a utility agent action. See Update Status for External Event.

Version Buy Shipment Costs

See the Version Shipment Costs action.


Shipment Informational Cost Qualifier

Overwrite Most Recent Version


This is a utility agent action. See Wait.

Withdraw Broadcast Tender

See the Withdraw Broadcast Tender action.

Withdraw Dispatch

See the Withdraw Dispatch action.

Withdraw Spot Bid Tender

See the Withdraw Spot Bid Tender action.

Withdraw Tender

See the Withdraw Tender action.


Re-tender: Select the check box to re-tender the shipment to the next compatible service provider.


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